

03 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

Yeah that is just it, after reksai took the cass ult the gank was over. Faker didn't even bother flash early - he was that confident.

It's a hard place to be in as C9 there and honestly, 99.9% of the playerbase would have flashed the moment they came out of the bind/knock up but clearly here that wasn't necessary.

Scary how confident he is and not unjustly so, that play alone would tilt most people because it was perfectly executed and he played them flawlessly.

Faker is too good. Against almost any other pro they get that gank off, but against faker they need more guaranteed ccs because he's just so confident at estimating damage.


Originally posted by TheCyphyr

For that Faker outplay at 6:10, what could c9 have done to actually kill him? Or was it likely for Faker to get away with a kill there, considering he was close to turret and landed his ult?

After Faker stunned Reksai coming in, I don't think they had the damage to kill him. They needed to get the CC layer to go off so that Reksai could DPS while Cass was CC'd. Would've been close if Ryze had landed the empowered Q, but still not enough.


Originally posted by rrwoods

Indeed. I somehow never thought to look for him on reddit! Now I know :)

Thanks for the kind words. It is always nice to have people post my stuff on the sub, so thankyou :)