

08 Oct


Originally posted by Auzsi

Both umbral and ghostblade providing AH. There will definitely going to be a power creep, but say whatever you want. Even the blind can see it. Mages has a single haste item in their entire legendary roster, meanwhile ad has haste on almost all of their items. Sounds fair.

Assassins are a special case. It is a conscious choice to give them haste and utility effects in the legendary item passive so that they have less item power budget in Burst damage. Mages have 3 haste items in their legendary roster.

07 Oct


Originally posted by bz6

Are you worried about adding more “creep” with these drakes and that new ability haste item for assassins?

Ability haste creep, movement creep (with the Fortnite portals)? And that Sion passive soul. I feel that you’re giving tools to champions that shouldn’t have that type of stuff.

It’s removing counter-play, specific champion identity, and the power of teleport. Like portals really? That feels very non-League like.


Any time something new is added, we need to appropriately weigh the risk. In this case, we're not really worried, so long as there are appropriate tradeoffs. If you're opting to go Ability Haste item, you're not going Edge of Night or Youmuus or Umbral Glaive. Each of these are powerful game impacting effects in their own right. Of course there will be some users like Nocturne that are disproportionately good with the item, but every piece of content is going to have a "best user".

League is a game built on variance for maintaining interest. Even a player who plays only Malphite for 10,000 games should feel like loading into the game always presents different challenges and ensures that different fun/interesting situations always emerge.

For that reason, I don't really agree with the last part of what you said. Of course there's a version where we go too far, but I don't think this is it. Portals have a lot of counterplay; there's travel time, their positions are ...

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Originally posted by Jeremithiandiah

yeah my concern is that with zhonyas you will be unkillable to the enemy assassin. Although we have yet to see the stats of the item

The intention is that if you go both this item + Zhonyas, your damage takes a severe hit. Generally that has played out, but in situations with 3+ assassins it can be viable, in which case, that's intended to be a powerful case anyway.

11 Sep


Originally posted by patmax17

Now I'm curious about which questions did get to Meddler and what he decided, but I fear that's a question that would better stay unanswered xD

Any large preseason feature goes through him for sure, so like elemental terrains, dragon soul, item rework, that kind of thing. I can't really think of anything smaller scope that he had to be tiebreaker for though.

There's also a big difference between meddler having to be tiebreaker in an official capacity (very infrequent, because it means all of the above processes have failed) and just meddler giving feedback and letting us make the call (relatively common).


Originally posted by jagspetdog

Can you give examples of how you resolve conversations with designers when you seriously disagree with a changelist? You guys sound like you'd run into a lot of issues.

Typically, the designer (and their design lead) has the final call. Designer and GAT member frequently talk through the changelist, the pros and cons, design intent and expected result. If there's a disagreement on these, then we can do any number of things including : bring in more opinions from more senior members of GAT side or design side (including going all the way up to meddler if it's important enough), put something in test to validate the hypothesis (with test goals), ship it with contingency plans (eg. Make a winrate shotcall. If this is more winrate than predicted, then revert it or pull back). There aren't too many issues because everyone has good interpersonal skills and it's handled in a professional manner.

07 Aug


Originally posted by iremos12

So basically she is like orianna or Karthus. Sometimes they can bully champs out of lane but are considered very strong lategame mages.

Well kinda. Orianna actually has good lane matchups against the majority of mid laners. Orianna only has bad matchups against assassins in regular play. At high elo, she's fine into them. Karthus is more accurate (he has bad matchups against a lot of things) also karthus is only average late game, he's a midgame spike champion. Karthus is good late game in regular play because players don't play well against him (always 5v5 Teamfight, stack carries on top of each other, no split pushing, worse at picking him off when the map is more open, etc.)


It's matchup dependent. In bot if she has an adc and supp matchup where she can jump in, then she is strong early. If not then it is very difficult to walk up to the wave (typically something with range like Cait morg, etc.)

05 Aug


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Phroxzon would those pods be the patch to patch balance pod, the mid scoped pod (that did the Sona and Tahm changes), and the preseason pod.

Hmmm, I can't really say, but I will say that one of the pods is the balance pod.

04 Aug


Originally posted by UNOvven

I see. In that case, what has motived you to completely exclude mastey curves from the balancing process, and what is your perspective of the false positives that have been popping up lately (most recently Annie)?

Simply put, it's a complicated problem.

It is certainly a limitation of the current model and something we discuss a lot internally. One of the values of having a transparent balancing process is that the community can understand why we are making certain balance decisions.

Including mastery curves is potentially valid, though while it has its benefits, it also has drawbacks and we'd need to weigh the pros and cons of including that information in the balance framework.

We'd also need to figure out the correct way to implement this information.

Example Considerations:

  • Do we discard only the first game that a player plays?
  • The first 3, 5, 10?
  • Do we discard 10 games for an easy champion, but 30 games for a very hard champion?
  • How do you weigh mastery for a person that played Lee Sin a lot 4 years ago, but has only played 5 games recently?
  • Should a game played by a main matter equally to a perso...
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Originally posted by Capek95

I have one big concern though, would you happen to know if any of the analysts or balance team play the game? I can't seem to find any info on that.

I'll take the bait. Yes we play the game.

We have 7 designers on Summoners Rift Team split amongst the 3 pods. Of those, 1 is Master, 4 are Diamond, 1 is Plat and 1 is Silver.

We also have 2 QA analysts on the team, who are Master and GM respectively.

In addition to that, we have a separate Game Analysis Team who are typically minimum D3 and 7 of them are Masters+. 3 of them hover around GM/Chall.

We generally try to have as many different opinions from each different skill band as possible. It would not be a good thing to have every game designer be Challenger for example, because they would have such a myopic view of the player perspective that it would be actively damaging.


Originally posted by UNOvven

Gotcha. Do any of the analysts have a background in statistics, to ensure that the team doesn't end up relying on data that is misleading or not terribly indicative of what youre looking for?

Every analyst has a background in statistics, usually a math degree or something similar. They are very proactive about making sure anybody looking at the data understands all the biases present.


Originally posted by UNOvven

Interesting. Do any of them work directly on the balance team, or are they more focused on obtaining the data and making it accessible?

We have an analyst that works on the summoner's rift team 100%. But what reddit knows as the balance team is actually only 1 of the 3 pods of the summoner's rift team. That analyst services the 3 different pods.

You wouldn't really assign a data scientist to service a particular team, that's too low scope for the type of stuff that they're trying to do. Their job is to make different types of data available for the analysts to have access to all across LoL, whether that's for Skins, Champions, Balance, etc.


Originally posted by UNOvven

I kinda wish they asked Riot if the balance team had any statisticians/data scientists and how they informed their balance decision, because lately it seems like there isnt even a single one.

We have a insights analyst who builds out all our reports (we have many reports that tell us a lot of different things; items, game pacing, winrate reports, an automated version of the champion balance framework, role power, champion learning curves, etc.)

Data scientists work on creating the pipelines to get the data to the analysts so that they can then write queries to get the data and put it in a usable format for designers, game analysts and producers, etc. So to answer your question, we do have both analysts and data scientists. Researchers like Blau are a different form of insights. They collect more qualitative assessments from players through surveys and player labs, rather than analysts or data scientists who are more quantitative.

17 Jul


There were changes to the way omnivamp is calculated and granted in the engine that meant we needed to rewrite the functionality of the tracking. I believe it's on the backlog, but lower priority than shipping balance changes or working on other unreleased content that has deadlines to hit.

28 Apr


Because another item may be a higher effective value for the game. Eg. If they have a lot of shielders, then serpents fang may give more damage. Or if you are already over killing but just need to Snowball the map fast then umbral or youmuus would be better. Or if you need to avoid opening cc then edge of night may be better.

Just because an item has the highest raw damage for the situation doesn't mean it's the best item to buy.

26 Mar


Originally posted by Yvil1905

Hey! You are the guy responsible for Sylas right? First of all thanks for caring about and engaging with the community.

Im not OP but there are a lot of reasons. Imo they dont feel strong at all, when AP Bruisers like Sylas, Diana or whoever else dont buy these items, then maybe there is a problem.

I think the way to go is to make the existing AP bruiser items not a choice, I know the goal of the Item Update was to make the champs not reliant on just one Mythic, but when there arent a lot of options for a class and the existing ones arent even bought, thats a problem IMO

Right now Demonic Embrace feels like an item for DOT champs instead of AP Bruisers, imo changing the percent health damage it does to something like the Deaths Dance passive but for every damage instance would greatly improve the satisfaction and feel of this item

I did his mini-rework, yep. Thanks for the perspective.


Originally posted by ExtraSluttyOliveOil


Demonic was the item I was most hyped for when you guys were showcasing the preseason items. AP Bruiser Sylas was by far my favorite thing to ever play in League, and I was still making it work after the removal of the shield with the ROA + Nashor's Tooth build (admittedly not the best, but it worked for me in low diamond and normals).

Demonic was great for all of like two weeks, and then people figured out that you could double-down with an overtuned Liandry's burn and build both items on literally every mage to turn everyone into an artillery Brand.

IMO, Demonic feels like a joke at this point, the resistance gain is pitiful, and the item just feels weak in comparison to any other non-troll option for a 2nd or 3rd slot. I'd much rather give up some of the upfront damage/AP for more resistances, or a ramp-up to the burn, or some CDR/Ability Haste. In Demonic's current state, it feels like it's doomed to be a weak item or i...

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So your objection is mainly that you feel it's underpowered or bound to non-bruiser champs, not that you're unsatisfied with the mechanics/pattern for AP bruisers.


Do you mind elaborating on what feels bad exactly? Is it that the items' patterns feel bad, that you think they are undertuned or something else? Also if you could describe your ideal state for the item's balance (eg. do you expect AP bruisers to have choice on their second item, or do you think a better state is for them to always buy demonic embrace second?)

Zhonyas, Banshees, Demonic, Cosmic, Rylais, Morello, Lich, etc. are all meant to be purchasable on AP Bruisers depending on the game state and champion.

24 Mar


Originally posted by Lonzofanboy

Taric w does the same. After linking, whenever one of you are in combat, the moonstone will keep applying.

Taric's is the same root cause bug as Seraphine. We caught the Taric one before Preseason, but not the Seraphine one. Someone is looking at it, so thanks for all the updoots and awareness.

Taric's was even more abusive, because he didn't need to cast any spells, just have a W link active and it would permanently go off.

21 Mar


In low ELO, probably Morgana or Lissandra. You can rush the defensive component (Seekers/Verdant) and then just farm and outscale them. You can also take teleport to follow them when they roam.