

15 Jan


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Not sure if you're able to answer this question, but when the Internal Playtest Team are testing things In-Game, are they in voice comms? Or are they only using In-Game Chat? I ask because the best way to simulate how something will land for Solo-Que will never be to test these things in comms. Perhaps you've already thought of this though!

We do a mix of both. About 80% of tests are not on comms and 20% are on comms.


Originally posted by danius353

I would be amazed if they don’t replicate the soloQ no comms experience in their play testing

We tend to do a variety of both, about 80% no comms, 20% comms

14 Jan


Originally posted by Minishcap1

Singed feels like he has actual items now with demonic embrace, Chemtank, and soon rylais being better, so thanks for that. His items finally feel great.

I never thought I'd see the day when Minishcap1 says something positive about Riot ;)


Originally posted by Kierenshep

Have you looked into timers for the soul?

It honestly is an interesting concept, but the fact that you have to kill ten people each team fight every. Single. Time. Just weighs down and seems insurmountable.

If it was like GA and had a cooldown then it gives an opening to actually try to pick people or swing the game.

We did yeah, but communicating that the soul is active was an additional hurdle that there aren't great solutions for while maintaining the visual clarity bar. We would prefer to have it always active, but less impactful as a result.


Originally posted by 10inchblackhawk

I feel like objective bounties need a look. It is unclear why there is a bounty in one game and not in another when the scores are similar. I also have games where we get a bounty but it goes away as soon as we won a fight to take an objective. Thanks Rito, that helped I guess.

Glacial Augment has landed in a pretty good spot for melee users, but we hope to see a few more enchanters pick it over Aery

Literally only Janna and Karma can take it? Unless they give all enchanters hard cc in their basic abilities, why would you take this rune.

These are some of the data points we're looking for to help fine tune them. There are certainly some situations where they turn on at times that players don't expect them to activate. If you had any more specifics and/or game examples, I'd love to hear them.


Originally posted by Batfan610

Agreed. Don’t understand why they are so dead-set on enchanters taking this when it’s designed for tank supports.

It's not about being deadset on enchanters taking it. It may not be a fantasy that you or mazrrim are interested in personally, but there are many enchanter players that are not interested in the damage coming from Aery, or the defenses coming from guardian and want to take a rune that is more team utility focused. And we would like to be able to support players in living that fantasy.

Champions like Janna, Seraphine were reasonably performant with the rune & it likely needs to be a bit stronger on them to bounce into viability for that playstyle. We were intentionally cautious with it on release, because deploying slow fields & DR zones continuously from ranged, is likely something that's going to be low gameplay/high frustration. Given what we've seen, there's room to buff it, however.


Originally posted by Conankun66

weird that the focus is on chemtech soul, when most of the hate is for the chemtech map not the soul(although the soul is also awful and the entire dragon should be deleted)

The intention was to comment on both roughly equally. From the player perspective (or at least when I play), it's a very reasonable train of thought to see an enemy team have Chemtech soul, then have that also inform your opinion on Chemtech terrain (as it likely accentuates any feelings you previously had about it). This might make someone feel like "I hate everything about Chemtech", even if the thoughts you had about Chemtech terrain were mild (or vice versa if you hated the terrain, but thought the soul was mild).

Some players are able to abstract the differences between the two & some are not, which is why I used the words "may also contribute". Every player is different and I don't want to do the disservice of lumping all players' frustrations into the same general bucket. Some players may dislike or like certain aspects for different reasons. The fact that Chemtech Soul is overpowered is also not helping, and why we're nerfing it this patch. (We have a special tool ...

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Originally posted by Drathyyy

they say you can ward just outside the chemtech fog but it seems to bugged because it only sometimes works.

Do you mind elaborating?

11 Jan

02 Dec


Do you mind passing a link to the game? opgg and any identifying features from the game would be helpful

23 Nov


Originally posted by bz6

Any thoughts on Ability Haste and Axium Arc?

I remember when the team introduced AH to replace CDR, one of the goals was to reduce CDR (AH) creep across the item system. With this new pre-season up and running, do you feel you have injected a lot more AH especially with an item that like Axium. Just makes proper SR games feel like URF.

one of the goals was to reduce CDR (AH) creep across the item system

I don't think we ever said this. The change was to make it so that even if there's a lot of AH in the system, it doesn't cause a balance issue, because it doesn't stack multiplicatively. As for whether we've injected more AH; it depends. I would say overall, things are in a pretty good spot, we're monitoring Axiom to see where it settles long term.


Originally posted by Excalidorito

This ranged/melee lever would favor ranged champs over melee champs, I assume (and hope)?

yep lol


Originally posted by EnMeed

This is very understandable looking at it from a long term point of view. I am just desperate to not have the first counterplay I get in years to consistent problem champions ruined, but it seems like it's not even a huge issue - most replies from people who play the champions like Kat, LeBlanc etc. have mentioned for them it's not worth the damage tradeoff.

it's a pretty bad item on them. The only assassin it's good on is kassadin


The proposed change is a pretty suboptimal anti-pattern to put on an item. Players shouldn't be having to worry about using their kit interacting poorly with an item in very unintuitive ways.

The only champion that is building Crown optimally that I wouldn't prefer to balance around is Kassadin. Champions like Sylas and Lillia have some reasonable choice points against other mythics with Crown.

I didn't want to put a melee/ranged lever on the AP/Damage Reduction CD before ship, but will do so long term if necessary.

22 Nov


Originally posted by ltbird259


I had a game a minute ago where we were definitely ahead but laid out something like this:

we had 3 drakes

kills 12-12

we were 3 turrets up

The thing is though that their jungler was massively fed. So Viego was 9-2 when bounties went up. It feels like the system doesn't take into account how the gold is allocated on the team. A viego can definitely solo carry games like that so even though we were, in our opinion, equal or maybe behind since we had to scale up to match with the viego that was super strong. Felt pretty bad even though it wasn't a bug. We also never got bounties even once we fell 6.6k gold behind at some point. Idk felt really bad.

Did the 3 dragons not affect your assessment of whether the game was even or not? It's a significant advantage. Not saying it's correct or incorrect, just curious on your opinion of dragons vs gold/xp.

20 Nov


Originally posted by bz6

Did the League team get smaller? Across all departments? For such a small scope pre-season, adding "zombie" to a nameplate when affected by a soul doesn't seem to be much work. I don't mean to be rude but was legit wondering.

It's not really about how big or small the team is, it's that it's a cross discipline task. And most players also don't realize how complex game Dev can get behind the scenes.

Design needs to figure out how we are doing the representation (eg. We tried several different things before landing on the healthbar).

Once we decide this is the solution we're going for, Engineering then need to extend the UI system to include this zombie state in the UI system without breaking anything.

Visual design then needs to create several icons, before we settle on the correct one. And hooking them up in game to be playtested is not trivial either, you can't just throw a png in a folder and have a designer hook it up and call it a day. Textures also need to undergo optimization so they don't consume too much memory.

A producer will also need to weigh this work against the other priorities. Eg. Did the engineer have to tackle some emergent bugs that are negatively ...

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Originally posted by the_real_KILLGOREX

If you have summoner names turned off, will it still display "zombie"?

Yes, it overrides healthbar settings, the same way it will read "stunned" or "reviving"


Hi, do you mind elaborating?


Without any identifying info, I'm guessing this is the edge case that we've been running into that is quite rare, but we are attempting to fix (and micropatch as soon as we have a solid design solution).

Almost all of the negative bounty feedback has been a result of this edge case (and it feels really bad when it happens and for that, I apologize).

We are looking to fix it as soon as possible.


There are some additional changes coming down the pipe to improve chemsoul readability. The name plate will read "zombie" and display an appropriate icon. We couldn't quite get it in for ship, so it is likely to be coming next patch.