

14 Nov

◆ Critical Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed the bug that the data of buildings weren't synced properly with guest players in Multiplayers.

14 Oct

Thank you for playing Craftopia. This is the development status report on Craftopia's Seamless World Update!

▼ Current Development Status
• Adding New Exploration Site "Cave"
The new dungeon "Cave" is totally different from the ones we've had before! You could seamlessly enter caves without teleporting via their entrances.
Caves will be located in various places around the field. If you pass all of the challenges, such as hordes of monsters, traps, and hidden paths, you will find the treasures protected by the boss and the gimmicks!

• Adding 2 New Biomes
"Spring Island" and "Snowy Island" will be available as biomes ... Read more

11 Oct

◆ Network
- Fixed the bugs occurred in Dedicated Server:
• You couldn't mine any resources by using Excavator on Bedrock;
• Mono wouldn't duplicate themselves when they were on contact with water come out of Sprinkler;
• Enemies wouldn't take any damage when they were put into Cauldron.

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that the boss "Lizard Gunner" could be used in buildings such as "Generator".

06 Sep

◆ Newly Added Content
- New item has been added to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Craftopia. You can craft it at Hatter.
• Mono Hat
I thought I could fit myself into the community of Mono...
- New item has been added to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Craftopia. You can craft it at Furniture Workbench.
• 2nd Anniv. Mono-ment
It will emit colorful lights when deployed. This really is a gaming Mono!

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that the effect of fishing point on the surface of the water wasn't rendered.
- Fixed the bug that the boss "Worm" could be used in buildings such as "Generator".
- Fixed the bug that the ice effects of the skill "Frost Mine" weren't rendered.

04 Sep


It's been the very 2 years since its release today, Sep. 4th, 2022!
This cannot be done without sincere support from all of you!

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary, we'll add special commemorative items to the game on Sep. 6th, 2022!
There will be a special sale that you can get Craftopia with the 40% discounted price as well! If you haven't got a chance to get one, or if you'd love to gift it to your friends, don't miss this chance!

We've been working on the Seamless Map Update to make drastic changes to the map system: from the one where you need to travel an island to an island to the one where you can seamlessly explore the enormous continent.
We've also considered every single feedback we've received from the community during the Early Access until now to improve the overall quality of the game!
... Read more

01 Aug

Thank you for playing Craftopia. This is the development status report on Craftopia's Seamless World Update!

▼ Current Development Status
• Adding Weather
Each island had only one weather, and they would not change even though you stayed for a long time on an island. Seamless World Update will bring "Weather System", in which weather will change seamlessly while you're exploring the world of Craftopia.
Basic weather, such as sunny and rainy, will undoubtedly give a vibe to your adventure. Snowstorms in the snowy mountain and scorching sun in the desert will express characteristics of biomes by clarifying the change of environments!

We're considering an additional system to make use of various weathers as well. It's not going to be a negative feature like "Your body temperature decreases as you get caught in the rain...", but you can utilize weather to receive a bonus from it!
... Read more

20 Jul

◆ Network
- Fixed the bug that guest players couldn't duplicate Mono by using a water bucket on them in Multiplayer.
- Reduced the issue that guest players might go through walls while riding a pet in Multiplayer.

15 Jul

◆ Network
- Fixed the bug related to a guest player's character movement while riding a pet in Multiplayer .

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that the opening scene started with a pre-existing character when you created a new character.
- Fixed the bug that enemies didn't move in the intended way in guest's screen when a pet targeted enemies in Multiplayer.

12 Jul

◆ Network
- Improved the synchronization of enemies' positions in Multiplayer. The bug, that enemies' positions get reverted back in guest's screens, should less likely happen thanks to this change.

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that the equipped item would not be unequipped properly if you picked up items in the inventory while deploying buildings or having your weapon broken.
- You would no longer be teleported back to the ground when you hit the lava in Small Ominous Island.
- Fixed the bug that the color of all "Dragon Mails for Men" was rendered black.
- Fixed the bug that "Chest", "Steel Chest", and "Container" wouldn't be transparent even though a player character stood behind them.
- Fixed the bug that the item on Item Stand was horizontally flipped by default. If this change makes some items on pre-existing Item Stand flipped, please retrieve them and re-deploy them.
- Fixed the bug that a Table Lamp felt off from a table.
- Fixed the bug... Read more

27 Jun

◆ Functional Improvements
- Improved the bullet of "Chain Restraint Bullet" to make them pierce through pets.
- Improved the behavior of "Retrieving Rod" so the laser from "Retrieving Rod" will be emitted towards module furniture themselves if you aim at module furniture.
- Expanded the capacity of Pet Management Machine from 32 to 85.
- The warp gate of Boss Rush Dungeon will turn into the escaping gate once it's closed.
- If the game failed to load the content of news popup in title screen, it will show the button for the Steam news page.

◆ Network
- Fixed the bug that the effects of world heritages weren't applied to the guest players in Multiplayer if the guest players connected to the world that already had completed world heritages.
- Improved the goal decision of "Race Gate" in Multiplayer.
Before: Decided a winner based on guest players' coordinates in a host client (lags were considered while calculating coordinates)
After: Decide a... Read more

23 Jun

Thank you for playing Craftopia. This is the development status report on Craftopia's Seamless World Update!

▼ Current Development Status
• Redesigning of Dungeons
We've received lots of feedback that "dungeons are way too simple and lack in diversity"; therefore, we've decided to redesign them in Seamless World Update drastically! We're planning to add some gimmicks into the dungeon in the redesigning processes since the structure of dungeons has not been complicated in the current Craftopia.
Placing obstacles in the dungeon may object to griding items, so we're designing another dungeon for gathering items too!

• New Content Around Various Places
Seamless World... Read more

14 Jun

◆ Balance Adjustments
- Adjusted the parameter of the boss "Bone Dragon".

◆ Functional Improvements
- Improved the behavior of items, moved by facilities such as Distributor, to prevent them from getting stuck on Conveyor Belts.
- The item with selling price of 0 in the building "Market" will be removed when the shipping time comes.
- Building mode can now be toggled while you're equipped with cubic building materials. This allows you to build them more precisely.

◆ Network
- Fixed the bug that the vehicles would be blown away in the guests' game in Multiplayer if you used Monster Prisms to summon them.

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that the menu screen such as the inventory wouldn't be displayed if you toggled UI off.
- Fixed the bug that it would drop nothing instead of dropping a few items until it reached the maximum amount of dropped items when the expected amount of items would exceed its limit.
- Fixed the bug that the ite... Read more

02 Jun

◆ Critical Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed the bug that the game couldn't be saved when you quitted the game while the backup files were corrupted.

◆ Functional Improvements
- Removed the hitbox that allowed a player character to step on from some attacks of the boss "Fenrir".

◆ Bug Fixes
- Reduced the bug that the enemies in dungeons would go to the unexpected areas.
- Updated Mod Loader to fix the bug that some modding functions didn't work after the major update. If you have already subscribed to Craftopia Mod Loader (BepInEx), please check its integrity or re-subscribe to download its update.

30 May

◆ Critical Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Reverted the descriptive enchantment icons to the texts.

◆ Functional Improvements
- Removed the console models of Distributor and 3-way Distributor because they looked accessible and interactable.
- Enlarged the hit box of 3-way Sorting Machine to make it easier to access.

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug that different emotions would be played.
- Reduced the bug that the boss "Dragon" would fly upwards indefinitely when they were stuck together.
- Fixed the bug that the hit box of some attack of "Crocodile" was triggered at the unexpected timings.
- Fixed the bug that right-click was triggered when you attempted to select multiple items with mouse dragging.
- Fixed the bug that you couldn't connect to the same friend game in Multiplayer after the connection timed out unless you restarted the application.

18 Jan

◆ Critical Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed the bugs that the buildings on an island would vanish if you moved to another island while auto-saving, and the save data of the island would be reset if you force quitted while loading the island.

12 Jan

◆ Balance Adjustments
- Adjusted the timing of the roar of the boss "Fafnir".
- Reduced the bug that the boss "Fafnir" got stuck with fences.

◆ Functional Improvements
- When you use the item "Indulgence of Anubis" on the spawner of the boss "Fafnir", the item now has the similar effects as you use it on the spawner of other bosses.
- You can now shoot to some degree while on "Biplane" not just forward.
- Greatly increased the amount of damage that ammo of Tank and missiles of Biplane deal to vehicles.
- The part of Tank and the incident angle are now affecting the amount of damage that actual ammo of Tank and Biplane deal to Tank. The amount of damage that explosive ammo deal to Tank will not be affected.

◆ Network
- Fixed the bug that the shooting processes of Tank and Biplane weren't synced in Multiplayer.
- Fixed the bug that the angles of Gun Turret and Gun Barrel weren't synced in Multiplayer.
- Fixed the bug that the position... Read more

24 Dec

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fixed the bug related to "Equipment Gacha Ball" and "Material Gacha Ball".
- Fixed the bug that the position of equipment on your right hand was mispositioned while equipped with an armor of Hakama series.
- Fixed the bug that the letters on Billboard weren't displayed in the input UI when you accessed Billboard.
- Fixed the bug that some modules such as "Wall-mounted Billboard" were rotated by 180 degree by default.
- Fixed the bug that the hitbox for retrieving "Short Stone Pillar" was mispositioned while using Retrieving Rod.
- Fixed the bug that random visual effects were shown when you used the skill "Vorpal Dance".
- Fixed the bug that you couldn't move properly when you wore Hakama series equipment with the newly added body color.
- Reduced the bug that a player got stuck under some circumstances, and fixed the bug that you could climb too steep cliffs.
- Fixed the bug that a player character slightly stepped backward when you st... Read more

24 Aug

◆ Bug Fixes
- Fix the problem that the notification on the interface cannot be closed occasionally.