
Unturned Dev Tracker

20 Sep

19 Sep


Uh oh! Thanks for bringing that up. Editor VR mode was disabled quite a while ago and all store VR settings were disabled, but there must be another setting somewhere thinking it still has VR support - will track that down.

17 Dec

11 Dec


I definitely agree, and I appreciate all the support from OP and everyone this thread. I feel bad getting everyone hyped up when it's not an interesting devlog, but maybe I should put a score in the title based on how cool it is and do them more frequently. Everything's still sort of coming together for the next big one, but right now they're all partway there (time split between many features). For example the past few days I've been working on the game modes for the next demo, which I've decided to now implement as mods so that I can experience the modding tools and make sure they're useful. :)

07 Oct


Originally posted by danaby2

/u/SDGNelson I'd like another refund.

Unplayable even after the patch! You should get a 2x refund.

11 Sep


Refunded. Will fix in today's patch!

15 Jul


Thanks for the post! It seems the process which was supposed to mark them as non-purchasable, yes-marketable didn't run properly. They should now be correctly tagged!

30 May


Taking the game down until a patch is ready!

25 May

18 May

12 May

28 Apr


Temporarily rolled this back - had been encountering some BattlEye kick issues in the preview builds which seemed to be fixed, but are now occurring in the public version. ( was only live for about 20 minutes)

12 Mar

03 Mar


Apologies - I thought it would be sooner relative to the update. The BattlEye team is aware and has been continuing to work on a fix, but unfortunately it sounds like it's a tricky problem still allowing Steam to hook into Unturned with the new protections. They're confident it's possible, however.

23 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Map fixes are always nice, though I'm curious as to what the streaming audio plugin is about. Sometimes I wish these update notes were more in depth, so I can get an idea on what some things are about before having to open the game to learn more.

Here's the pull request for the streaming audio feature: https://github.com/SmartlyDressedGames/Unturned-3.x-Community-Module/pull/5