
Unturned Dev Tracker

20 Mar

What is Unturned II? Also – featuring community-made tools, mods, and sites.

What is Unturned II?

We put out a lot of information about Unturned II, but it can be hard to find places where we explain exactly what it is.

Unturned II has been in development since 2017 as a sequel, a separate game with a separate download and Community Hub, to Unturned. It is not an update to the game – it is a successor.

The game is in very early development, so access is currently distributed based on playtime as a method of keeping access low until more core features are implemented. The original requirement was 2,400 hours, but it is currently 1,500 hours.

The plan is for the game to be free-to-play. For more information, I suggest reading more on the ...

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13 Mar

Post update focused on splitscreen and gamepad (controller) support.

Sorted from most to least interesting.

I have fond memories of splitscreen multiplayer growing up, so supporting the feature is important to me. Next will probably be savedata and basic administrative / social tools.

Splitscreen Fixup

The majority of development for this update was spent tidying up features for splitscreen. There were a lot of interesting cases like:

  • Outlines on items need to be relevant per-viewer, but that stencil buffer state is per-object.
  • Spectating yourself as a split-screen local player.
  • Screen-space features like scope markers or centering the cursor need to make sure they are using the per-player screen region.
  • Many engine UI features like popup menus did not work properly with multiple players.

Splitscreen Options

If you have a keyboard / m...

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14 Feb

12 Feb

01 Jan

25 Dec

06 Dec

15 Nov

08 Nov

25 Oct

01 Oct


Thanks for bringing this up! The reasons it's wonky at the moment:

  • Field of view is horizontal, rather than vertical. For competitive games enforcing a consistent horizontal field of view between players makes sense, but for Unturned I think it makes more sense to allow a wider horizontal field of view for wide screens.
  • User interface safe zones are undefined and not configurable yet, but in the future should allow all of the UI to be kept in the center area.

I'll open a card for this on the quality-of-life roadmap list, as it is fairly important.

28 Sep

26 Sep


Technically it's possible by support manual recovery - if you send me an email with a link to your Steam profile at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) I'll take a look!

20 Sep


Originally posted by Muffins117

How nice of Nelson to allow us to buy every item without RNG.

He's always done loot boxes fantastically.

Thanks for supporting the development, as well as for still linking the update notes! :)

On a more general note: thank you to everyone who has supported the development both interactively and financially, I hope Unturned II is worth the wait! Can't thank everyone enough, but there will definitely be 3.0 supporter benefits in 4.0 as well.


Following up on my comment from the other day: the Steam team confirmed that all the VR settings are disabled, so they're going to investigate what's going on here.

19 Sep


Uh oh! Thanks for bringing that up. Editor VR mode was disabled quite a while ago and all store VR settings were disabled, but there must be another setting somewhere thinking it still has VR support - will track that down.

17 Dec

11 Dec