
Valorant Dev Tracker

11 Feb


Originally posted by TimeJustHappens

No problem:

Individual Performance in Rating

Rating change is first and foremost decided by win/loss (and by how many rounds). You will always lose rating on a loss and win rating on a win. That is the way the ranked system was created and how most online competitive ranked ladders are formulated.

Individual performance is only a large factor in your rating changes at the start of your ranked “career” (approximately the first 15 games). Afterwards, rating is almost exclusively decided by win/loss and your team score round difference (the effect of performance is higher in low ELO and cuts off around Diamond). This is set up to be able to quickly allow players to find their individually performing level at first, then prove their rank based on the much more consistent metric of win/loss ratio.

This is also set up to avoid some (arguably) large issues with KDA being a poor indicator of total "ranking".


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Thanks for helping the community, it's nice to see information circulating to help inform people!

Ranked is always tricky. The better we get at determining player skill, or creating rules to try and create a more accurate system in getting players to their true MMR rating, it can complicate things. I definitely want to keep talking about the system, because it helps not only figure out what we need to make better, but also helps people learn why we do things the way we do it.

I don't like the perception that we "Have X design to increase grinding and to get people playing". At the end of the day we just want a fun, competitive game, because that will get people playing. By having a ranked system that can accurately find your true skill level we set up a very healthy competitive atmosphere. If we can maintain truly accurate ranks, and leaderboards, it will just help develop pro/amateur scenes and also create fun competitive match making for players.

We enjoy ...

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Originally posted by Sempius

The hidden mmr is extremely f**ked up right now, it overrules so many other aspects. I've been getting +15, +18 on match mvp wins and -30 on also match mvp wins where we had 2 afkers for 7 rounds. If I were you i'd either stay away from ranked/valorant in general or just make a new account and see if you can string some good games preferably in a group.

Soloque for lower ranks rn is near impossible.

I've seen people talk about this, being frustrated that wins are worth less then losses. This was the case in the arrow system as well, you just didn't see it(or people just complained about getting 3 arrows down and only 1 up).

Unfortunately, because we let people group up to 5 and because shooters are much easier to carry then say a moba - we have to be a little more aggressive with your Ranked Rating. It's very easy to have a group of friends boost you to a rank you may not belong in, by feeding you wins etc. The system can tell if your win MMR is high, but your performance MMR is low.

That means that the only way to truly climb is to actually get better and skill out of low ranks, increasing your performance MMR. Yes, technically you will get a small bump in win MMR by just chain winning games but there is still a performance factor.

The system does not want you to game it, or try to manipulate it, and will push against you if you start to get too far aw...

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Originally posted by Destrier26

My friend who just recently switched computers and finally played on a decent computer and internet went 54/8 or smthg(all i remember is he had 54 kills). He normally has 10 kills (horrible internet and used to get like 10 frames and no audio either). his team was missing a player and they lost in OT 12-14, he lost 26 rr for that.

MMR is important because one match where you get 54 kills is awesome! But that's just one match. We don't know if players just fed you kills in their spawn, maybe someone was super tilted and having a bad game, maybe you were just having a good game etc.

Unfortunately, one game is just one game in you career. Just like you don't want to be punished for having a game where teammates may throw/tilt, we can't overly reward you for having an insane game either. But by having those insane games you are increasing your hidden MMR. Every game is changing your MMR, so by having good games that is how you will raise your MMR, which will increase your RR gains, which will help you climb.

Rank cares about finding your your true skill, the only way that is possible is by testing you at where it thinks you belong and pushing you exactly to that spot. If you improve, changing where you belong, you will get pushed upwards.

The other points about certain agents having highe...

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Last year, you mentioned looking into Agent-specific keybinds. Do you have any updates?


While we have no specific timing to give you today, believe us that this has not dropped off our long list of priorities for this year. Our hope is to find a version of this around Episode 3.


Are you considering extending the period for a match remake vote?


We recognize there are some problems with the remake system and are actively looking at improvements. We were relatively strict in our initial approach to ensure competitive integrity and avoid any matchmaking abuse, but agree that this has limited the feature’s usefulness. 

Extending the available window, automating the remake function in particularly fast AFK cases, and creating clarity on when a remake is being initiated versus a surrender, are all piece...

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Originally posted by Riot_R4kiya

Thank you for the feedback, we will review this and fix if bugged.

We have reviewd this and decided to make Tracers more visible. Thank you for your feedback!
If you have any more Visal Effects related feedback you can PM me.

Cheers and have a good gaming :)


Originally posted by thisisnotmark

Bit confused about the statement that after 20-30 games after your account rank should converge with your MMR. I have about 200+ games already this Episode and Act, but still getting +20-22 / -28-30. This by itself indicates to me that the hidden MMR on my account is a factor and it hasn't converged yet right. Is there a reason why that hasn't happened? Last act I was D1, this act I placed G2 and currently D2 right now. I'd say most of the games on this account maybe 80% were solo queued.

Based on those numbers you are only like maybe a sub-rank ahead of your MMR.

So you converged, but there is always a chance you can pull away from your MMR by grouping up or if you are winning but not increasing your performance MMR.

Technically you have two MMR's, performance and Win MMR. Low ranks factor in more performance, high ranks use more win MMR - when you get to upper immortal it's only win MMR. So there is always a chance that you go on a win streak(or lose streak) and you deviate slightly from your MMR. We let you deviate because if you prove yourself and keep winning your MMR will adjust and converge to your new rank. Essentially keep winning and you will be fine and reverse your RR gains/losses :)


Originally posted by 520metal

Sovereign sword 46% off.


I am so jealous. That's the one thing I wanted more than anything! Enjoy it! :D

10 Feb


Originally posted by SuIIeee

Thanks! what about people who were mid rank match and this affected? Will they regain the lost rank points if they had lost?

We will not be adjusting ranked points for this. While this had potential to impact player's games, it hit both the winning and losing sides. Individual game adjustment adds some inflation and other impacts that aren't desirable. Given the likely impact was one game at most, the player's overall ranked play will cover the potential impact of that single game.


Originally posted by ArmiesofZNight

We're currently looking into this now. There's a central service at riot having issues, it's unfortunately causing issues grabbing player's saved settings/keybind preferences. We're going to disable ranked briefly to reduce impact of potential keybind issues in the meantime.


This should be resolved.


Originally posted by keslol

why are the settings not cached in a case of server problems, we already have a popup in the settings menu?

It's on our backlog, but with a relatively low priority.

The popup only took a short time to put in, but the feature to properly backup your settings (per account, securely, playing nice with the server's version, etc.), is a bigger task.