
Valorant Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by Chroip

New theory. The bottom portion of the card is actually a deformed reflection of the above image. The split black and white thing is actually a deformed silhouette of the central purple "orb" thing, and its... 4 pronged encasing. Theres also a faint purple outline at the bottom, suggesting this card is depicting a rift, a gate where the top is the architecture, or a regular portal like Yoru. I also interpreted the "reflection" as a pair of hands, maybe a tiger, there are very striking triangular protrusions coming from the "reflection." Initially, I thought the "orb" resembled the religious symbol in the church in the practice map, but I dont think it is, or at least not religious. Instead depicting cosmos or some energy, as there is a white outline of a circle with a ring around it, similar to Saturn. But it feels weird to have another "portal-y" character like Yoru. The color scheme reminds me of Reyna, but I'm not sure. The Savannah depicted in the background is very conncrete, a...

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Interesting.... Again...


Thank you for the feedback, we will review this and fix if bugged.


Originally posted by Riot_R4kiya


4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42


Originally posted by Riot_R4kiya


very interesting...


Originally posted by mrluzfan

That's actually intentional, because they don't see her as a healer, and she's not labeled as a healer. She's a Sentinel, and her primary role is to stop & slow pushes, which she does an incredible job at. The healing is a nice bonus, but honestly, I never thought her heal was that important to her kit. Its the wall, slow orbs, and resurrection that really define her imo, and with just those abilities, she's already super strong. Think about this: she's the only character in the game that can place a barrier down or slow movement, literally no other character can do that. And yet people, at least in Beta, just chose her because she was a heal bot and healing is always good.

I actually like the fact that they nerfed her heal, because that helped to reinforce the fact that's she not a healer or a support, she's a Sentinel.

You hit a lot of points right on the head, great insight. Skye cannot heal herself, but instead actually has a much higher healing-per-round potential than Sage because she's an Initiator, who's meant to play with her teammates and help them break open areas. She's very supportive in that way and has less personal agency to capitalize off of her utility on her own, but has more team-wide utility and healing potential as a result.

Sage, on the other hand, has supportive capabilities with her heal and rez, but is also very self-sufficient at locking down sites on her own with her slow orbs and wall - she doesn't need allies to extract value from those abilities. She's also allowed to self-heal whereas Skye isn't, in part because she's a sentinel and is empowered to be more self-sufficient in order to lock down and control areas.

Healing is an output that both of these agents provide to a team, just like trade denial is an output that both Jett and Reyna provide to a t...

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04 Feb


Originally posted by Bakla5hx

Thank you for the response

Thanks for engaging! I don't want to dismiss your concerns at all. Just because we think we are doing the right thing doesn't mean you aren't frustrated. Even tho we may be happy with where we are at now, we need to keep improving the system.

This is just the beginning, we all just want the game to keep getting better!


Originally posted by k8pk7AAqD4EXpVZFaA9B

The problem I see is that the same system that helps you get smurfs to their correct rank is hurting players with low MMR who are winning more games than losing and being punished for it and only getting a slight MMR increase on wins and a large MMR loss on losses.

We shouldn’t be punished just because the system thinks we’re worse than what we’re playing. Why can’t getting to a specific rank actually mean something? We’re climbing the ranks only to be pushed back down because we don’t “belong there”.

The system actually is better for low MMR players just as much as getting smurfs out of your matches. I understand it sucks getting above where you belong and not being rewarded as much for a win.

The reason you don't belong at a higher rank is because you aren't playing at that skill level, or winning enough to get there. There probably is a small number of players, and we are checking to see if we need to fix this, that some how got above their MMR and their MMR may not be increasing fast enough. But there are also players who group up with friends, and get wins they may not deserve, pushing them in ranks higher then they should be.

In lower ranks your skill MMR means more then it does in higher ranks. You could be winning matches, but your skill is below players of the ranks you are getting pushed into. Ranked isn't ment to be a system you grind and just climb, you have to actually have the skill to belong at that rank.

Again, I'm concerned there may be i...

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Originally posted by Bakla5hx

“If we just let you stomp on silvers, then stomp on golds, then stomp on plats, then stomp on diamonds, in order to figure out your immortal(or whatever rank) it would cause ranked chaos. Stomping on a silver doesn't prove you are plat”

Yes it does. This is what we want. It proves it if I beat silver then golds and stay in plat. I belong in plat. Not just plat but it applies to all ranks

“This system also helps us combat boosting, weather players playing your account or group boosting. It helps us get smurfs out of low ranks quicker, etc. At the end of the day you won't improve stomping silvers, and those silvers won't have a good time getting stomped. “

I don’t need to get Better if I’m already playing at a higher level. by playing people above my rank but same skill level your slowing my process to my true rank.

If you stomp on silvers, we don't know your rank is my point. We just know you are better then silvers. Stomping silvers doesn't say you're gold, plat, diamond, or immortal. It only means you are better then a silver. Why would we let you ruin a players game, when we already have an idea where you belong?

Even tho we may have an idea, we are often wrong in your early matches. Almost all Elo systems need 1000+ games to know your actual "Rank" or Elo, in those systems. Arguably that's the same, and even worse, in our system. Because we have way more things changing, like maps, agents, etc. I think it's fair to say we put you where we think you belong quickly and test you to see if you belong there.

On the point of getting better, it's just one of many reasons we do this. We also aren't slowing your process to your true rank, we are actually finding your true rank faster. Making you play low rank players would just be a barrier, not an assist, in finding your rank. Rem...

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