
Valorant Dev Tracker

02 Feb


Originally posted by Awsmninja

Thanks for taking the time to explain all that! It definitely makes more sense to me now how it all works.

So from my understanding, your rank rating is mainly based off of whether you win or lose, while the hidden MMR, which is more based on personalized stats, can influence your rank rating by a couple of points based on the difference between the two.

Based on that, I was wondering how you let the MMR of Immortal+ players influence their rank, since individual performance isn't taken into account for their ranked rating. I might be completely misunderstanding how this all works, but I hope that that makes sense.

Ranked rating can be tied to MMR if you knew the math.

I'm going to make up numbers, but lets say a players MMR in immortal+ is 1500. Lets say their actual ranked rating is like 50 on the leaderboard.

Maybe 50 ranked rating is actually 1200 MMR, so they will earn increased ranked rating per win(and less for a loss) until they get to 1500. Then when they converge, if they don't improve or get worse, and their MMR sits steady they will gain an even per win/loss off matches.

Essentially we are always pulling you to your MMR with convergence, and the system knows how much rank rating you should have based on your MMR and will get you there no matter what(you just need to put in enough games).

Also you have two MMR's, a skill MMR and a win/loss MMR. Immortal+ is win/loss MMR only. So it's much easier for them to converge and stay with their MMR since skill is not a factor. Where as lets say someone places in bronze, converges at silver, then suddenly they...

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Originally posted by Riot_Preeti


The clear message here is that the Ares needs to get buffed.


Originally posted by aeneia

Handling an Ares is an art. Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it bad.

Sincerely, An Ares Onetrick

These views are not representative of Riot Games



Handling an Ares is an art. Just because you don't understand it, doesn't make it bad.

Sincerely, An Ares Onetrick

These views are not representative of Riot Games


Originally posted by Rasui36

Hey, thanks for the response. Sorry if I seemed ungrateful I just really want to see those Viper changes as soon as possible. Keep up the good work!

It's all good, nothing that you said in your comment was incorrect hah. We feel the same pain that y'all do on this front, we want to get that set up ASAP.


Originally posted by Rasui36

There's always some tournament going on. They need to hurry up and get them on a separate patch system and stop f**king with the other 99.999999999999999999% of the playerbase.

We're working on getting a separate patch line to help unlock this capability! Balance team feels you on this one, believe me


Originally posted by Ok-Suggestion1593

Juicy changes but no viper buffs oof

I know we always say this, but we're just still iterating. We've playtested several versions of Viper buffs but are trying to tread the line between helping her into viability in solo queue, viability in compet play, and also maintaining her identity without homogenizing her compared to the other controllers.

It's actively being worked on, there are just lots of larger questions at play here, and we also have a big tournament coming up so we didn't want to ship something that would be potentially disruptive that we weren't absolutely confident in.


Originally posted by Qlown

Fixed issue with Omen’s Shrouded Step targeting that caused it to get stuck on corners at a much greater distance.

Hope this means they changed the hitbox back to what it was

Sorry this took us a few patches. The initial change was shipped to address some of the Omen/Sage glitches that could teleport Omen under the map, but the hitbox widening on corners was an unintentional side effect. Should be all cleared up now, though!


Originally posted by AwpTicTech

Spotted at the bottom of bug fixes

Reduced brightness on initial visuals when blinded from flashes

Bet a lot of you are gonna be happy with this one


Originally posted by EvrMoar

NNNNNNNoooooooooo I faileddddddddddd

Wrap it up, it was a good run. Gonna go grind some grammar tests instead of ranked.

Its hard to grammar good when there be rank to play.


Originally posted by Awsmninja

Thanks for the link, I never saw that AMA so the answer they gave was really helpful!

Although I now understand the advantages of a hidden MMR for algorithm tweaks and to prevent reverse engineering, I still don't understand why the previous "swingyness" being a reason to have a disconnect between your rank and MMR. If you ranked up/down too fast when the rank was more tied to the MMR, why not just change the MMR system so that it's less affected by singular games?

Although I definitely don't have the full picture since I'm not a Riot employee, from how they explained it in the AMA, and how people are reacting to the rank/MMR disconnect, I feel like keeping the rank more closely tied to MMR, but having MMR change less from a single game would solve a lot of the gripes many have with the current ranking system. The amount of rating you gain/lose would essentially be the same, but people couldn't complain anymore about how they're losing too much rating or playing w...

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Unfortunately most Elo-like systems require 1000+ games to actually know your true rank. That's also in an environment where the rules may stay static, no new content(like maps), very static rules - essentially chess.

Because we have to take a more proactive approach, your MMR is still pretty in flux until you hit the 50-100 game mark. We saw lots of feedback that "Two bad games demoted me twice!" alternatively if someone popped-off they may have promoted into a rank they may not deserve if it was early in their confidence/mmr testing.

So this new system lets us test your MMR, get more confident in it, and converge you to the rank you belong in over time. The system also allows to create a very strict set of rules, for gains and losses, using ranked rating. In an MMR system, even if we made your MMR visible, every match would be vastly different in gains/losses. One match you may gain next to nothing, where the next you may gain a ton of MMR. Switching to ranked rat...

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Originally posted by arvs17

Overall, you should feel less “hardstuck” if you’re getting matched into higher skilled games then your actual rank.

Someone please tell Riot to change then to than*

NNNNNNNoooooooooo I faileddddddddddd

Wrap it up, it was a good run. Gonna go grind some grammar tests instead of ranked.


Originally posted by Nakool24

I still feel the current points system is weird
Whenever I lose I'm like the best or 2nd best in my team still I lose 27 points even for 13-11 loss. If I played really bad I lose 30 (for games like 13-5).

When I win I get maximum +17 or +18 even for matches where I win 13-3. And if we are talking about streaks its more like 1 win 1 lose and most matches are extreme either I win greatly or lose very badly.

I'm in iron 3 rn. When I play unrated with my friends who are in silver I have the same kills as them so its not like my ability is iron 3. It feels The game just doesn't allow me to rank up. A long winning streak is almost impossible as a solo player due to matchmaking.

Is there anything I can do to rank up?

It sounds like your MMR somehow got below your rank. Do you play grouped alot? If your rank some how gets boosted above your MMR the system will try to push you down, because it believes you some how got above your rank. Alternatively if you had a streak of bad games, it could have dropped your MMR. If you keep doing well you will reverse your MMR, and start to climb.

Your earn rates are dependent on you MMR, which is dependent on your average match performance. That means one match of being MVP may not make you gain a ton more points, but it will help boost your MMR which will help all of your matches and make it easier to climb.

(Above comment pasted from another response)

That's really strange that it's kicking in that much in Iron. It may be discouraging but keep playing and improving. We haven't seen any math or match making issues so far, but I'll take another look at iron gains/losses to make sure there aren't any sketch issues.


Originally posted by mrbow

Hey, serious question. You said that on current Ranking System we get more points for a win and less for a loss. But I mostly get the opposite almost always having a positive KDA and good avg combat score/sometimes being MVP.

I'm mostly gettin ~+20 points/ win and nearly -30 per loss (at bronze2 and 3)... why is that?

It sounds like your MMR somehow got below your rank. Do you play grouped alot? If your rank some how gets boosted above your MMR the system will try to push you down, because it believes you some how got above your rank. Alternatively if you had a streak of bad games, it could have dropped your MMR. If you keep doing well you will reverse your MMR, and start to climb.

Your earn rates are dependent on you MMR, which is dependent on your average match performance. That means one match of being MVP may not make you gain a ton more points, but it will help boost your MMR which will help all of your matches and make it easier to climb.

Hey everyone! I’m Jon Walker, aka Riot EvrMoar, and I’m here to add some extra detail behind the changes to Competitive in Patch 2.02 and talk about the ranked changes the Competitive team is working on for the rest of Episode 2.

With our ear on various channels and some time at the drawing board, we’re now ready to tell you how ranked will change based on your feedback. I’m going to explain some of the changes we’ve released, or are working on, in order to give perspective of how and why we ranked will improve in early 2021.


  • Reduced the Queue time for high MMR players

The team saw (and heard) one too many of you at the highest MMR queue for more than an hour. After making some tweaks, we’ve been able to reduce that time to about 10–15 minutes, while maintaining match quality/fairness for these players.


  • MMR to Rank Convergence increase.
  • ...
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This is the patch where we start to tackle the feeling that running accuracy isn’t where it should be. As we’ve mentioned, we’re taking this on in increments and are ready to jump in if you’re not comfortable with the changes.

There are also a few shifts to the Competitive system that together should go a long way to getting you to your proper rank faster and stabilize the battle for rank at the top. We recommend you check out our deep dive (there’s some Act II info too!).


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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but there are no current plans for VALORANT to support Mac OSX. For now, to play VALORANT you'll just have to bite the bullet and free up space for bootcamp or build a Windows PC.

I do feel for you here though. I worked on porting LoL to Mac native all those years ago and have seen firsthand the development time it takes to port to / maintain Mac. As much as we'd like to reach every platform and player we have to look at where our development time is most effective for the entire playerbase.

P.S. It may be possible to buy an external Thunderbolt drive and use that for bootcamp and may be a cheaper alternative than expanding your main drive or building a PC. I've never tried it personally but a cursory search online does seem to indicate it's possible. I've only ever done bootcamp from the main disk.