
Valorant Dev Tracker

07 Feb


if i had cifer ultra i would probably ask the enemy team if they could drop me prime vandle so i could dastroy them next round


Originally posted by RisingPhoenix201

Thank you, this’ll help a lot

Don't forget to turn off mouse acceleration in windows by default!

Go to the search menu, type "Mouse" open mouse settings. Scroll down to Additional Mouse Options, open that. Then click on the "Pointer Options" tab and uncheck "Enhance Pointer Precision". Click Apply, and Ok!

Mouse acceleration makes it so the speed of your mouse movement will increase cursor distance. So with it on if you move 1inch to the right, your mouse will move further the faster you move. When you turn it off, when you move 1 inch to the right, your cursor will always travel the same distance regardless of speed. It's better to have it off, in my opinion, because it creates consistent mouse movement.

Also, as a Dev on the Valorant team, Welcome! I remember my first PC! I left COD eSports and my first few games were Unreal Tournament and Starcraft. I really didn't dive in deep until World of Warcraft, but once you start you can't stop! Hope you enjoy Valorant!

06 Feb


I will get this in front of the right people to see if we can confirm!


Originally posted by Riot_Fragloser

You mean the Prime Vandle*?

yes, Im LIATERALLY saying it does more dmg to Skype's dog.


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

Pro tip: Prime Vandal does extra damage against the dog.

You mean the Prime Vandle*?


This is so adorable.


Originally posted by AbuseMatt

You could have a match in silver where you are beating a plat level player, because you're immortal, but that plat level player is being held down because they are randomly getting paired against players above them. But that's happening in silver.

First of all, super thanks for the explanation, it's interesting to hear how these systems work behind the scenes. I have one question about this part - wouldn't that mean that ranks are completely arbitrary? So let's say that there's a showdown between the plat and immortal guy happening in Silver, are all the people in that match either plat or immortal? Or does it also drag along some actual silver players?

I always feel like there are 2 queues (or more) when you play with a hidden MMR system. The "actual" silver, and the "harder" silver, which is there just to measure your actual MMR. But what happens if you run into smurfs on the way there and they stomp you for a change. If you're the pla...

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I think the first thing you have to accept, in any ranked, is that there will be smurfs, afk's, toxic teammates, tilted teammates, etc. The thing about that is you are the constant factor in all of your ranked matches. I understand people are frustrated, and like to assume that someone who is destroying in their match is a smurf, but realistically they aren't as common as I think the community believes. So no matter what, yes you will have games with smurfs or AFK's, but realistically you should play enough matches where those matches are a small factor in your overall ranked history.

Before I burn myself, we have AFK penalties incoming. We are definitely aware how awful having an AFK teammate is in ranked.

To answer your first question, all the players in your match are of the same skill(or atleast the match maker thinks so). So you really shouldn't be playing actual immortals in silver, unless that immortal player is being tested(has their MMR) at silver. This is ...

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Originally posted by AbuseMatt

Ranked isn't ment to be a system you grind and just climb, you have to actually have the skill to belong at that rank.

This is another thing that worries me. As games are super complex, I assume that you can only really measure the stats that are in-game (KDA, Eco, Entry frags..) in order to determine someone's MMR. But there are a ton of contributing factors that, at least I assume, would be very hard to measure.

This would also naturally mean that some playstyles are preferred to others, but let's say I choose not to engage with a Duelist and just farm safe frags, in order to raise my KDR, in the long run, I might be able to make the MMR believe that I'm better than I actually am, thanks to targeted stat-padding, and I would need to win fewer games, but still climb. Likewise, a good teammate that utilises godly smokes that literally enable the team to win, could go completely unnoticed.

It would be interesting to actually se...

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You actually have two MMR's. You have a win/loss MMR, and a skill MMR. In lower ranks your skill MMR is a bigger factor in climbing, in higher rank it's your Win/Loss MMR. In immortal+ it's only win/loss MMR.

The skill MMR is actually pretty impressive. It looks at ability usage, if a smoke helped take a site, if a flash got a teammate a kill, if you are an entry fragger, etc. It also knows if you should have won a 1v1(by comparing the skill MMR of your opponent, and skill advantages of the 1v1 when you try to take the duel). Because the system looks at so much, it's actually pretty difficult to game the system. Plus even if you were good enough to manipulate the system, at some point that would just be playing good enough to climb ranked. When a player is that skilled, it turns into winning/lossing as what determines their rank.

I guess maybe there is some way to manipulate it, we haven't been able to think of. That being said usually just winning and playing your ...

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Originally posted by RandomCitizen_16

Wasteland Vandal all the way.



Pro tip: Prime Vandal does extra damage against the dog.


Unfortunately this looks like someone who manipulated their MMR very hard.

It looks like they are on an account that may be on the extreme low end of MMR. So either it isn't their account, or they purposely de ranked the account to the depths of the MMR abyss.

I'm probably setting myself up for failure, but our system is usually pretty good at trying to get smurfs out of low ranks quickly. Unfortunately the more games an account has, the more confident the system may be in their MMR. So there is a chance that this person is playing on an account that has 100's of low iron games, and the system is pretty sure the player belongs there. Now that the player has been doing insanely well, the system will start to re-evaluate their MMR and they will be moved accordingly.

So what's happening. Their MMR is probably the lowest of low in Iron 1, so because they are Iron 2 they are now above their MMR. When they won games, the game is like "Yo you should be Iron 1, in f...

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05 Feb