
Valorant Dev Tracker

16 Dec


Originally posted by VibrantVolcano

Oh hey, I remember playing an unrated with you and a couple other riot members. We got destroyed lol we had the CEO of Valorant on our team at the time and we were joking around about paychecks

lolllll I think I remember this! GG

Howdy friends, with 2020 almost behind us we wanted to take a moment to talk about our current, high level thoughts around Agents, and a bit about how we are thinking of the future.

When the game launched we were focused on getting all the extreme outliers into a reasonable place. Right now things are fairly stable, but there are still some Agents/Classes that need some deeper thought put into them.


In particular, we have some plans to address the total power of Controllers (Omen, Viper, Brimstone) and to better differentiate the roles of Duelists and Initiators. At a high level, we want to encourage people to play with their teammates as much as possible and we believe that giving our Initiator and Controller roles a bit more team-focused power will help achieve that end. We are aiming to have our first set of changes to Controllers launching with Episode 2 and additional changes to Initiators and Duelists thr...

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Howdy VALORANT friends,

When a team releases anything they never truly know how players will embrace it; we all have hopes, but things never go as planned. Part of the joy in making Agents for VALORANT is that their identities will shift as y'all play them. The team can debate all day long what will happen when an Agent goes live, but within an hour, y'all play more games than we do in years of development. 

With all of that said, we cannot be more overjoyed with how you have helped to shape the VALORANT Agents so far. Your thoughts, your art, your videos—they’ve refined what the roster is in 2020, and will continue to affect what it will be in the future.

Going into Open Beta was a massive moment for the Character team. Our internal musings about the Agents didn't matter anymore, only how you played them. And you did more than that:

  • Y'all streamed relentlessly (Some of us tried watching nine at the same time, trust me your brain can not handle it ;_...
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Originally posted by MetalPerfection

I've actually never ever seen anything in any game ever be fixed that fast. I've seen ambulances take longer to arrive at shootings.

You sir, and Riot by extension, are amazing.

For this bug, it was fortunately a pretty simple fix on our end after we saw it. In the source file, the spikes were not welded into the rear stock so we were able to move them and re-rig it quickly. I wish all art bugs could be fixed this quickly and easily :D


Originally posted by SingleNewspapering

Did you guys ever consider full time skate buff? Those are a lot of fun.

yes we considered it and I agree and that's all I have to say about that :)


Originally posted by Specific_Weather

Hey! I was actually wondering something - can only Rioters have Riot in front of their names? My iron ass got carried in an unrated by someone named Riot LoveStrut, was that a rioter or just a random?

Yup, only rioters can have the Riot prefix in their name in our games!

15 Dec


Hahahah unplayable. But for real, it should be fixed in the next patch (or the one after). I just went in and adjusted it.


Originally posted by Cryocupcake

Thanks for responding, I've been having a lot of fun with it so far. Also i heard there was gunbuddy you could get from members of the Riot team and was wondering if you could hook me up 👉👈



Originally posted by Cryocupcake

Would you guys consider adding seasonal voicelines? I feel like pheonix saying "stay frosty" or viper going "ice cold" could add some seasonal flair, also are there plans to bring this mode back in the future or is it a one time thing?

Ooooo seasonal voice lines sound really cool. Something we'll keep in mind for future seasonal modes like this.

No concrete plans to bring it back, but I wouldn't rule it out either :) tbh it depends on how it's received & how much people enjoy it.


Originally posted by FMHappy

Do you need to win to get the snowbro buddy

Nope, you just need to play one game of snowball fight. The buddy should show up in your inventory a day or two after you've played a game.

Ideally this experience would be a lot more cohesive - you'd get a reward in EoG clearly linking the buddy to playing the mode - but this is our first attempt at a limited time mode linked to a content unlock and we didn't get to that part of the work. In the future we hope to make this better!


Originally posted by XWindX

On the flip side being able to express myself with my favorite character makes snowball fight a lot more fun. If there was a way to shorten agent select though...

just tell everyone to lock in fast 4head :)

Agreed though, this was the reason we didn't just flat out remove it, but I'm still not sure that the value it gives is worth the added time to game & possibility of dodges. I am glad that you appreciate the ability to select tho.

Something I'd like us to eventually do is allow people to choose agent before queueing for modes like this where agent choice is purely cosmetic, or modes where duped agents are OK. But this has some tech implications we'd have to tackle first.


Originally posted by DanutMS

They really should remove agent selection from this mode. Feels bad to spend over a minute waiting just for people to pick their agents when you can't use abilities anyway.

Yeah this is good feedback. In retrospect we should have done this. Since it's a limited time mode I don't see it happening this time around, but something we'll keep in mind for next time. Sorry about the dodges / agent select added wait time!


HYPE this was a fun one to work on I hope people enjoy it. I'll be chilling in here to answer questions if anybody has any.