
Valorant Dev Tracker

17 Dec


Definitely a bug. We will be looking into it.


Originally posted by 4RJ56NJ5j2oEtcxyVkOo

Ha, I know that feeling. It's tough now and everyone is under a lot of pressure. I really respect you and the entire riot team's community engagement and follow through. This game and the teams working on it are something special. Happy holidays!

Thanks friend :) Happy Holidays to you too!


Originally posted by 4RJ56NJ5j2oEtcxyVkOo

Looking forward to it. The purposeful throwers and trolls that ruin everyone else's game and cause teams to derank and waste 30 minutes of our lives every few matches in mid to low elo is disheartening and drives people away from the game... Who really like the game.

I couldn't agree more, and thanks for being patient <3 I think I'm gonna buy the team champagne when we finally get to hit the big red button lol.


Originally posted by blademan88

Why not start with a ultra ultra conservative rule? There is really no excuse to have zero bans. It's just such an issue when there is ZERO fear of being banned. It leads to players ruining games/boosting/smurfing/etc because they have ZERO reason not to. Even if you said you implemented banning and didn't actually implement anything, it would probably go a long way wink wink.

Lol. Funny story, I'm one of the folks at Riot who trains other people how to moderate our player labs. We talk about how to promote good conversation, how to manage the room effectively, etc. And I have ONE rule I always enforce to my trainees:

"The only thing that will lose you respect faster than not creating creating rules that you don't enforce."

So I'll have to hard pass on the "tell them they'll get banned but don't implement it" lol. But I like your initiative ;).

And seriously, I get you. Something is for sure better than nothing. We're already breaking up the penalty stuff into a few different phases so we can roll things out sooner rather than later. (But every time we break it down into a little deliverable, that means it delays getting the whole system out to players...and we genuinely believe the whole system is the best thing. So we don't want to delay it too much).

Hope that makes sense :)


Originally posted by AdagioCS

If you can’t answer this directly I understand but when you say “in the coming year” does that mean episode 2 or is it still up in the air?

P.S Thanks for taking the time to respond to stuff like this I’m sure working on a game is hard enough let alone working with the community as well. <3

There are still some things that need to fall into place with our partner teams, so I'm hesitant to commit to a specific time. >< We'll keep you updated as more concrete pieces fall into place!


Hey! If you check out the EOY article we wrote, we talk about addressing these things in the coming year.

We're already working on this. It just takes a lot of time to design something that is fair, reasonable, and has a good chance of being effective; and even more time to coordinate across teams for how this actually gets implemented in game.

We don't want to do the thing where we roll something out and discover that we were too strict and banned half our players. We also don't want to roll something out, only to tighten or change up the rules a week later. There are a lot ...

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Hey friend! If you check out the EOY article we wrote, we talk about addressing these things in the coming year.

Being honest here, we're already working on this. It just takes a lot of time to design something that is fair, reasonable, and has a good chance of being effective; and even more time to coordinate across teams for how this actually gets implemented in game.

We don't want to do the thing where we roll something out and discover that we were too strict and banned half our players. We also don't want to roll something out, only to tighten or change up the rules a w...

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Hey friends! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is FOR SURE a bug, and we'll be chatting about a fix starting today!

Hi VALORANT community, 

So Creative Team here!

Wait, who dat?

Well essentially, we are a broad collective of people that spans audio, narrative and art, that specifically works with ALL the various teams that create the beautiful VALORANT content we’ve released to you in 2020.

It’s our goal to make sure that all the various pieces of the game feel part of a distinct, cohesive creative universe.  One way we do this, is to drive a lot of the details that you see in our world. For example:

  • Inspire the design of Agents, menus, maps and music.
  • Inform cinematics, in game VFX and Audio, props and environments.
  • Feed curiosity, passion and theorycrafting amongst YOU, our community, around the world lore, its conflict, backstories and narrative journey ahead.

In 2020 we worked on areas as diverse as:

  • Character backstories - Who are these Agents and what is VALORANT Protocol?  Wha...
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Originally posted by wiiziwiig

I wish you always had ice skates on. I would main this game mode if that were the case, kind of reminds me of scoutz and knives in cs.



This really means a lot, thank you. I'm excited for when we get to show you all the cool new stuff we've been working on!

Thanks so much for playing and supporting Valorant. And keep letting us know what we can improve on!

16 Dec


Originally posted by ARTISToh

Region: EU, all regions

Type of Bug: In Game Bug

Description: Privacy: Hidden names are resolved when sending a friends request via new in-match feature.

Steps to reproduce: Sending a friends request to someone that hides his name.

Expected result: Friends request shouldn't give away my ingame name, when it's hidden.

Observed result: Friends request gave away my ingame name.

Reproduction rate: 10/10

Thank you for the report, I think this one had escaped us!


Originally posted by [deleted]


It is definitely a worry we have and a lot of our testing on the changes have both in mind. That isn't to say changes we make are always going to need to be healthy for both, we always try to understand the tradeoffs with changes.


Originally posted by seemlyminor

This also means hopefully, for the other roles' sakes, there will be a lack of duelists for future releases until there is close to an even amount in each role.

This is correct! This one will probably be the last Duelist, for a little bit - the other roles could use some new agents as well.


Originally posted by Pixxelzz_

It's interesting to see how they will see out a Duelist as a "lurk", so far all duelists are optimally best as entries.

Yeah this one's a bit different! Definitely less of an entry role. Duelists are definitionally meant to secure kills for your team and exert lethal pressure; so far that's been largely by entrying, but having a more lurk-focused Duelist is something we've wanted to try for awhile.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Especially because Omen is the only reasonable one right now.. another Duelist? Really? There's only 3 controllers, 3 initiators and 3 senitels but soon-to-be 5 duelists? Every match is already a minimum of 2-3 duelists on each team..

This will probably be the last Duelist for a little bit, at least - the other roles (controller, sentinel, initiator) need some love.


Originally posted by Voshin

Now that the basics are in place, we are going to take more risks with what each Agent introduces to the game, pushing some boundaries, and evolving what is possible in an ability based tac shooter.

Good. Some people are gonna bitch and moan when they see new stuff, saying it has no place in the game even before they played it or against it. But it shouldn't deter Riot, that is what keeps any game interesting imo, as long as it's done thoughtfully and with quality over quantity in mind.

We definitely want to push boundaries and see what's possible! We also know that pretty much every time we release a new agent, there'll be groups of players who think that we've gone too far, that we're intentionally releasing OP characters in an attempt to make money, or that we just don't understand the game or are disconnected from the player experience - but I hope with time (and assuming we don't screw things up too badly) we can build some trust with yall that we can make some out-there concepts work in a tac shooter. Killjoy was definitely scary, given the stigma against turrets in FPS games, but I feel like we got through it alright, and Skye seems to have landed reasonably well as well for a low personal agency, high utility supportive pick.

This next agent will be on the spicier side, for sure. Excited for the discourse that follows, as always haha


u/BulgarianBL00D Love all the detail you put into the abilities and the thematic is super rad. I've definitely always wanted some type of sneaky thief or bandit in the game and the way you set up the abilities to match is really cool. I really love playing Neeko in League of Legends and am excited about the idea of having similar abilities in VALORANT.

The signature ability to steal is awesome and reminds me of Rubick from Dota2 but being able to steal basic abilities can really change how you think about the game and how to plan around your executes. It creates a more dynamic round, especially from a round to round that is a bit more subtle on our other Agents. Overall awesome idea, thanks for sharing!