
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Originally posted by S00RZ

What would be optimal render resolution and anti aliasing for using an older card?

You'll get the highest framerates by turning Anti-aliasing off and using the lowest resolution you can. In terms of optimal, I'd just use what looks good to vs what framerate feels good to you.


Hello, yes we changed XP from 1000 to 1250 because of a bug that isn't counting progress towards ultimate / ability objectives in the second half of spike rush matches (other missions still work tho). We'll bring it back down to 1000 when we fix this bug, which may or may not be before the next patch.


Originally posted by singlereject

Running a 1080 Ti here, and my game+render latency went from 14ms average in practice range to 7ms using On + Boost

Sick! I can't wait to see it in action on my own rig tonight.


Originally posted by ShillienTemplar

Best way I found to test it is go on practice range and keep spawning and despawning the practice bots, its a very significant change between on and off

Nice! I'm glad you're seeing significant gains.


Originally posted by xQcKx

Is DLSS coming to Valorant?

VALORANT doesn't currently have plans to implement DLSS.


Originally posted by itsacreeper04

Using boost on 29ms ping made it feel actually like 29ms ping.

Before this update it felt like 80 something

That's awesome! I'm glad you're seeing such drastic results.


Originally posted by RaiyuKT

Region: NA

Type of Bug: In Game Bug

Description: Daily doesn't register some ultimate uses

Video / Screenshot: NA

Steps to reproduce: Play games and use ultimate

Expected result: Ultimate uses should count towards daily and weekly

Observed result: Sometimes, ultimate uses does not count towards missions

Reproduction rate: Played 2 games of spike rush and probably 2-3 ultimate uses did not get registered. So reproduced 2/2 times??

We're working on a fix for this, but in the meantime we've upped spike rush XP from 1000 to 1250 in all regions. Sorry about that!

17 Sep


Originally posted by Khr0nus

Can you share those stats?

Is there a website that gets it close?

We don't have anything externally facing and I haven't dug around in too many of the external sites yet, so it's hard for me to say!


Originally posted by AphoticFlash

how has her play rate been impacted?

She's much more in line with other popular agents now - her pickrate is roughly equal to agents like Omen, Raze, and Jett now, instead of being a little less than 2x their pickrate.


Looking into how to get this fixed ASAP. Thanks for the report!


Originally posted by Apap0

I just did full check on this. Turned off everything but Valorant, Corsair Link and Logitech Software.
In practice range with bots spawned with boost off I get 6.3ms 5.2ms 1.45ms. Turning on reflex doest almost nothing(like at best I am gaining 0.1ms somewhere), with reflex + boost it looks better at 5.8ms 5.2ms 0.95ms.
Note that I play at capped 280fps, if I let go off the FPS cap and reflex + boost I get 4.7ms 4.1ms 0.95ms.
Do you know by any chance what latencies I should be getting on my specs and what I might want to do to decrease it?

We don't have an exact spec that matches yours so I can't give you a hard number from any testing we've done. I mean your latencies seem in the realm of possibility. At 280FPS your theoretically BEST average latency is 3.6ms. It's cool that boost is helping reduce your input latency by about 8%. We could implement a better framerate capper with Reflex but we haven't scheduled that work yet. I'm actually surprised that it adds as much as 1.1ms on your rig. Figured it be lower.

In terms of why your machine is different from /u/MaestroLA I dunno. I feel like if I could sit down with both your computers it'd still be something that'd take me all day to find out. I've seen some odd stuff. For instance, I had an HDMI cable that lowered my framerate in games. I never figured that one out.

Are you playi...

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Originally posted by grodafjorton

Sadly doesn't work. I'm still at the bottom of the scoreboard.

Me IRL. At least we get to miss our shots faster with the reduced input latency.


Originally posted by Apap0

Interesting. I have 8700k @ 4.8, 3200mhz rams and RTX 2080 and get 6,2ms 5,2ms and 1,3ms. So ~60% higher latency than yours. Wonder where the difference come from.

Oh that IS odd. Does the "boost" option help you? Do you have any overlays running that could be adding additional latency?


Originally posted by MaestroLA

Averaging 4ms Game to render latency, 3,5ms game latency and about 0.7ms render latency.

8600k @ 4,8 with 3600mhz rams and a RTX 2060 Super.

WOW! I'm jelly, time to upgrade. Good thing those 3XXX series cards just came out, now if i can only get my hands on one...


Originally posted by NihilHS

If you have the driver, there are also new settings in Video->STATS where you can turn on graphs for input latency caused by the GPU/CPU.

I just want you to know that you're beautiful.

You're breathtaking!


Originally posted by heyRaxa

Hi Brentmeister! Since you seem knowledgeable on the topic, what is your recommendation for the Low Latency mode setting in NVIDIA's Control Panel for minimizing input lag in Valorant?

I think the typical advice has been to leave it to 'On' in cases where GPU load remains relatively low, such as in VALORANT.

Is this accurate? Or does VALORANT have other optimizations that make it prefer Ultra?

VALORANT's implementation of the NVIDIA Reflex SDK makes that setting moot. The VALORANT will override that setting with what you choose from the in-game options menu. I actually don't know all the details of how it worked before without an application component. I believe ultra was similar (but not as good) to what you have with "Boost" now and in general I'd recommend leaving it "On". I actually wonder if the control panel updated with the latest driver. I haven't taken it for a spin yet on my personal rig.


Originally posted by libzy

How much do you think it’ll affect a 980 Ti? Me really need to upgrade >:[

Reflex helps the cards that really need an upgrade the most. You could see some quite impressive games from this depending on your game's render settings (render resolution, anti-aliasing, etc)


Howdy! I'm the Product Manager / Tech Lead for the Gameplay Integrity team which was responsible for implementing this feature. If you have any questions about VALORANT and NVIDIA Reflex feel free to ask!

We implemented Reflex in VALORANT to help players reduce the input latency or "lag" between your mouse/keyboard inputs and what's happening on screen. It's defaults to on immediately once you install the driver. P.S. Please don't install the driver while playing VALORANT, it will probably crash, even if it doesn't it will require rebooting VALORANT

Recommendations: ALL players upgrade their drivers immediately and leave the setting at it's default (On). Reflex reduces input latency caused by the render queue. It will NOT change your framerate in-game. Your mileage in terms of gain may vary depending on your spec. Even if you can't notice the benefit in range there may be graphically intense moments in the game where reflex can help reduce input latency dramaticall...

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