
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 Jul


Originally posted by goingbytheday

Please talk with the design team and tell them that her primary problem is that she is both the premier defender/staler AND healer in the game. That doesn't mean there has to be another heal character, it just means one of her healing abilities (hint: HER ULTIMATE) has to be reworked. Have you guys ever considered giving her an ultimate where instead of reviving, she gives a single character a sort of protection where they can carry over all of their abilities, shield and weapons on to the next round? As in, the main Op'er on your team dies, but they had the protection ulti casted on them, so on the next round the respawn with everything they had, saving their economy basically. This could be very strategic and would still make sage the go-to support character, plus she would still have her heal.

We're not currently talking about full ability reworks like that, and would like to avoid that if possible. I agree with your points around stall + heal uniqueness on Sage being an issue due to lack of choice competition - I spoke to that a little bit in another one of my replies here. We want to approach this methodically so we can shave off power in the right areas, but want to avoid full reworks like that if we can!


Originally posted by Insane1rish

The thing is though, no matter how bad you make her, she’s still the only character in the game that’s a designated healer so she’ll always have a high pick rate/win rate. I’m not sure how that’s avoidable unless you absolutely dumpster the character.

Choice competition is something that's definitely an issue, both with her healing and her hard stall. We tend to find that healing is more valued in lower MMRs, and her hard stall power is more valued in higher MMRs, although obviously both outputs are useful across the spectrum.

I think having low choice competition definitely makes the risk of a character being imbalanced higher, but doesn't mean that she's doomed to be high pick rate/win rate. For example, Sova is the only character who can reveal enemies from long distances round to round with his Sonar Dart and Drone, but he's not near Sage's pick or win rates. Cypher is the only character who can adequately watch flanks without his actual gun via his Trapwires, but he's not near Sage's pick or win rates.

Long term, we definitely want better choice competition for both of Sage's outputs - her stalling and her healing - and recognize that's an issue. We feel we can work towards resolving her balance issues befor...

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Originally posted by artmorte

I don't think she can be nerfed any more without ruining an ability.

This is something we talk about a lot. I’m seeing a lot of misconceptions around that we’re nerfing Sage because of her pickrate, and that’s not true! She does have a very high pickrate, but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s overpowered, just popular.

The problem is she also has a very high winrate, and has consistently been the strongest agent in the game, even through several nerfs. We want to take our time and ensure that we’re bringing her power level in line with other agents while not ruining how it feels to play Sage and the value she provides to the game. We don’t want to butcher the kit, but we also have an obligation to our players to have balanced content.


Originally posted by gabrielC55

If anyone goes inside one of his cyber cages, they can't get out of them anymore. It is a cage after all. They also last forever.

There are some great ideas in this thread, but this one takes the cake. Bringing it up in our balance meeting on Monday

17 Jul


Originally posted by bobespon

Ok, but to be honest the info is a bit contradictory to the video above. In your image you suggest slowly peeking a corner, whereas in the video he says you should quickly wide peek one. Which one is it?

Depends on if you're closer or further from the angle in relation to your opponent.

If you're closer to the angle, you're at a disadvantage so quickly wide peeking is the best way to negate this advantage because your opponent will see you before you see them. This is the suggestion in the video.

If you're further from the angle, slowly peeking means you'll see your opponent before they see you. This is the example I gave.

16 Jul


Allow me to clarify; what I said *is true*, but that doesn't mean "maybe their philosophy on ranked will change!" What Drevarius and co said is the philosophy for the team as it stands, and that outlives a single person's time.

It was more a comment in why we're not able to comment on the next steps (QoL fixes or specific asks that might be aligned with the goals) - because we have to sally up the efforts first.


Originally posted by TheLazarbeam

Gentle Giant fan?

Never heard of them but I'll check them out. Thanks for the reco!


Originally posted by wanttoplay2001

I always refer to this tweet everytime i ecplain angle advantage

I'm so happy that others have found this to be helpful. I remember when I first realized this, it figuratively blew my mind. I've played differently ever since. Now if I could only get good at clicking heads.

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Originally posted by -Basileus

If Valorant approaches even a fraction of the popularity of league, then replays are an immense undertaking. You are looking at an insane amount of data that needs to be made available to the entire playerbase

^ this is one of the big issues. It's kind of a conundrum in terms of how you store the replay file itself - i.e. if it's stored as a literal video, that's a MASSIVE amount of space. If the data is stored as references that the game engine uses to 're-create' the game, you run into big issues with backwards compatibility. We patch so often and frequently that running a replay from weeks back becomes a pretty significant technical hurdle to overcome.