
Valorant Dev Tracker

22 Jul


Originally posted by MrDongji

As a Jett player, thanks for the shorty skin.

You’re welcome! It was long overdue with Viper’s Shorty being the only skin.


Originally posted by hippopotamusssss

Edited to fit :)

Lol thank you! Tbh I was more confused by your comment at first because I thought you were saying Keanu was a man of culture, which duh of course he is so why even state the obvious? Hence the confusion. 😅


Originally posted by Scull247

Thts it... This is gonna be my B'Day gift😭❤️

Happily birthday!


Originally posted by 63128615

Is there a way to just get the phantom?

Yes you can buy the skins individually


Originally posted by erickwak

Holy shit skin team what the f**k

You are so nice 😝


Originally posted by ShinOW

Was saying to my friends how the Phantom was having no love then this came...

Got you


Originally posted by SinfulBaggins

Hey, I’m really curious how long it takes to make something like the oni skin line. Is it mostly concept art, modeling, or both? And how long does each take? Anyway, they look amazing!

Thank you! It’s a pretty long while. Not as long as Elderflame, but many months. If people like this kind of production info, we’ll maybe start sharing more about our development. We’ve done a few articles but we are down to do more.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Which one of the variants is your personal favorite?

The green with the pink VFX accents is really fun. It's between that and the white and blue.


Originally posted by EchoingSharts

Usually I'm against cosmetic dlc (although I understand it for f2p games) but I might get this one.

Also keep up the good work!

Haha! You’re like my husband. Let’s see if he caves and gets this set.


Originally posted by Lesentix

so f**king sick good job



Originally posted by Davban

I was one of the ones that did not like the Elderflame line of skins. Now this, this is exactly the type of skins I like. Great work!

I’m glad to hear that. We know not everyone will like everything so we want to make a range of stuff. So it’s awesome to hear when someone likes one thing when something else wasn’t their kind of aesthetic.


Originally posted by TT196

love love love these japanese themed skins I would love to see more! great work !

You’re so nice. Thank you!


Originally posted by beautify

Thank you I’ve been waiting for a great phantom skin and it looks like it was worth it!!

I’m so glad you’re pleased! We couldn’t get a Phantom skin out sooner so we’ve been worried it would be a let down.


Originally posted by hippopotamusssss

Keanu's technique, a woman of culture I see

I'm female, but I'll take it!


Originally posted by 19Dan81

A future development blog and/or some type of road map the team is working towards would go a long way to satisfying the current feeling towards the competitive ranked mode. As a parting wish, I would love for you to take 6 minutes of your time indulging in this video regarding Valorant ranked. At the very least it would empower the team with a potential viewpoint that may not have been considered and that is the psychological reasons for playing a ranked game mode. Here it is >

Thanks again.

Added to my watch list, will make sure to give it and watch through and thanks for the share :)


Originally posted by 19Dan81

To reference one example, we're actually finding that the player skill data (among other data points) has us seeing match quality that aligns to our aggressive targets. I hope you're seeing this on your end in your games, aside to the criticisms you may have to our current ranked approach.

Without knowing the data you're referring to one can only assume you're talking about match win/loss margins across each ranking tier? If indeed that is the case, then I would like to counter that data with what I and others feel in game. We feel the outcome is largely determined by stack size and raid boss Matchmaking with the individual having little effect on the win/loss margins the system is using as a basis for MMR movements. This obviously is a system that feels designed towards an assumption that it's 5 stack vs 5 stack.

We see support players that aren't earning First Blood bonuses net a significant lower MMR gain. We see players in all...

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We have invested heavily in our data analytics (to which I just asked the team if we can share some perhaps in a future dev blog). We consider far more than match win/loss, and purposefully aim to ensure match quality irrespective of pre-made stack size, skill disparities, latency considerations, etc. A lot of factors go into trying to ensure we're making fair competitive matches, for every type of player and situation, and then ensuring we are tracking the results of those games across all those matrices to ensure we're meeting those goals.

Best I can do is try to assure you that these are all things we're considering and iterating on internally. We have and will continue to invest a lot here. But it will take time. Like League we didn't build Valorant to be complete on day one, we don't have intention to release Valorant #2, and we will continue to grow the product on our bi-weekly patch cadences. We have some sizable stuff on the horizon which I hope you'll enjoy, and mu...

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21 Jul


Originally posted by o5mfiHTNsH748KVq

Ah, I was only joking. Most guns simply hip fire well.



Originally posted by matiasf3199

I had a game on LAS that sent me to sudden death like 10 minutes ago. Letting you know just in case.

Are you sure it was compet? unrated should go to sudden death, compet should go to win-by-two. If so, can you send me your game name and tagline (reddit DM is fine)


Originally posted by deepanshu18

Y'all are adorable.

no u


Originally posted by do0rkn0b

I think you're missing the point, if you're able to log someone crashing then why are they being punished? An hour ban for crashing or even just leaving (which is not the case here) at hero select is asinine.

No player will be given an hour long ban for leaving agent select. The penalty starts at 3minutes and ramps up over time, over repeated occurrences.

In regards to why we punish; this system is in place in order to ensure the majority of players get a fair and balanced game. It's never fun when you have teammates AFK putting you at a disadvantage for what is essentially a ~45minute time commitment for the ~9 other players. In general players seek for us to have a deterrent, these punishments, to encourage not leaving the game.

The unfortunate side of that is legitimate reasons (crashes, ISP fell over, dog ate your mouse cable, etc) need to be punished, as there's no way to determine legitimate reasons vs general game abandonment. If we forgave crashes, we'd quickly see players forcing their clients to crash in order to dodge penalties. It's also why we lean on giving short punishments that scale to get more severe on repeat offenses.

That's why I gave the adv...

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