
Valorant Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by Purple_Grape_Monkey

Yes ofc, I do only focus on trying to get wins but not knowing where u are on the scale/thinking ur right at a promotion and not getting can get some tiresome after a while and the when u lose those couple of games that get u demoted it is rly rly annoying. I've seen this in many places, they should 100% add a count(? I cant find the right word) for ur rank so ull know where u are just like there is in LoL

It's definitely on our radar, and we're assessing options to address the confusion and frustration that's currently found through the lack of visibility. Please bare with us whilst we iterate and hopefully reach a point that resolves your concerns.

22 Jul


Originally posted by Artezza

Sorry to be another comment complaining about a bug cause it looks like you're getting quite a bit, but could yall look into fixing the UI on 4:3 resolutions? I'm not sure about blackbars, but on 4:3 stretched a lot of the UI elements either appear partially or entirely off screen, or overlap one another making them unreadable. This is especially evident in the post match scorecards.

This one is something we are aware of and looking to fix eventually.

Note that to my knowledge, playing 4:3 stretched in VALORANT doesn't actually stretch game graphics or give any gameplay advantage. As a result, I would recommend using a resolution that matches your monitor's aspect ratio to avoid the issue you are describing.


Originally posted by terminbee

Very well might be, thanks for checking on it. I just think it's weird since my internet is fine for every other application besides valorant.

It's more how that isp connects to our particular set of game servers. Depending on where you're getting routed to, they may take you halfway across the country and then back to get to servers that aren't too far from you. Do you notice this occurring most regularly when you're queuing with friends?


We've banned innocent people before but it's very rare. When we do we're quick to fix the situation (often before the player realizes they were banned).

We take false positives really seriously, if we see a cheat detection strategy generate a false positive we will take it out of commission immediately while we fix it.

For your friend I'd assume they were cheating, it's more likely than a false positive especially given the unusual amount of rank increase there.


Hm, we'll take a look into this. No changes were intended for Sova Drone so this could have been a bug we missed. Sorry about this! Will update when we figure out what might have happened.


Originally posted by SupAYYYer

I think the new weapon stats box is great! Perhaps could use pictures for head/body/leg instead of just the words? Probably only a minor improvement imo though

We actually tried this! It looked good in mockups but it didn't translate to in game. Sometimes things like this are difficult because we are designing for very minimal space and it has to scale correctly for all of our supported monitor sizes / resolutions.


Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

are you still going to play every character in the first round of a spectated match ?

that must get tiring at times.

It is really limiting the amount of work I can get done in a day. Playing all these custom games is tough.

On a real note - this will be fixed next patch.


Originally posted by sadboysthrowaway5295

Also the invisible HUD, please.

someone much smarter then myself is working on this! This is a pretty nasty bug and it is incredibly difficult to reproduce and track down. No timeline on fix but this is very high priority for us and we are hoping to have this fixed sooner rather then later. Sorry you have experienced it!


Originally posted by terminbee

I'm using Sparklight in Missouri.

I can launch the game normally and the loading screen is fine. It's only once I get into game (the map I guess) that this happens (says it in the chat box). At times, it displays everyone's ping as -1 and it jumps between 0% and 100% packet loss. Most recently (yesterday right before patch), everyone had ~30 ping but I just couldn't move. I can see my character's hands but not the gun; can't move or look around. Even when the next round starts, I'm stuck on the last round, with the timer ticking down very slowly and occasionally ticking up. Didn't have the missing string table entry message though.

Weirdest part is once the game ends, I can play the next game perfectly fine, as if nothing ever happened. It doesn't happen often- once every maybe 15-20 games or so.

I’ll have to check what peering we have set up on the riot direct side. It does sound like connection issues but I’ll need to follow up on that error. This info’s helpful!


Originally posted by frogggiboi

I get something similar on my laptop where the frame drops to 0 when some1 peeks

Can you run dxdiag.exe and send me the output?


Originally posted by Awooochy

I'm banned cause I was rendering an animation while playing valorant? idk how u made ur anticheat but I'm not going to play anymore cause u hwid banned me for actually rendering a 2d animation in unity, I like the game i'm banned, mind about FIXING UR USELESS ANTICHEAT

Hey friend, sorry you're having a bad time.

You can't be banned for rendering an animation while playing Valorant, something else is going on.

If you submit a support ticket they might be able to help you but I understand if you don't want to play anymore.


Originally posted by terminbee

A bit unrelated but I'm legit never able to reconnect after disconnecting for whatever reason. My internet is fine as I'm on discord and can even stream my friend playing but I can't reconnect. The game says I do (people see I'm back, I can hear them, they can hear me) but I'm not back; I can't move, the gun doesn't appear in my hand, and if I click to spectate someone else, it's stuck in that wavy screen that appears if you change spectators super fast.

It also sometimes says "missing string table entry" when I try to reconnect. This is something I've seen others complain about through Google searches.

Opened a ticket but they just said my internet sucks. Tried reinstalling and still an issue. Just wanted to bring it up in case others have it too.

There are some known bugs with clients getting into a weird state on reconnect, but that does seem on the extreme end for you. What isp do you use?

I’ll need to check on that missing string table entry, as I haven’t seen that issue (it might be tracked on the team, but I just hadn’t heard it). At what point in the reconnect does that pop up? Is it pre loading screen, on the loading screen, in the map, etc?


Hello! We're looking into this because those are some serious drops. The comments are helpful when we see it can happen on a variety of hardware, u/HazeYo1 can you also tell me if you have any 3rd party software that runs while you play Valorant? (If any). If anyone else notices it happens consistently with some event happens that would be helpful as well, based on the comments it seems to happen with abilities but HazeYo1 and P3nguinSmiles mention they see it with low action situations / being in the range


Originally posted by Purple_Grape_Monkey

Ye apperantly if ur game score is close, such as a 13-12, even if it says greatly increased it barely counts and is less than a normal increase in a 13-0 game. It actually says it when u go to see all the ranks.

As has been suggested above, please capture Match History screenshots when referring to extreme examples not only because it'll help being able to dig into what occurred but it also makes it hard to discern exaggeration :P

If you consider a given rank to be a sliding scale from say 1 to 100, with 0 being a demote and 101 being a promote, depending on how grounded your rank is (first game vs 100th vs how long in rank) there is going to be a variable number of positive games required to climb out of the rank. Not all account/player situations are equal.

"I lost 2 games and got demoted" vs "I won 3 games and didn't get promoted". If you were say ~5 into a given rank and were well grounded by this point, then its not really a surprise that you didn't get a ~96 increase in ~3 games or saw a ~6 loss in ~1 game. Obviously loose math, but trying to give vague examples to vague scenarios.

Similarly "I went 50 and 17 in a 13-12 game and got called a cheater"; there's ...

Read more

Great video! I do want to point out just in case that the Classic changes in 1.04 here ONLY touch the alternate fire (3 round burst). Primary fire was not touched this patch! Thanks for the awesome vid, broke it down really concisely =]


Originally posted by TreezyPhan

I got placed G2 on Monday

Having only recently placed its common to see rapid rank adjustments like this as the system attempts to establish your baseline rank based on having fewer games to assess your performance.

You've had some hard stomps, consistent wins and majority of games see you performing at a sizable positive KDA. It's not a surprise that these things coupled with your recently being placed has resulted in a series of promotions, congrats! Under the right circumstances double promotions are even possible.

Keep playing and before long you should see your rank placement begin to converge and the climb to get more gradual :)


Originally posted by IrateGenius858

Basically, Riot fired the person that created the ranked system. They are in the process of reworking it. It's currently ass, and we're hoping their next fix balances it out. It would be great to have something like league, where you could see your LP, but we are just hoping for balance at this point.

An unfortunately seeming frequent but still ultimately false rumor; we've a fully staffed and dedicated team constantly working on our ranked systems each and every patch, have been doing for years, will be doing for years more. Bare with us, we're listening to feedback and I'm confident we'll get to a point that addresses your concerns. :)


Originally posted by dankine

Some very heavy losses

Thanks for sharing the Match History, helps take in the full picture.

As mentioned above, likely due to having a series of heavy losses (2-13/7-13) and some negative KDA games (6-9, 10-16, 10-17) before your latest ~3 streak win, one of which you went equal KDA and the others were close wins (though good KDA ratios).

If you consider Gold 3 to be a sliding scale from say 1 to 100, with 0 being a demote and 101 being a promote, before your latest win streak that loss streak could have seen you at ~5, on the cusp of being demoted on the next comparable loss.

Instead you started to win! But even so you've a lot of distance to make up to get from ~5 through to 101 for that promotion you're seeking. If you continue to win, you will see a promotion occur and I expect it will be in the next ~1-2 games (but don't quote me on that..).

Good luck with the climb out of Gold :)


Originally posted by Top_Broccoli9033

u/Riot_Fragloser this is just beautiful. Can´t wait for it <3

u/Riot_Preeti did you also work on the skins and if so, what did you do? (^○^)

I'm just the producer for skins, so I didn't actually make anything. :'(


Originally posted by 117Trevor

Just pinging a few Riot people i found from some other threads just to make sure this is seen, because i feel like this could definitely ruin some rounds.

u/RiotSwade u/RiotRectifyer u/Riot_Fragloser

Looks like it has been passed over to the team