
Valorant Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by KidContax

Truly mean it! I hope to see your name on many more projects!

Oh it wasn't me! I'm the producer for the team, so I don't do any of the art/audio/design/etc. work. You'll want to see the team's name on lots and lots of stuff. ;)


Originally posted by unread36

Shorty is my fave in this set!

YUS!! Haha there's not a lot of shorty skins in general because its sort of a niche gun that doesnt have as much love as the others, but we're glad that this one turned out so well and glad that you like it!


Man this is so sweet. Thank you. I'm going to share this post with the team because it's so wholesome and nice of you to say. <3


Originally posted by Interrogator999

Actually you did fix an issue where it jittered at max height. It might have something to do with that.

Totally right, we're investigating now. I overlooked that bug fix scanning the notes XD


Tis the plan. Just need a few things to happen first.


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

I'll bring it up with the team. No promises on any changes though!


Aaah this is awesome. Great work! Really fun to see something I built in the real world.


Originally posted by do0rkn0b

i've never experienced any kind of 3 minute time out, it's been consistently an hour and i've yet to actually leave a game. so are you able to gauge at what point someone leaves a game? if someone leaves at hero select the max should be 15 minutes, anything else is absurd.

Leaving Agent Select ends a match there and then for the other ~9 players, so only has a ~3minute penalty that will scale up on repeated dodges.

If you proceed into game and leave there, then the penalty applies for each round that you're not present for, given it's a far larger/longer impact to the other 9 players who remained in the game.

Again this also carries scaling punishments that increase on repeat offenses and have a cooldown period to reset.


Originally posted by Purple_Grape_Monkey

Thank you so much! I have actually heard that the ranking system is really woerd rn cuz the guy that was in charge got former or something, is this true? I was just wandering :)

An unfortunately seeming frequent but still ultimately false rumor from a quote taken out of context; we've a fully staffed and dedicated team constantly working on our ranked systems each and every patch, have been doing for years, will be doing for years more :)


Originally posted by rycoux

u/CallMeCasper is right, I meant for the actual aiming, sorry :D

u/althaj I think we would definitely be starting to analyze using that change and see if it did anything, though. Good point!


Originally posted by Cummnor

That was actually a bug rather than the other way around, i believe

Haha yeah, confirmed that was a bug. I totally missed it when testing during Beta XD


Originally posted by althaj

No changes were intended for Sova Drone

From the latest patch notes:

Fixed jittering when reaching the max flight height of Sova’s drone

u/CallMeCasper is right, I meant for the actual aiming, sorry :D


Originally posted by LOLGuy213

Yeah, considering the Oni skins are the same tier as the Prime and Sovereign skins I'm quite sad there are almost no sound effects, or at least in game I can't hear any sound effects at all. It would be excellent if there were some sound effects that could be mixed or added, or for some clarification about whether this is a bug or not. I like the whispy reload sound but I can not hear it at all in game :( EDIT - typos fixed

It’s not a bug. We wanted to try to make a skin that had more subtle ghostly sound effects to see what players would like. Some people want effects and stuff but don’t want the audio to differ too much. We’re trying to experiment with thematics and make stuff that’ll cater to all sorts of people.


Originally posted by tunaburn

Also when you slash down and right it leaves it mark on the wall going the opposite way. It’s really bugging me.

Me too. I have a note to follow up in the morning to see if we can fix it for next patch. :)


i was about to say "ill give you the slashes but that ADS is totally centered" - but i checked and its literally ONE PIXEL OFFCENTER!


Originally posted by do0rkn0b

bro your game is an actual shit show, so you can stuff your pr answers. just admit that you released an unfinished product ahead of schedule. like admit it, be real with yourself, it is consistently buggy and constantly down.

and yes people get banned for d/cing at hero select, and that's just dumb. full stop.

Sorry you feel that way, was simply trying to explain the situation to you. This feature was actually implemented post-release, and was one which was heavily requested by players feeling frustration at having players abandon their matches. Also players aren't 'banned' for abandoning matches but given a queue time-out that begins at 3 minutes.


Originally posted by Purple_Grape_Monkey

Yes ofc, I do only focus on trying to get wins but not knowing where u are on the scale/thinking ur right at a promotion and not getting can get some tiresome after a while and the when u lose those couple of games that get u demoted it is rly rly annoying. I've seen this in many places, they should 100% add a count(? I cant find the right word) for ur rank so ull know where u are just like there is in LoL

It's definitely on our radar, and we're assessing options to address the confusion and frustration that's currently found through the lack of visibility. Please bare with us whilst we iterate and hopefully reach a point that resolves your concerns.

22 Jul


Originally posted by Artezza

Sorry to be another comment complaining about a bug cause it looks like you're getting quite a bit, but could yall look into fixing the UI on 4:3 resolutions? I'm not sure about blackbars, but on 4:3 stretched a lot of the UI elements either appear partially or entirely off screen, or overlap one another making them unreadable. This is especially evident in the post match scorecards.

This one is something we are aware of and looking to fix eventually.

Note that to my knowledge, playing 4:3 stretched in VALORANT doesn't actually stretch game graphics or give any gameplay advantage. As a result, I would recommend using a resolution that matches your monitor's aspect ratio to avoid the issue you are describing.


Originally posted by terminbee

Very well might be, thanks for checking on it. I just think it's weird since my internet is fine for every other application besides valorant.

It's more how that isp connects to our particular set of game servers. Depending on where you're getting routed to, they may take you halfway across the country and then back to get to servers that aren't too far from you. Do you notice this occurring most regularly when you're queuing with friends?