
Valorant Dev Tracker

25 Jun


Once we get some enhancements to the display of weapon stats finished, it's my personal goal to integrate them into the weapon details views as a subsection for each gun. I also want to make a master comparison table that includes all weapons so you can compare across them.


Originally posted by Rooslin

Are the numbers not representative of the number of pixels? 1 being a 1 pixel thickness outline, 2 being a 2 pixel thickness outline, etc

Correct; they are pixel perfect measurements, and you cannot draw half of a pixel.


Originally posted by j_2_the_esse

Can you link me to the tutorial please?

I’m a bit confused - so it points to multiple enemies? A lot of people seem to think it’s teammate’s death location.


We haven't yet added them to the initial tutorial, unfortunately.

The elements point to the last known locations of any enemies your teammate could see when they died.


Originally posted by Brini1601

Only skin bundle that looks hell dope, don't really like all other skins

I’m happy to hear you like it! We’re trying to make a broad array of appealing content, but that doesn’t mean everyone is going to like everything all the time. It makes me happy when I see people say “I like X skin more than the others” because it means we’re doing something right when trying to make sure there’s at least something out there for each person. We’re starting out slow, but we’ll get more stuff out there in time. :)


Originally posted by merksuccs

UPDATE: I bought it :)), played my first competitive placement match with the squad and it looks so good. Thanks for all the opinions I read all the comments and I appreciate you all taking the time to talk about a really small matter :) have a good day/night

I’m glad you like it. :)


We're aware of the issue and are currently investigating. Appears to be impacting other riot games too. I process of rebooting the chat service for recovery.


Originally posted by RiotSWAGGERNAU7

The Prism Ares isn't included in the Prism bundle so that the melee that is free in the bundle has a lower bundle price. We removed the Ares specifically because it was the least purchased weapon skin of the theme in the bundle during Closed Beta.

It's not in the Prism bundle but the Prism Ares did enter the rotating skin pool so there's still a way to acquire it!


Originally posted by kingaussi

has anyone noticed that the Prism Ares is not apart of the collection and must be bought separate? is this a bug? I don't remember it being separate in the beta

The Prism Ares isn't included in the Prism bundle so that the melee that is free in the bundle has a lower bundle price. We removed the Ares specifically because it was the least purchased weapon skin of the theme in the bundle during Closed Beta.


Originally posted by Mesaris

Not in the bundle, you can buy it individually. RIot removed the Ares to drop the price to 50$ to make it seem that it is the same price as the beta.

The Prism Ares isn't included in the Prism bundle so that the melee that is free in the bundle has a lower bundle price. We removed the Ares specifically because it was the least purchased weapon skin of the theme in the bundle during Closed Beta.

24 Jun


Originally posted by Cb58logan

I logged a ticket on the 2 july, I am missing 1 free agent unlock, i did not get the one at level 5 but i got the one at level 10.

Ticket is closed last updated yesterday, cant appear to reply.

Riot Tag is: Omen Main #Omen

in case you needed that

Can you log another ticket please? Sorry that we missed you with the second batch grant


It's definitely something we've discussed and see some potential value. There are a number of factors we have to prioritize and understand the experience we'd need to deliver:

  • How many players do we build for? What region? Can we consistently get players in for decent experience? Should we have servers for good we have enough people to get matches where that matters?
  • How do we get feedback? Do we need forums? Do we need to hire folks to translate and watch the other regional ones?
  • If we're just in one region? Do we use xp boosts or other things to motivate? Is that fair? Does it promote good testing?
  • How far out do we deploy stuff? Do we test services way in advance of complete user experience? Do we need to have extra testing to scrub content we're not ready to reveal?
  • Do we want feedback on that character early?--we're gonna get it-- Is the playerbase diverse enough where it nets good insights or are we responding to a...
Read more

Originally posted by Cb58logan

Still any update on this? its been almost a month since the error occurred? not sure how long a fix takes but my ticket has been in system since June 2

So we’ve already granted the agents to those who logged tickets who we could see were affected by the issue. Did you still not get your original 2 unlocks or what exactly was the issue you had?