
Valorant Dev Tracker

09 Jun


Originally posted by crrntjys

My brain doesn’t even register it’s Cypher when his hat isn’t on so I agree with you on this

But what if he had customizable shoes...


Originally posted by ExRcanian

Is there a definitive list for what specs are required for the setting to be available? I have a 2600X and I'm not seeing the option in the graphics quality settings.

It currently requires 8 logical cores and a Nvidia or AMD GPU with 6 GB of VRAM. These requirements may change in the future.


Originally posted by RiotBrentmeister

Hope they help! The Multithreaded rendering is going to be very dependent on spec + where you measure FPS.

Multithreaded rendering's biggest improvements will be in the Range and when running around maps. Other factors become the limiter in heavy combat, and we're still optimizing more.


Originally posted by AtTheGates

Hell yeah for Performance updates. That is the most important thing to me :)

Hope they help! The Multithreaded rendering is going to be very dependent on spec + where you measure FPS.


Hey - just noting that /u/AchievingAtaraxia and I worked on this for a while. Turns out doing a clean graphics driver install fixed it. If that doesn't do it, reinstalling windows might also be necessary.


Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

This fixed it.

I reinstalled windows, and reinstalled all my drivers, and this seems to have fixed the problem.

Thanks for all your help, I really do appreciate the time you've taken to help me fix the problem!


I'm so glad we figured it out, man, what a bug. I guess what was happening is that the monitor or your graphics drivers were reporting the wrong monitor information to the game, so we ended up with that junk data. Please pass along the fix if you see anyone else encounter this bug!


Originally posted by drinkandcoin

Where's the prism collection?

Copying my other comment:

I can't confirm if Reaver or Prism or any skins from Closed Beta (Ronin, Imperium, etc.) are coming back. Some stuff will, and others were just prototypes so they won't be back. If anything does come back, it'll come back with at least a slight update like we did with Luxe and Avalanche.


Originally posted by harrykheepal

Your team is so skilled. Keep it up 👍

You are sweet. Thank you! <3


Originally posted by RandomStuffs6

Skin itself is nice. And so are the others. But imo I think that less popular skins (guardian, Marshal, and stinger) should be options in the bundles. Tbh, I would’ve got the prime bundle if the guardian wasn’t there. Also any chance the reaver bundle is coming back, because that and prism were really good as they had main guns such as phantom, vandal, ops, and really sick knives.

I can't confirm if Reaver or Prism or any skins from Closed Beta (Ronin, Imperium, etc.) are coming back. Some stuff will, and others were just prototypes so they won't be back. If anything does come back, it'll come back with at least a slight update like we did with Luxe and Avalanche.


Originally posted by MoonDawg2

Oh what do you mean by evolve?

Evolve may not be the best word, but how they will change in the future. At the moment you can tell that most if not all the skins in the game are currently keeping in theme with the game of this futuristic, royal-ish type look.

It's hard to describe, but the best way I can think of saying it is this way: While the skins look amazing, they tend to blend with one another and I can't seem to remember them on their own as I would with something as an asiimov in CS for an example.

With evolution I'm talking of how they're going to change as we go forward and people get more comfortable with the pallet. Are we going to perfect this futuristic style, or are we going to break it in some spots and see how we can push it while still keeping it in taste.

And what would be less playing it safe

It goes in line with this comment:

At the moment you ca...

Read more

Oh wow! Thank you so much for this super thoughtful explanation! I think I understand what you're getting at. Maybe you'll feel like we hit it once we release more skins and you see more distinct diversity in the themes. I'm curious what you think once we've released a few more skin lines, whenever that may be.


Originally posted by LemonyPickle

Is there any chance that you devs will announce skin collections before release? I’m not sure whether to wait to buy skins or purchase some now. I think mimicking league (through showcasing skins before a patch) would be good so people can get hyped for newer skins. Also another question, when is the next skin collection with upgradable aspects (like the prime collection) coming out?

P.S. : loving the skins so far, great work.

Thanks for the nice comment! <3

Not sure if we'll announce skin collections before they're released. We might do teasers, but unsure yet since we're still early in the game's release. Lots of things to be decided and that need support!


Originally posted by AlphEta314

Are these skins based on the aesthetics of Demacia from League? The gold and white design looks super similar, plus the sword falling down upon kill looks and sounds a lot like a certain champion's ult...

Haha! Nope, not related to Demacia. We envisioned the Sovereign world as its own unique world. You'll see touches of that world in the design of the skin, its accessory content, etc.


Originally posted by BloodR

Will the old set of mission disappear ?

Or will I get the new set after I'm done with the old set ?

Weeklies will not disappear until the end of the pass' duration. If you did not finish the first week it will stay there until it is completed and then week 2 will roll in.


Originally posted by Tenp123

Also waiting on them. I hope this week has interesting missions and not just "Deal damage" or "Pick up ultimate orbs" too.

The missions won't be incredibly robust in the short term. We've focused on letting the player play the game and reward them for it rather than shift their behaviors towards focusing on a specific action within a session to min/max their mission.

The rule of thumb I've been using is... "If 10 players are on this mission, what does that match look like?" and if its not a match of VALORANT with 10 players trying to win, I've strayed away from it. Example being something like "Get 10 knife kills", while novel, it breaks down what VALORANT is and detracts from the Agents and gunplay heavily. That being said we'll be adding more and more missions incrementally in the future.


Yes! There will be a new set rolling out in about 5 hours for all regions. This will be the same time each week for the remainder of this pass. I'll bring it up with the internal team about better tying the sets with patches per region as it seems like that is the expectation in the thread.


Originally posted by Entertain_the_Sheep

Hey thanks for changing the avalanche skins to remove the orange parts, change material, and add the animation on preview! It's nice that you are listening to the community :)

No problem, always great to hear when you all notice these small changes. The animation should also be more noticeable on all skins in-game as well!


Originally posted by Kappaftw

Really nice aesthetics. Great work!

Thank you! :)


Originally posted by TuffPeen

Amazing. Easily my favorite ghost I’ve seen in game



Originally posted by TheDero

NGL, that's super sexy. I didn't like the pullout animation at first but now I'm in love. Reminds me of csgo bayonet

I personally love the sound when you swing it.