
Valorant Dev Tracker

11 Jun


Originally posted by Fi3nd7

I have Longmont nextlight fiber. I have a support ticket open as well, let me know if you want the ticket number.

Can you paste a traceroute to


Originally posted by Fi3nd7

I live in Colorado, so I'm almost central America.... D:

Which ISP are you on?


Originally posted by Trebunner


Any news sir?

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 9 ms 10 ms 9 ms []

3 9 ms 7 ms 8 ms []

4 13 ms 12 ms 12 ms []

5 12 ms 16 ms 13 ms []

6 16 ms 15 ms 16 ms ...

Read more

I cant do anything to make the jump from your house -> Tampa - > Houston - >Dallas any faster unfortunately. We're investigating options around closer server locations as a potential mitigation for this but I can't promise anything yet.


Originally posted by Cb58logan

Heya, sorry I appear to started a thread people took the wrong way and somehow turnt my argument against you? Thank you for working through them manually, that sounds like a tedious process that I can appreciate support doing, as always, riot support excel beyond others

Thanks for your patience friend. I know how frustrating this can be so we appreciate it


Originally posted by [deleted]


Have you logged a ticket for your missing unlocks? You may be in the small group (few hundred) missed by the patch (many thousands). If we have your details we’re working through those manually


Originally posted by tdonoher441

“Bank error in your favor and we’re ok with it” LMFAO. People that I know for a fact haven’t even spent a dime on this game are receiving 4 free agent unlocks brining then to having one left to complete while anyone who actually spent money out of their own pockets to buy the battle pass are not only not receiving their make up free agent unlock, they will not be receiving the extra 2 agents most players now have. Laughable. Joke of a company.

This seems unlikely since the issue only affected people who bought the premium Battlepass, but I understand your frustration.

We’re working on the few folks that the patch didn’t help with getting their missing agent unlock. If you’re in this group please log a ticket with support to make sure we help you too.

10 Jun


Originally posted by Cummnor

On a side note about your name, have you heard No pants dance by TWRP (featuring NSP)

I have not - picked this name since I was a Zyra one trick for years on League & kept it since it also kinda works on this game :)


Originally posted by Stressfuldragon

I already submitted a ticket but since you're here I might as well reply, I got my pass rewards and my missed intro contract rewards apart from the first free agent unlock. I played a game to see if I would get it after but still missing that first one sadly :(

A ticket is the best way for us to figure out your issue friend. Thanks for submitting it - we're looking into how to solve those the patch missed at the minute


Originally posted by abbev

Same, im guessing they messed up when trying to make sure everyone got their rewards from the battle pass or something...

Kinda. Our priorities when designing & applying the fix were:

  1. You get things you missed as quickly as we can get it done safely
  2. The fix is 100% accurate so that everyone gets exactly what they should have earned

Basically we optimised for priority 1 at the expense of priority 2. We also figured if we were gonna sacrifice accuracy it was better to err on the side of "some people might get more than they earned" rather than the alternative.

TLDR bank error in your favour and we're ok with it


Originally posted by Wrathofvulk

Hey NoPlantsDance, it seems like a bunch of people have not gotten their agent contract unlocks still - there's tons of posts and tweets about it but no response yet :( I lodged a ticket a few days ago, and got a response yesterday that said there was no ETA for the fix. I mentioned that it was supposed to be fixed in yesterday's patch and still has not been, and haven't gotten a reply since. I personally never received the 40 RP from the new player contract. I think this is a pretty widespread issue, hope you guys are aware of it. Thanks!

Hi - sorry you’re still experiencing this friend. Support gave us a list of people the fix didn’t work for & we’re investigating


Fix the melee swing decals, f*ck up Sova's character description. Game development is a zero sum game.


Originally posted by Dyynamik

I just love how it feels like every update, the order or placement of the buttons change lol. Jokes aside, the layout is clean and hopefully one gets decided on soon! Keep up the good work on the game!

This will taper off soon. We're still finalizing a bunch of stuff from the beta, so there will be changes for another patch or two. After that we'll leave things alone, I promise.


Originally posted by donotbesorrybebetter

I know you’ve probably heard or seen this one hundred times but the toggle walk is broken. Please. I miss this game. My tiny brain can’t hold shift, walk, stop, shoot, run, walk again, and shoot all at the same time.

It is known, and regrettable. Team is working on a fix.


Originally posted by kremufkowyjoe

EU, first free agent still missing (even after playing 2 matches). At least spectre skin is unlocked.

Can you log a support ticket for your missing rewards please?


Originally posted by Dokunly

If there's one thing I really care about in my games, it's consistency.

PLEASE move the buttons every update, it's genuinely hilarious to listen to my friends rage when they leave the range to ready up for a game via the exit & logout button

Raising that skill ceiling.


Originally posted by nishyman22

I think the new button sizes and positions are great , if you HAVE to have the logout button there for now. 👍

I wanted a little checkbox that remembered your last preference, but it has to be a button for now. We'll get it sorted out.


You all can direct your frustration at me.

This is one of those things where I have feedback from both sides, where people were hitting logout accidentally when it was in top, and now on the bottom. Depending on where your mouse is coming from you are more likely to hit one or the other. It's fundamentally flawed.

I have a bigger redesign of this and related things coming, which will resolve this issue for good and for everyone.

PS: For now we have to include a logout button, unfortunately, as it's required by the platform.


Originally posted by frostnxn

That sounds good, having a schedule, and I love the times as well! I would use your attention, while I have it, to also suggest moving the daily reset timer earlier in EU, because right now it's a bit inconvenient for people who have time in the morning only, since they reset at noon.

I believe we're pushing a change to make that early morning (like 4am) sometime in the next day or so.