
Valorant Dev Tracker

12 Jun


Originally posted by snooberino

Just saying, I've never used the launcher since I logged into the game the first time, my game just starts up. Maybe get a notification in game so everybody could see it?

Should be there now. There's a bug with informational tickers that we'll follow up on.


TL;DR: All of us have probably been here at some point. Don't get discouraged! There's so much to this game outside of aim, aim is just easy to notice and reflect on (and get discouraged by). You will get substantially better, just keep focusing and building on your fundamentals and you will absolutely get there.

This was me when I joined the team. I'd played a ton of shooters growing up, but the one shooter I had never really gotten into was CS (I'm a big exception from most folks on the team in that regard). The biggest thing I can say is that it's easy to focus on aim as an area of improvement because it's so salient, but every time I felt like I hit a wall where "I just can't aim as well as these players", there was actually something else holding me back. My game sense, my utility usage, my movement and peeking, my general strategy and approach, my crosshair placement, etc.

As I've learned more and more about the game, the more I've come to app...

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Originally posted by batspidersuperman

Makes sense to make gameplay and other areas a priority so no problem there. I'm wondering, do you intend to keep the buddy page as a carousel? Seems like adding more buddies would just make the menu even more tedious if it's just one big long carousel. I figured you would go with something more like league's skin collection with rows and scrolling and sorting options like most recent, rarity etc.

We will be exploring a number of different options. I personally really like the carousel, but I agree that we need more ways to filter out content that you don't want to see and highlight the content that you do want to see in the space.


Originally posted by Beechman

Yes. These are the types of things that should have been addressed in Beta and I’m surprised it never was. It’s an awful interface.

Hey! We here you on this feedback and we're looking to address this in the future. We had to make prioritization calls and unfortunately the buddies page update got pushed a bit. We will be making some slight adjustments to the current flow to bring it in line with other carousel functionality and eventually re-imagine the entire flow for gun buddy equips as it's not where we want it to be.


Originally posted by xX_-sQUiD-_Xx

Where can I find the tool tip?

Should be the purple button with the "!" on the launcher. The message should show up in the client next to the battlepass progress top left, but it looks like it's not consistently showing up. Looking into that.


Originally posted by EarthVSFlyingSaucers

Any word on the run/walk toggle being messed up for some people?

I don't work on that team, but I believe they are aware of it and investigating.


Originally posted by zwck

There should be a small benchmark test included in the game, which is accessible via a button. It should run a demanding 2-3 minute demo it should have some statistics at the end and a button to submit the data to you guys.

This will lead to solid statistics for us and for you, I personally hate these anecdotal stories, like "when I look at teleporter on bind and fart my frames drop to 27"

Great suggestion! This is something we're considering, but it would take a while to build it (and it would have to be built by the same people that do the perf optimizations)


Originally posted by Wrathofvulk

Thanks again for looking into it. Jw as a software engineer myself if you could give a high level overview of what the bug was? Seems like if you have the current contract level for each user and the content they have on the account this is something that could be backfilled pretty easily, obviously it's proving not to be the case but I'm curious what made this such a challenge to fix.

Please take my non technical producer version with a pinch of salt, but the game had a small enough issue that combined with a small issue in a central system to turn into a much larger issue.

For affected accounts, the game side got into a weird state and sent a bad request to a central service. That service rightly rejected it, but didn't send a failure message back, leading to the game and inventory services disagreeing about what you should have/get. This was a sticky problem to unwind!


Originally posted by [deleted]


The chat restriction on that account isn't due to any one thing that was said but due to a consistent pattern of negative speech that frequently gets reported.

I don't have access to chat logs but based on the amount of reports you receive across all your games I expect that you're often doing something that the people you're playing with find unsportsmanlike.

Edit: I don't have access to chat history since I don't commonly work with chat data not because the chat data is unavailable to people who do reviews.


Originally posted by DeathlyMeme

This may be unrelated, but are the recent PC freezes caused by Valorant on the team's radar? It's getting pretty repetitive.

A Vanguard update went out last night that might help but to be honest we haven't figured out what the cause is or how to reproduce it yet so we can't have high confidence that we've fixed it.


Originally posted by Jahsay

Seems like Riot is bringing League's system to this game where instead of banning the afks and trolls they ban the people that call them out.

Hijacking top post for vis:

This doesn't sound right. I don't think you can get a restriction for letting the enemy team know that there's someone afk on your team.

If you send me an impacted account name I'll look into it.


Originally posted by Rawbeatzmusic

3000 Mhz


11 Jun


Originally posted by Rawbeatzmusic

It's an average fps loss, I had 240 fps before with Cpu: amd ryzen 5 2600 and Gpu: Rx 5700 XT, so in the high end pc area. However after the patch I only got 160 to 140, sometimes dipping down to 110 fps in rare cases. Also mentioning that often times it happens when enemies are near me, so I also could see people abousing this to their adventage

What is your memory clock speed?


Heyo! We're actively investigating the issues with freezing this patch.

We've been closely monitoring the data and have not seen an indication in the data that average FPS has gotten worse this patch, so I'm guessing that for those of you experiencing the freezing, it may also result in FPS loss leading up to the freeze.

For those having FPS issues - Is it an average FPS loss, or are you experiencing hitches/freezes?


Originally posted by TheChubsta7

Nah, I don't have motion blur on, that stuff is ugly

We don't have motion blur in Valorant at all!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for the heads-up. We've got a fix for this in the upcoming 1.02 patch.


Good sleuthing!

However we don't use GeoIP to decide between Instanbul and Frankfurt servers we use ping. It's not ICMP Ping (like ping.exe) but something that's closer to game traffic.

So if you're getting placed on the wrong servers it usually means that your ISP is routing the ping traffic incorrectly. For example if the ping packets go from your computer to Instanbul and then to Frankfurt then it's not surprising that Instanbul's servers have a smaller ping.

This can happen because there are many ways to connect to Riot's ISP (via our PoPs or Points of Presence) and often an ISP will pick one arbitrarily to send traffic to rather than the best one. The fix is usually that the ISP reconfigures their routing (Riot can help them) though sometimes there're other issues too.


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