
Valorant Dev Tracker

18 May


Originally posted by Andrewthemist13

Angel devil for sure, would be dope

Lots of you seem to like the angel/devil idea. What do you like about it?


Originally posted by stormcaller_op

Fantastical for sure, for more sci-fi stuff I’d want an Astro line which could either look like the Astronautilus theme with space rock colors or Space Invader Heimer with more green

Nice nice. Thanks for sharing :)


Originally posted by caramba2654

Ooh, maybe an elephant then. They are really loud and bulky just like the Odin!

Oh man an elephant! I love elephants! :D


Originally posted by stormcaller_op

Not the other dude but what would be important is the weapons feeling very fluid. Think the new legendary Cosmic lux skin, it’s like flowing water.

Then once it feels super smooth, add a ton of pew pew and star dust.

That's cool! Would it feel more scifi-y or more fantastical for you?


Originally posted by Deranox

Question- can you make gun buddies not clip into weapons when they move ? Idk by either extending the thing they're attached to so they don't hit the weapon at all or by adding actual physics to the weapons and gun buddies i.e when the gun buddy touches the weapon, it hits it and stops there, not clip through it. Animation for that needs some work, but I doubt it'll be too much of a problem. It's 2020 after all.

That is, if you intend to make gun buddies a buyable thing in the future along with skins, you shouldn't make visual compromises like that when you want us to buy because of the visuals in the first place.

This is something we're in the process of fixing! Lots of buddy clipping issues right now. :/

Tell them u/oniram177 :D


Originally posted by caramba2654

The shorty could be bull themed. You know how they sharply exhale through their two nostrils? That's kinda similar to the shorty 😛

As for the Odin... Probably a big feline, like a cheetah or clouded leopard. When the Odin shoots, it reminds me of a cat's purr.

Edit: Operator would be an eagle because their eyesight is comparable to the double scope we have on the gun.

^ this guy has ideas.

I was thinking the Odin is like a rhino. Or some really loud animal. I swear it makes my ears ring when I'm spectating someone who's unloading it.


Originally posted by caramba2654

Animal themed skins are amazing, and have no limits. You can have a wolf Vandal, a fox Phantom, a ferret Classic, etc. Basically matching characteristics of each weapon with an animal stereotype.

lol this is fun. What would the Odin be? Or the Shorty?


Originally posted by SoraKuroi

Dude Cosmic is one of my favorite skinlines in LoL and I feel that Cosmic guns would be so f**king sick

Oh nice! What would you want to see in a skin like this?


Originally posted by jimoshitemoto

I know it's not your domain, nothing about hitreg and stuff.

But may you pass the word about "Headache" problem on valorant? "seem" to be a problem arround weapon sway/bob or even spray that shake the screen.

Apex Legend had a similar problem with headache, that was due to movement shake.

Would gladly appreciate :(

I can talk with some folks about it, yeah. As I understand it it's a competitive advantage question- do we allow a setting that helps alleviate the 'headache' problem if that setting is a must for competitive play? I'm sure there's more to it than that, but that's my simple understanding of the problem in adding that setting for now

Edit: Don't worry about shooting stuff my way that's not out of my domain- my domain is rather broad (most of the underlying game tech is done by my team, stuff like movement, HUD, UI, Hitreg, Wall Pen, etc etc). If it's something I don't have knowledge about I can direct you to the right folks to talk to


Originally posted by VacantMindz

Can you go work for Respawn part time and fix Apex hit reg please? Love the dedication you guys are showing to your game, thank you for all your hard work.

If only all the FPS games I loved had perfect hitreg!

Thank you, I very much appreciate the kind words :)


Originally posted by LittleLunia

Damn, nice find. This might be enough info for Riot to be able to pinpoint the underlying cause.

This is a great video. We're looking into it!

Thanks again to all you wonderful people out there reporting bugs with videos- it makes reporting and fixing these much smoother.


Originally posted by aecro

I particularly like that it's a bit flashy and looks a little more modern. I'm not much of a fan of those fantasy-themed skins like the Reaver line. For reference, my favorite skins in CSGO are the Asiimov ones.

I also like Omen's Ghost because of the cloth wrapped around handle and silencer, though the texture of the lightning seems a little low res.

Unfortunately, both of those take ages to unlock, so I don't have either of them yet.

Those are my two favorite agent skins too!


Originally posted by aecro

Graffiti, I love the Raze Classic and want more like it.

Nice! What do you like best about Raze's Classic? Are there other agent gun skins you like too?


Originally posted by Tyger2212

I’ll also accept a cypher skin where he wears Teemos hat and his trip wires are little mushrooms

LOL! That would make his traps even more annoying. D:


Originally posted by JustStas1

I solved the problem - in Nvidia control panel->3D parameters->Program settings-->Valorant-->OpenGL rendering GPU needs to be set to the high-performance GPU (for Valorant specifically). I don't know why, but for some reason, Valorant is the only game I have with this problem. Anyways, thanks a lot for your answers and hope this fix will help someone else

Thanks so much for updating! I'm not sure why our game is the only one where this happens, I'll have to dig into that.


Thanks for the post! There's a bug this patch where your weapon will be inaccurate after round start until you move.

Obviously, this doesn't really have any impact to your accuracy in-round, unless you were to literally stay in your exact spawn location for the entire round, but I can see how it looks very bad when shown in your example.

We're still planning on fixing this issue, but I don't think we'll hotfix it out since it doesn't have any tangible impact to your ability to play.


Originally posted by Tyger2212

Make star guardian omen

Help! Can't unsee.


Originally posted by oniram177

the one at the top next to the green dot reads "Mecha" - a mixture of my poor handwriting and the low quality image :P

He's trolling. Don't listen to him.


Originally posted by Entertain_the_Sheep

Sneak peak into weapon skins on brainstorming board shown:

(does anyone know what the yellow sticky on top next to single green dot says?)

- Mecha (could be rito troll) (1 vote)

- Instrumental / DJ (3 votes)

- WWII / Alternate History (1 vote)

- Souvenir/ GI Joe (1 vote)

- Map Themed Skins

- Balenciaga?? (apocalypse / junkrat )

- prehistoric (1 vote)

- Viking

- Symbiotic/Alien Gun (4 votes)

- Underwater

- Dragon / Gothic (3 vote)

- Cosmic

- Wilderness

- Horror

- Liquid Metal / Cyberpunk (3 vote)

- Angel / Devil

- Popcorn / Food (1 vote) (Rito... what??)

- grafitti/Surreal (1 vote)

- comic book / classic animation (2 vote)

- High Class (1 vote)

- Fast and Furious

- Stuffed Animal / Hamster Powered

the one at the top next to the green dot reads "Mecha" - a mixture of my poor handwriting and the low quality image :P


Originally posted by xWaffleicious

What are you seeing that looks anything like Balenciaga? I don't see anything that looks anything like that

Not gonna lie but I was also wondering where people were seeing this Balenciaga sticky note. I couldn't see it on the board and I didn't remember it being there.