
Valorant Dev Tracker

08 Apr

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by wirwerdenallesterben

thanks for your time. there seems to still be some confusion about diminishing returns. might wanna clear that one up?

I can't really expose the math of it because it's both complicated (our data scientist ran me through it and it's crazy albeit fair) and we don't want it to be gamified.

Here's what I'll say: watching more helps, it does, but watching like 12hrs of streams vs. 80hrs of streams isn't so significant that you should bleed your eyes out. The largest BY FAR impacting issue is the sheer NUMBER of people in line. They all have a chance, and we have a limited amount of space in the club.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Here to answer questions, lmk

(Now adding in answers here as I see questions...)

How do you personally feel about the lottery system for the closed beta access?

I'll do some real-talk here around this... very few (if any) company puts engineering or resource efforts toward closed beta access because it's a single moment to test server loads. We wanted to do a lot here around making a more 'fair' way to get closed beta access, but needed to put resources elsewhere. It happens.

Right now Twitch is the best MVP approach because we really wanted to focus on players knowing what they were getting into before getting into it. VALORANT is a hard game and we wanted to prioritize people who knew this game was for them vs. passive interest of people getting a random key from a website key generator.

I personally think watching Twitch streams is a great way to start to understand the game, and then to decide if it'...

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Originally posted by Koalifier

I'm glad it's feeling good for you! Thanks for the kind words :-)

As a former potato-gamer myself, it's really important to me that everyone has a shot at solid framerate in the game.

+1 to this. Koalifier and the rest of us on the Gameplay Integrity team sweat over this stuff daily. Trying to make it the best experience possible for as many players as possible.


I believe we may have pushed out a fix for this issue. Please restart to pull down the latest version. Make sure the RiotClientService.exe is dead prior to starting the game back up again. It seems to have been getting stuck shutting down for a few folks, use task manager to kill it. Once its dead and you launch the game again it should install the latest version with the fix. Let us know if you are still running into this after downloading the latest version.


Originally posted by fuzzout

Ok this is not good, it's constantly writing to the drive, meaning if it sits on the SSD for days and days, just writing - that is technically slowly killing the SSD/M.2 drive.

The issue is now fixed!

Thank you, Riot! :)

This might be related to a an issue we just pushed out a fix for. Please restart to download the latest version. Make sure the RiotClientServices.exe process is dead prior to starting the game back up again, I think it may have been getting stuck for a few people. Let us know if you still run into this after updating to the latest version.

07 Apr


Originally posted by ZedsBreadBaby

Always neat to hear these origin stories :)

I remember that moment when someone explained to me that they misheard "New Hall" as U-Hall, assuming it was called it because of its U shape.

And externally I was like, "Haha that's so funny!"

...but internally I was like "Wait it's not U-Haul? Like the truck? O___O"


Originally posted by FabioSxO

rioter found a useful thread to reply

we're lurking ;) this in particular relates to content my team makes (skins, sprays, buddies, etc) so its nice to engage




Originally posted by MSFTS01

Okay... any way to get it fixed asap? :(

no idea about timelines - we're monitoring all tickets coming through so you should definitely hear back, but again i cant say for sure when :(


Originally posted by stormcaller_op

Very nice touch - if it wouldn’t eat up too much of your time, I’d probably add a little message next to it of “can’t use animated sprays mid round”, just because I was confused for a bit on why it was unequippable. Thanks for the great game!

not a bad idea - yeah definitely something to indicate that you can or cant use it would be helpful for understanding


sorry that this happened :( its not cross region unfortunately.


glad that its appreciated! we definitely want to add some fun and flair to sprays, but not if its going to take away from an in game moment :)


the dream! nice job :)


good job! i like the "let me ace!" callout :)


Grats on finding and finishing!

The whole course is possible as any character (no abilities required). Looking forward to those speedruns someday...


Originally posted by Cadenza_

Does your name mean 9 in Greek or am I crazy

They do sound the same! εννέα is pronounced like "ennéa," which is super close. My name comes from the Latin epic "The Aeneid," similar to the Greek "The Odyssey."


Originally posted by chrRiscs

Maybe change heaven to window i think its more accurate.

Throughout the most recent dev history, people use both "Heaven" and "Window." I imagine it'll continue to be known as both :)