
Valorant Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Sorry to hear that you're not getting the performance you expected from your rig.

At higher specs Valorant is generally CPU bound on the main game thread. The biggest limiter to FPS on higher specs is going to be core clock speed of your CPU. That is to say, a 2.7GHZ 32 core processor will perform worse than a 4.5Ghz 4 core processor in most cases. GPU is only one factor of your performance and having a powerful GPU alone will not necessarily guarantee you a higher framerate.

Closed Beta is definitely still a WIP and we're looking into optimizations for both CPU side for higher specs and GPU side for lower end specs. It's just a balancing act of trying to optimize for a wide variety of specs. You're always going to be limited by one or the other.

In terms of the RiotClient issue, I believe that was fixed in a patch pushed out last night. If you're still having problems can you try rebooting your computer? Maybe something prevented you from getting that ...

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Hey fam! We are looking into this. I promise. It's on a list of to-dos that are "quality of life" changes, as opposed to "core to gameplay" changes.


Originally posted by RiotNaCl

Yeah it's because vanguard doesn't like an unsigned dll from the Samsung printer driver. Uninstalling your printer driver should fix it. Easily the weirdest bug we've had yet.

Should be fixed soon though


Originally posted by TheNamesRoodi

Player has restarted their client and PC multiple times

Still in unranked 0-0?


Originally posted by HoidaH

I'm having the same problem and I happen to have a Samsung printer.
Do you know what's going on or is there a known solution?

Yeah it's because vanguard doesn't like an unsigned dll from the Samsung printer driver. Uninstalling your printer driver should fix it. Easily the weirdest bug we've had yet.


Originally posted by McLyntree

"Grenades being close together has been the most 'just blow me up' situation I've seen so far"

ha i can totally relate to that!

and thank you for taking time to ask for community feedback and consider what they suggest. it may not seem like much but i think that a lot of people appreciate it.

It's a journey - one thing we wanna do is both go "here's where we're at" but sorta work through this together. "Strong views, weakly held" we have a strong opinion but should be able to change our minds quickly on how to best meet the game/audience needs.


Originally posted by McLyntree


after playing a few games against raze and hearing others opinions, heres what i have to say about raze:

she has a great kit! her robot is effective yet very counterable, while her c4 allows for some awesome plays and opens up a lot of opportunities for taking certain positions.

where i think most of the problems players have with her lie though is with her grenades and her ultimate.

i really like the idea of an agent having grenades, as grenades are the backbones to other tactical shooters like counter strike, but i feel like the grenades also having clusters makes them a bit too effective, especially since shes allowed to carry two of them. i think a few considerable ideas would be to remove the cluster part of the grenades as it heavily punishes anyone who is forced to stay within its radius, or to give it one charge so it becomes less of a spam ability, as a lot of players complain about, and more of a reserved ability for specific sit...

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Good post. I definitely think these are the issues people are feeling.

Grenades being close together has been the most "just blow me up" situation I've seen so far and is a likely next step. The rocket frustration is something we talk about a lot, and some of the solutions we have have been talked about in this thread.

I do wanna watch more hours and get lore patterns before going hard in on anything, but these are areas were watching. Thanks!


Originally posted by Oothman

Sorry but this is complete bullshit and puts me off investing myself in the game entirely. This and the fly around with knives chick are ridiculously overpowered especially compared to viper who takes a lot of skill to use effectively and her abilities do little damage. Why would you think it’s a good idea for an agent to have a rocket launcher that one hits in a massive blast radius? This is not skilful or tactical and promotes nothing you talked about in this comment, it’s straight out of call of duty and makes me just wanna go back to csgo

We're going to have abilities that provide momentary or limited exceptions to pure tactics (we're tactical, but not purest like a cs 1.6 2). Jetts dash let's you escape combat once a round. Razes clusters must be respected. (Rocket is the spiciest and I think does not match what I said -tru). Ults are even bigger, but way less frequent exceptions.

The game is about gunplay first, but not only. We're gonna test the limits of of those things. We care a lot about the tac cycle, but aren't slavish to how cs or r6 do it.


Originally posted by SteelFlux

How about nerfing her rocket launcher? As mentioned below, probably a flat 50 damage + stun/daze depending on how close you are to the blast? It could give a player who reacted fast enough but still got caught by the blast to fight back.

But since you're saying that she's more of a pub agent than a comp, I'll watch and see what you shall do in the future

I think rocket is where I feel the most like you do, though wanna slow burn it based on some play experience (my other worry is also that it's an ult that trades primarily, which is meh too)


Originally posted by whitesundreams

I disagree with OP and there are people who like the direction of Raze. Valorant should be more Overwatch and less tactical. I feel that the tactical shooter genre already has an audience RS6, CSGO, Tarkov and several Asian counter parts that are insanely popular. For hero shooters you have Overwatch and Paladins. You could also consider Shadowrun in this genre, which I really hope this game becomes. Shadowrun was incredibly fun for its time.

Valorant has an audience that is looking for a team based shooter that isn't ultimate based but also not overly tactical.

That's definitely not the goal. Tactical is core, which is why razes abilities need to be really managed exceptions - not adding new combat models


Originally posted by Nudl_WCR

It hasn't even been a week and there's already a character with blatant balance issues and toxic mechanics. You have the same problem in LoL where characters are left unchecked for months. I'm losing faith in the game and company. If this is another example of devs who are too afraid to "kill your darlings".

2GD the developer from Diabotical says it the best here:

That's a bit much, doomsaying this early is pretty far out there, man. We'll do something if it ends up like this, but I'm not going to kneejerk sweeping changes after a 36 hours of public play when there's a lot to learn through heat testing. A lot of tuning levers exist (damage, area, frequency, equip times, costs) we can pull quickly if needed.

I'd rather also let players figure it out than be overly interventionist or whip lash with buffs and nerfs

Summit being frustrated at it ain't the only KPI.


Originally posted by InsaneBeagle

I'm almost certain I did press shift to sprint because I haven't got used to not having one.

and even crazier question. Any chance you got a samsung printer?


Originally posted by DoUruden

Question for Rioters who are reading through this: how long should I expect before I hear back about my ticket I submitted yesterday? Just trying to temper my expectations

i honestly cant answer that. im sorry. what was your ticket about?


Originally posted by InsaneBeagle

• Region: NA

• Type of Bug: Game quit to menu

• Description: I was mid game and was suddenly brought to the menu screen.

• Video / Screenshot:

• Steps to reproduce: I couldn't tell you. I was standing on a box, as soon as I started to walk off the box I got kicked to menu.

• Expected result: ...gravity? Ideally I'd be able to finish the game.

• Observed result: The game kicked me to the mennu.

• Reproduction rate: .01/10

• System specs: i7 6700k, GTX 1070, 16gb DDR4 3000mhz, HDD, GeForce 445.75

crazy question. any chance you were pressing ctrl or shift?

08 Apr


This is fastest I've seen so far. Nice job!


Originally posted by levelupyourgame

Please don't remove ability to double satchel jump (via longer cooldown/re-equip time), I love random mechanics like this

Satchel I'm not super worried about tbh. And yes, her movement is a good value


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Do you think that that the best way to take on her balance wise would be speeding up or slowing down her cast times?

Edit: changed to cast times cause it has the meaning I was going for

I think equip time and re-equip times are a good balancing lever if she's using them too reactively or in combat, yeah. We do this with Breach to make sure he's really proactive