
Valorant Dev Tracker

11 Apr


Originally posted by Okimbe_Benitez_Xiong

Replying to this to state another bug I've seen

I like to quick switch out of awp to knife like CSGO but the "swap to last equipped weapon" bind kind of resets after you use an ability.

If you swap to weapon then knife then never use an ability it works fine.

If I swap to Operator use an ability then I can no longer swap to last equipped.

I would assume it has something to do with some abilities being "equip a weapon" like Brimstones molly.

I havent tested it much so idk if it was all characters and abilities but it was bothering me quite a bit.

Thanks for the report, I'll pass it on to the right team!


Originally posted by DawnCS

Did you guys say anything about the patch cycle, yet? Is it every 2 weeks or nothing planned ? I really love the game so far and i reported a pretty severe bug as well.

Operator drops input on double zoom when moving the mouse slowly under 0.21 sensitivity.

I know Unreal Engine can be petty sometimes as i developed on some games as well haha. But still the best Engine you couldve used as it allows for you to customize it exactly for your needs.

Thank you guys for your open communication and i really hope it stays that way! Much love and stay healthy guys :)

Still working out official patch cycles. Stay tuned. And thanks for reporting these, we need your help.


Definitely not intended, I'll validate and take a look at what's going on. Will aim to get a fix in for the next patch. Nice find! <3


At one point in development there was a bug where the knife became FREAKING ENORMOUS.

I super secretly hope it comes back. ><


Originally posted by TSMVillain

riv is so good! I didn’t expect it considering hes not high rank in league but I guess its a different skill

oh totally. FPS games are how he got into esports. He's been waiting for this moment for a loooong time lol.


...have you found the other bears?





...any of y'all watch Rivington's stream last night?
This was literally us.



We will take a look. Nice catch.


Originally posted by worldssmartestpickle

Just to clarify - There are many spots where the camera glitches out of the level but most of them are useless. Just posting it here so it maybe reaches the devs.

We will take a look


Originally posted by twoelephantszies

Hey, sometimes (only happened to me in the practice range) the Ghost and the Phantom's suppressor disappear from the model and you lose the ADS animation for the Phantom. I'll try to replicate it and get some footage of it.

Yep, there's a range-specific bug with ADS that should be fixed in an upcoming patch. Afaik the current workaround is to buy a new gun.


Hello friends, I’m a producer working in this area.

A couple of points to note: - Missions are a very important XP source for how we have tuned contracts. Reasoning here is that we’d like to give an opportunity to those who play consistently across days/weeks to not totally get left behind by those who play a large number of games. - Since this is CB, current tuning is subject to change. We’re looking at progress, pacing and feedback in many forms to inform our decisions. - This conversation helps us figure it out, so thank you all.


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

No problem! Glad I could make your night!

I...might have a commission request. Paid, of course. It's a bit silly, but it would mean a lot. May I DM you?


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

u/aeneia I heard that you like Sova, so I made you a Sova graphic! Enjoy!

This INSTANTLY became my background. That's so unbelievably kind of you. Thank you so much Friffle <3 Really. (I also just had two really high performing games and this freaking made my night. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you <3 <3 <3)


Originally posted by Cb58logan

Heya its the same thing with the ghost pistol, lacks a suppressor in some places. Furthermore Cypher’s gun that he holds appears to me a ghost without a suppressor also. Was the suppressor a last second choice?

The suppressors have been around a while, though not forever. I think it's like that thing where you see something every day and don't realize it's wrong, and then someone new sees it for the first time and is immediately like "are you f'in blind mate!?". Y'all are eagle eyed right now, it's great to have so many fresh eyes on the game after all this time ;)


Originally posted by MoePork

Hello, I made this animated wallpaper for Viper and posted this thread:

Links to the video files / stills / and the Wallpaper Engine steam workshop are in that thread as well. The video posted in the thread is just the promotional version of it, all the links go to
ones without all the audio fluff and socials. Hope you enjoy!

ahh, that shoulder sway. You nailed that swagger =D. That's my favorite part about her


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

Nice to meet you too!

creeped and followed and reposted on Twitter. I hope that's okay!


Originally posted by Zydness

I'll leave the ones i did this morning

Valorant 1

Valorant 2

Valorant 3

I shall call these..."the get rekt squad"

Thank you so much for sharing :)


Thanks for the report, we're aware of the bug and will have it fixed in an upcoming patch 😀


Originally posted by ZenofyMedia

Who's your favourite agent, and what are your favourite colours? 👀

Me? :)
My favorite agent to play is Sova. But I have a serious love of Viper. She's just got so much swagger.
My favorite colors are...colorful lol. It's hard for me to pick one. I do have favorite color combinations, though! Purple-blue-fuchsia... yellow-green-blue... dark pink-orange-yellow ... I love how those colors look together =D