
Valorant Dev Tracker

08 Apr


Originally posted by levelupyourgame

Please don't remove ability to double satchel jump (via longer cooldown/re-equip time), I love random mechanics like this

Satchel I'm not super worried about tbh. And yes, her movement is a good value


Originally posted by Blastuch_v2

Do you think that that the best way to take on her balance wise would be speeding up or slowing down her cast times?

Edit: changed to cast times cause it has the meaning I was going for

I think equip time and re-equip times are a good balancing lever if she's using them too reactively or in combat, yeah. We do this with Breach to make sure he's really proactive


Hey y'all!

Lemme talk a bit of what we think Raze is for, in a game like VALORANT.

Raze is spicy. Weirdly, she's also the very first agent (tied with Sage, I believe) for how long she's been in the game with this gameplay. Her abilities all do very high damage in a small-to-moderate area.

Initially, while everyone is getting used to the game, these will score quite a few kills. But the goal (and what we've seen in other testing, so far) is that this turns into rarely getting kills with the abilities, as players respond to the tools and into flushing players out of areas and gunning them down in disadvantageous gunfights. As the skill curve goes up, people shoot Gary more, they dodge clusters most of the time, and rush her when she throws a close range satchel pack with her weapon down - and the real impact becomes space control.

The high damage is meant to *threaten* you more than kill you, forcing you ro move positions into a disadvantaged engageme...

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Originally posted by 123tejas

I just think it would have been nice to send some invites out to people who signed up on announcement day who have clearly been waiting the longest to get in.

real talk we wanted to, but since we were only collecting emails on the website we couldn't quite partition or target correctly for closed beta.

tl;dr the technology wasn't there but we were trying for it because I agree with you

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Originally posted by nukuuu

Thanks for taking the time to calm us down. I have two questions:

  1. Are the drops attributed to random people at random times or do you send waves of X whitelists?

  2. How can I convince insecure self that, despite of not having missed more than 30 minutes of drop windows, creating multiple accounts is not the right thing to do?

  1. Waves
  2. It'll be okay don't do that my dude that's all I got

Originally posted by gr33nhand

Sorry this is Gary

We stan Gary

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Originally posted by wulfsunu

I have a question because your post and the website has got me wondering, if I really do watch say 80~hrs of partnered streams, and I stop watching, can I still receive a drop in my twitch inventory? Or you have to actively be watching in order to be eligible for that wave of drops?

nope we see you - take a break, you'll (hopefully) eventually have one sitting in your inbox when you get back (or check your email)

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Originally posted by EnadZT

If you do this again, would you please make it a little more obvious that someone is entered in the beta key lottery? I've seen a lot of people watch hours of streams just to realize they were never properly entered. I think the website should have " CONNECT YOUR RIOT ACCOUNT WITH TWITCH" greyed out to show you're connected correctly, or maybe on Twitch say "YOU are eligible for drops from this stream"

Edit: Apparently that "Drops Enabled" bit at the bottom of the stream only appears if you have a linked acount. I had no idea.

yeah... technically this has been a challenge. Definitely a lesson to prioritize clarity.

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Originally posted by MarioDesigns

Does "relinking" your riot account to your twitch account reset your hours watched? I had originally linked my Riot account with twitch on April 3rd, but I clicked "link accounts" on the website again today on accident, it went to twitch, and it showed that it connected to twitch, also sent me an email saying i signed up for Valorant ( 3rd or 4th one now ).

I've watched ~20 hours now, in a mix of keeping it afk / actually watching. Did I mess up by clicking the button, or is it fine?

I don't think so because we're tracking on our end viewtimes attached to accounts. If you unlink and watch 50 hours and then re-link you've lost the 50 hours but if you're fiddling with it, you should be okay.

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Originally posted by TheyKnowWeAreHere

How do you personally feel about the lottery system for the closed beta access?

Also, how is the beta launch going for you so far? What is the most pleasant unexpected occurrence and the least pleasant unexpected occurrence?

I'll do some real-talk here around this... very few (if any) company puts engineering or resource efforts toward closed beta access because it's a single moment to test server loads. We wanted to do a lot here around making a more 'fair' way to get closed beta access, but needed to put resources elsewhere. It happens.

Right now Twitch is the best MVP approach because we really wanted to focus on players knowing what they were getting into before getting into it. VALORANT is a hard game and we wanted to prioritize people who knew this game was for them vs. passive interest of people getting a random key from a website key generator.

I personally think watching Twitch streams is a great way to start to understand the game, and then to decide if it's for you. I was okay with that number being small but... we're seeing it's pretty large.

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Originally posted by Annies_Boobs

For some reason, even though I am in the US and signed up in the US, my riot account is listed as Albania region. Am I still eligible for drops? I have been watching for close to 24 hours now so I feel a bit defeated.

Reach out to player support ASAP to change your regional home base

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Originally posted by bz6

If my LoL account is on NA but I am currently living abroad, am I still eligible for a drop?


Where'd you register that account? If you're in EU, reach out to player support to change your home based location.

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Originally posted by UniqueConcat

What does diminishing returns mean?

Every additional hour you watch of streams increases your weighting but adds less with each additional hour you watch. So going from 2hrs to 3hrs means more in weighting than going from, say, 80hrs to 81hrs of watching. We definitely see the ones marathoning and are thinking about how to help but don't want that to be the standard.

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Originally posted by dontknowyknow

Do you put any weight on the age of the riot account? Would be nice as i've got almost ten years on it.

No, sorry :(

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Originally posted by ddinblue

do i have to watch 2 hours at every wave? or once i watched 2 hours im eligible for all future waves?

No, you're eligible for all waves.

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Originally posted by ChefNic

How are you?

A little tired but insanely excited :) Was up at 4am yesterday, slept at 1am because I wanted to play some games and couldn't through the day, and now up today to see how we can keep on going.

Thanks for asking!