
Valorant Dev Tracker

10 Apr


Originally posted by Extra-Spicy-Ramen

It may not be huge but if you change the enemy outline to black instead of red, pixel based aim bots will be effectively impossible to make. As it is currently, the red outline can be easily detected by aim bots since it’s so different from all the surroundings.

This is a tough one because one of the functions of the enemy outlines is to make the enemies easier to distinguish against the environment.

I'm talking to game designers and our art team about possibilities here, maybe we can figure out something that's good for humans and bad for pixel bots.


Originally posted by vDUKEvv

Have you guys considered an extra program for AC that runs in the background like services like ESEA or FaceIt? I don’t believe I’ve ever run into a cheater in ESEA over thousands of hours with the service.

I understand this is not exactly an end all solution and I don’t develop anti-cheat, but from my own experience no other way have I seen an fps game be void of cheaters.

Yes, definitely! Riot Vanguard is very similar to ESEA's anti-cheat in some ways, one of the anti-cheat devs from ESEA works at Riot on Vanguard now.


Originally posted by NontranslationalGod

Have you guys considered doing a big bounty program? I think you could get some really great feedback from security professionals and hobbyists. Bounty program doesn’t even have to be monetary...maybe a credits wall in the training area with their game tag? Dunno, just a thought to help stay ahead of the people developing the hacks.

Yes! We've got a bug bounty program on hackerone, it's entering its 7th year I think, for a little while at the beginning I was one of its admins. We accept reports on anti-cheat topics as well as more traditional application security reports.


Originally posted by MicroeconomicBunsen

Is the anti-cheat within scope of Riot's bugbounty program?

Yes! We reward bug bounties for information on weaknesses in our anti-cheat technology as well as game bugs that can lead to exploits.


Originally posted by FinnishScrub

/u/RiotArkem, I understand it hurts to see something you have spent many years perfecting getting "blown to bits" in seconds, and I mean this with 0 malicious intent, but there will ALWAYS be smarter people, even smarter than the ones behind Vanguard.

You guys are doing very valuable work, but the harsh reality is that there will always be that one person who figures out how to fool the system.

Your Fog of War system is very interesting though, I really like the idea behind it.

No need to feel bad, just do your best, that's enough for us :) Definitely excited for the future of Valorant, it seems very promising so far!

Oh sure, while I'm a little disappointed, I've never really expected the security work to be foolproof. The work over the last few years has really just set the stage for all the hard work that's to come. I hope that all this preparation will situate us well to respond to cheats going forwards.

I'm not really the brains of the outfit, I'm just the member of the team that's happy to talk to everyone. While I built some cool things (it's why I keep going on about Fog of War) the rest of the team are the real brains trust.

There're plenty of people both inside Riot and in the hacker community that are smarter than me but that's ok, working with (and against) really smart people is how I push my limits, learn things and just generally grow :)

Thanks for the kind words, I'll keep at it!

09 Apr


Originally posted by muscletrain

That ESP data looks pretty damn on point to me if you want to comment....Fog of war looks like it has not effect here.

It looks like in this video the cheat is drawing the last known player locations on the screen, but you can see that they're wrong/obsolete until just before they come around the corner.

One way to tell is in a lot of the clips the enemy wallhack symbols teleport just before the engagement. This is because that's when the server had decided that the player needs that location information.

The fog of war system is dramatically reducing the effectiveness of the ESP here but as you can see there are still possible improvements we could make.

I've got a big article about how this system is built that I hope to release next week that goes into some more details.


Originally posted by [deleted]


thanks for the report, we're investigating


Originally posted by Rakinare

How do we report cheaters? The ingame report is not working. It always gives an error.

This will be fixed later today I hope!


Originally posted by 1asers

Will it be easier to detected said cheat if you guys got your hands on them?

Will you be having people buying cheat so you guys can study how they work?

There is already some cheat providers selling working cheats, are you guys going to try to get your hands on them?

Edit: I can msg you the link to a cheat provider, so you guys can take it down.

It is easier to take down cheats that we're familiar with. I'm happy for you to DM me with any cheats you think I should see.


Originally posted by Nate4020

Will Valorant be added to the scope of the H1 program?

It's already in scope! I'm looking at some reports right now. If the documentation hasn't been updated we'll update it soon.


Originally posted by Cerus_Freedom

Did y'all consider ghost locations at all? As in, send the client false locations so that wall hacks would show players in random places around the map? At the very least, I like the idea of it being obnoxious to work around lol.

Definitely considered it and I bet it'll be annoying for cheaters (I love the invisible mining node story from WoW) but it's a lot of work so we haven't implemented anything like this yet.


Originally posted by ChiefKris

After how many matches sbmm is starting to work? I played like 10 matches already and I still got matched with very good players (probably coming from CS).

After that many games you should be matched against players of similar skill, maybe you're better than you give yourself credit for?

There are other factors that go into matchmaking (like if you're in a party or your ping to our servers). We also expect things to improve as there are more people to play against.


Originally posted by R00KIET

are u hardware banning or just normal account banning?

During closed beta we are doing account banning (we think this is ok right now because beta access isn't automatic).

We're using this time (and these bans) to improve our hardware id system so that by launch it should be ready for widespread use. The real world is the best teacher, so this beta period is very useful for making improvements!


Originally posted by Bukkitz

Feel like you didnt answer entirely, so ill ask; are you recording any demos and/or reviewing reported players on a case by case basis?

We are reviewing players on a case by case basis. We use reports as leads for manual investigation right now.

Demo recording is a feature that we're planning but don't have up and running just yet but we have other information we're using during our investigations.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We're fixing the big ones, too.


Originally posted by Doootard

Yeah I get it now that this is the case, but it's a bit confusing at first, that I dealt 140 dmg and they survived, wasn't sure what was going on. Maybe it would be more clear to show how much hp loss your dmg caused (in this case 90) instead how much dmg you dealt (140) ? Or both :)

You'd like the combat report to differentiate between armor damage and hp damage taken? Maybe we can have something like that, I'll mention it to the designers.


Originally posted by Kiptus

Unrelated to OP topic, but feel like I need to voice this somewhere to stay sane.

This beta feels like an event that has pushed myself further from my friends who all have had drops, whereas I haven't after 50+ hrs of watching streams. I get it from both a marketing & general server-stress POV, but it's just really disappointing to see kind of event when we're currently in a time where we're already extremely disconnected through current world affairs.

Sorry to hear that! We're trying to get people into the beta as fast as possible but we want to make sure we don't over do it and crash the servers for everyone.

Hopefully you get a drop soon. Also, make sure you're not grinding streams to get drops, the extra view time helps but really not so much that it's worth burning yourself out watching. Feel free to take a break and do something else, you're still eligible for drops even if you're not watching at the second we do the sweep.


Originally posted by dcy

Does reporting work? I played a lot today and a few games there were names hinting of a new Riot account (coronavirus etc.) and they knew exactly where to angle without fault, even if i didn't make a sound while backing into a corner. Sure, they could've just outclassed me, but something about them seemed off. The report function gave me an error at the time.

On the same topic, i played with a friend last few hours and had a few very high kill count games and when I queued up for another, I got an anti-cheat system error which forced me to restart the game. Is this because i was potentially flagged or completely unrelated?

Please report suspected cheaters, it's a good way to get information to us to investigate and also helps us understand what everyone is experiencing in game.

If you weren't cheating the most common cause of an anti-cheat system error is a connection problem or a server problem on our end. If it happens frequently please submit a support ticket so we can figure out what's happening.


Originally posted by calorant

How effective will your hwid ban? People are saying it's easy to spoof so it won't work.

We think it'll be hard to circumvent but if we see people getting around it it we will put some more effort into improving it.


Originally posted by Doootard

When I see I deal 140 outgoing dmg and they survive is it because of the armor or a bug?

Enemies can have 150 so maybe they survived with 10hp?