Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

20 Oct


Hotfix 5.1.1 has gone live which should resolve this crash!

Please see:

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Hi @StoleYourAmmo,

We’ve checked crash reports for your account and have only been able to find one recent crash when you hotjoined (we are investigating this).

At the end of missions, can I confirm what error, if any, is being displayed? I’m wondering if you may be encountering connectivity errors instead.


Here are the patchnotes for hotfix 5.1.1 for Necromancer release!


  • Added more failsafes for Twitch mode not working.
  • Fixed occasional host crash from skeleton targets dying
  • Fixed Soulstealer Staff not benefiting from the “Heat Sink” trait
  • Fixed a crash when hotjoining into game with a Sienna that has the ‘Lost Souls’ talent.
  • Fixed crashes related to French localization.
  • Fixed crash when Necromancer bot used the Soulstealer Staff’s ‘Soul Rip’ attack.
  • Fixed a crash from throwing Morgrim’s Bomb on enemies.
  • Fixed a crash when the Necromancer commanded her skeletons to defend in the exact moment they died.
  • Fixed frames from Chaos Wastes challenges being hidden unless you own the Forgotten Relics
  • Fixed a crash that happened when hotjoining while a resumeable interaction is in progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen while starting a resumable interaction as a ...
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This will be resolved soon, apologies.


This issue should now be resolved in our latest console hotfix.

Please see:

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This issue should now be resolved in our latest console hotfix.

Please see:

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I’ve raised this to our database for investigation. Thank you!


These crashes should now be resolved in our latest console hotfix.

Please see:

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This issue should now be resolved as part of our latest console hotfix.

Please see:

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Patch should now also be live for PlayStation!


Hi @ForgotMyName,

Could you please provide me with your Xbox Gamertag so we can take a look at this?



Sorry to hear this @KnotForSail

Off the bat, I recommend ensuring your Steam Download Region is set to a nearby location:

  1. Open the Steam client
  2. Select ‘Steam’ in the upper left-hand corner
  3. Select ‘Settings’
  4. Select ‘Downloads’ within the sidebar
  5. Set your ‘Download Region’ to an appropriate nearby location and save the changes

Also, please try enabling ‘Smart Network Packets’. You can enable this within Vermintide 2’s ‘Network’ panel. Please be aware this option cannot be used in combination with the Player List Plus mod.

Please let me know if there is any improvement.


This will be resolved in an upcoming hotfix, apologies.


This is a GPU-related crash. Could you try reinstalling your drivers please?:

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Could you try a ‘Selective Startup’ and see if the issue persists, please?:

  1. Press the Windows key
  2. Type ‘msconfig’ and select ‘System Configuration’
  3. On the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Selective Startup’
  4. Deselect ‘Load Startup Items’
  5. Reboot your PC
  6. Launch as normal, and see if the issue persists