Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

20 Oct


This is a known issue and will be resolved in an upcoming hotfix, apologies!


This should now be resolved in our latest patch for Xbox.

PlayStation next - we’ll keep you posted.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe we have a hotfix coming out in the near future. Getting the console fixes out is the priority at the moment due to the progression issues they’re having.

It should be yes!

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We are aware of a crash that can occur when using Morgrim’s Bomb currently. We are looking into this.

We will be merging any existing posts relating to this issue here.


We are aware of an issue whereby using a Potion of Endless Bombs can cause Sienna Necromancer to temporarily (for the rest of the match) lose her Icon of Death.

We will be merging any existing posts relating to this issue here.

19 Oct

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, no need to purchase her a second time. She should still be there when your progress returns.


Ah, I’m glad to hear the crashing has resolved!

You are indeed running into the account data issue affecting all console players. Your account progress is safe on our servers though, and we’re working to restore this as quickly as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.


As of 19th October 2023 both Windows 7 and Windows 8 are no longer supported for Vermintide 2.

This change is neccessary for Vermintide 2 going forwards, due to these OS versions no longer being officially supported by Microsoft, and with Windows 7 and Windows 8 support ending for Steam in January 2024.

Please see this related Steam Support article:

We can only advise our players currently using Windows 7 and Windows 8 to update to Windows 10 or Windows 11.

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@ShearMyDragon, the most recent crash we’ve been able to locate for your PSN is from a week ago, and backend-wise there appears to be nothing out of place - which is good!

It is a little bizarre though that this is happening. Are any specific error codes being displayed to you when the game crashes?


Alrighty, if it happens again and you can get more info please let me know! For now, it sounds like an issue that’s technically not a bug, but it IS on our radar to maybe fix, hopefully :smiley:


Hello! Were you using the ‘Dread Seneschals’ talent? If so, were your hammer skeletons dead?


Hotfix coming very soon! Can’t confirm more than that for now


This issue is on our radar and should be resolved in our next patch. Please be assured that you haven’t lost your portrait frames - they are just hidden currently due to this bug.

Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The game won’t start for you, no; you’ll be met with a crash. As of January, you’ll likely have issues with Steam as a platform as well.


Sorry to hear this.

I’ve passed your details to our Console Developers for investigation. I’ll let you know when I hear back from them!

Thank you for your patience.



We just pushed out a hotfix patch for Xbox, (releasing on PS4 shortly) including a fix for the progression issue! Here are the patchnotes:


  • The Icon of Death no longer shows a outline on sacrifice target skeletons unless hovering them. Sacrificing skeletons without hovering them picks the oldest skeleton.


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We are aware of an issue where the SoulStealer Staff does not currently benefit from the ‘Heatsink’ trait. We are investigating.

We will be merging any existing posts relating to this issue here.


You can play Online, though sadly any progress made during this time won’t remain once actual progress is restored.

Please do not sync or update your Offline data, as it may impede your actual progress being returned properly. Though I’ve been told it’s safe to play in Offline mode!


Hi @1.Nurgle,

Admittedly, I am unsure! It’s very possible Easy Anti-Cheat may detect and flag this.

I’ll raise this internally, however for now I would recommend not to use this.


We are aware of an issue currently affecting our console players, whereby progress appears to be missing after the Necromancer update.

Please be assured that your progress is safe and stored on our servers. The issue is lies in accessing this data and we are currently working to resolve this as swiftly as possible.

It’s safe to play currently and test things out, though please note that any progress made during this time will not remain when correct account data is restored.

Important Note for Offline Mode Players:
Please check and ensure you are set to play in Offline mode. You may have launched Vermintide 2 in Online mode by mistake, if your progress appears missing please do not try to copy your Online mode data to Offline or your Offline progress will be lost.

Apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.