Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Hi @Darth_Coffee,

I appreciate it’s concerning to see your Shillings balance disappear! Not to worry though, as this is an uncommon issue which can occur if an account becomes temporarily desynced with the backend.

Your Shillings balance will always remain correct in the backend, and restarting Vermintide 2 (possibly a couple of times) should resolve this and display your balance correctly again.

The only other thing that can cause Shillings to disappear would be the removal of DLC. For example, if you refund a DLC then the Shillings granted with the purchase of that will be deducted from your available balance. If you own any DLC it may be worth checking that these are installed and active.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

01 Sep

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m afraid I’m not allowed to reveal what our future content will be; you’ll just have to wait and see :wink:

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, we have plans for it. V2 is no longer in a launch cycle, but we’re not in sunsetting mode yet either. We call this “maintenance” in the industry; it’s the in-between stage between the former two. :slight_smile: I’ve seen some new content being developed, and once we’re in a solid spot and ready to promote it, we’ll be able to tell you all more.

31 Aug


@Kayla, could you please provide me with your Xbox Gamertag and I’ll take a look at this for you. Thanks!

28 Aug


Hi @bifties,

Steam Deck is not currently officially supported by us and I can’t make any guarantees of future support at this time, but I have passed your feedback on internally for discussion. Thank you!

25 Aug

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I suspect Lohner’s Chronicles will cover some of the reactions to her reveal in time. It will change how they view her, but they won’t stop working together (I assume, as that would make the game quite awkward :slight_smile:...

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    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, on Tower of Treachery can I play Necromancer Sienna (who is now merged with Sofia)?

I don’t see why we would lock you out, but I’d need to see what happens with the narrative team.

Can Necromancer Sienna-Sofia wear a Myrmida frame?

We don’t lock frames that way. You can wear whatever frame you want. It’s just user decoration.

How on earth does the rest of the team accept a Necromancer in their ranks, particularly Saltzpyre who as a Warrior Priest or Witch Hunter would certainly attempt to kill anyone using necromancy on the spot? A fire wizard is one thing, but how do you get a Warrior Priest or Witch Hunter working with a necromancer?

We’ll likely have a dev blog exploring the lore with the writers up in the future. But I do want to remind everyone that our characters are not meant to be static paragons of their ideals. Over the years, we developed them as human (...

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@Frostysir, I queried this internally and we suspect this is due to environment lighting (most likely not intentional).

Here is a comparison of two locations in the same level


... Read more

23 Aug

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Is this real? … Is it a dream? … A nightmare? Or perhaps … it’s truth.

We’re excited to announce Sienna’s fourth career, the Necromancer, will release on Steam, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 on October 19!

Sienna’s Necromancer career is born from a fight with her twin sister, Sofia, ...

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22 Aug

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Fall is not a specific month; we haven’t specified the date she’ll be released…yet. :wink:

16 Aug


Hi @AiurOscar,

What you describe is a known issue currently affecting Offline mode console players, which is causing cosmetics to disappear and subsequently reappear at random. It’s been a lingering issue for a while unfortunately - and though we did try to implement a fix, this wasn’t robust enough :frowning:

Our backend and console developers are back on the case though, and this one I hope we can solve soon.

As for the Shillings, as you are playing in Offline mode we’re unable to manually edit your account as your data is stored locally, opposed to on our servers with Online mode.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

14 Aug


Thanks @someguy01, I’ve passed this information and your log on to the development team and have asked for some additional input.

I’ll reply once I hear something back. Thank you for your patience!

11 Aug


I believe I responded to your support ticket, but I’ll drop a reply here too.

I’m glad to hear this resolved after restarting!

Historically, this issue tends to occur after players have recently enabled/disabled the Steam overlay. Waiting for a short period of time, or restarting either the Steam client/PC, like you did, should resolve this.


Hm okay :thinking: Can you check if a console log and launcher log have been generated, and if so can you please provide us with those?

Both can be located in the Vermintide 2 AppData directory using the instructions below:

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2

10 Aug


How strange! Hmm. It’s a shot in the dark, but you could try a clean reinstallation by deleting your AppData directory:

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09 Aug


Hi @someguy01,

Hmm okay. Can I confirm if the launcher process is running at all in Task Manager?

If so, I wonder if it’s possibly opening off screen. Could you try:

  1. With your desktop active, press CTRL + ALT + TAB
  2. See if you can select the Vermintide 2 Launcher

07 Aug



We just put live a quick hotfix on Xbox One which fixes some cases where players hotjoining a mission in progress could crash!


Hi @someguy01,

Sorry to hear this. Though I’m glad you’re able to play using the launcher workaround!

It may also be worth trying reinstalling/repairing your .NET Framework installation. I believe this is version 4.8 for Windows 11:

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Hi @MXD96,

I have manually unlocked the Amulet of Ashur for you. You should see it when you next restart Vermintide 2 :slight_smile:


@MXD96, okay, sorry about that! I have now manually unlocked the Amulet of Ashur for you - you should see it when you next restart Vermintide 2 :slight_smile: