Hi @MXD96,
Have you managed to locate Olesya now?
And please let me know if you still have any issue with the Amulet of Ashur unlocking. Please ensure that you have completed the level Dark Omens and Weave 1.
Hi @MXD96,
Have you managed to locate Olesya now?
And please let me know if you still have any issue with the Amulet of Ashur unlocking. Please ensure that you have completed the level Dark Omens and Weave 1.
@RZN_FatShart, thanks for the additional logs. I’ve taken a look and can see you ran into the following errors -
From top to bottom for list of logs above:
Log 1, a crash occurred due to an issue with the Kill Crosshair Confirmation mod. Please try disabling this mod
Log 2, cut off data (likely from another abrupt CTD)
Log 3, a Deadlock
crash was experienced. These are tricky to troubleshoot as no indicators of the cause are included unfortunately
Log 4, a GPU crash occurred here. It may be worth also running through our GPU-specific crash solutions here:
Read moreHi @RZN_FatShart,
Unfortunately your console log is cut off and missing crash data, so I can’t determine the exact cause. As you’re crashing to desktop abruptly, perhaps this is why.
Though if you can provide any additional recent console logs this may be helpful to see for comparison.
For now, I also recommend running through our general crash solutions here:
Read moreHi @reptillianthvg,
Unfortunately, the issue is still ongoing with cosmetics sometimes disappearing for Offline console players.
We implemented and tried one fix before, but unfortunately this was not robust enough. Our backend developers are continuing to try to resolve this issue - though I have been told that it’s far from a straightforward fix
Apologies that I don’t have an immediate solution for you, but please be assured that your cosmetics are not lost, and remain unlocked for your account - and that we are still on the case!
spatnack is correct - if you check your illusions for the Sword and Shield weapon type (not Brettonian Sword and Shield) you should find Duty and Courage.
It’s in cert now; so once that passes; we’ll have news for you soon.
Hi @AgentClank,
This is admittedly quite strange. Can you please provide a crash report or your recent console logs so we can take a look at what’s happening?
Read moreAh, my bad. You can access your Workshop folder here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\552500
From this directory, you can delete any remaining mod data. Then, try removing your AppData settings and resubscribing to any mods.
I also recommend to doublecheck that your user_settings.config file is not set as Read-Only.
We are aware of a current issue whereby Vermintide 2 trailer audio can play over game audio upon launching Vermintide 2. This is a widespread issue occuring after recent Steam updates and is unfortunately out of our hands to fix.
However, players have had some success in resolving this issue using the following solutions/workarounds -
Check the Steam Overlay in-game browser for tabs playing audio:
If no browser tabs can be located, then next please try deleting your Steam browser data by:
Alternatively, if the two solutions above do not help, you can use the following ...
Read moreWe are aware of a current issue whereby Vermintide 2 trailer audio can play over game audio upon launching Vermintide 2. This is a widespread issue occuring after recent Steam updates and is unfortunately out of our hands to fix.
However, players have had some success in resolving this issue using the following solutions/workarounds -
Check the Steam Overlay in-game browser for tabs playing audio:
If no browser tabs can be located, then next please try deleting your Steam browser data by:
Alternatively, if the two solutions above do not help, you can use the following ...
Read moreNo, we never had a launch window on the launcher for Sienna.
Hi @Trash,
No problem! Your deeds should now be restored. You should see them again when you next restart Vermintide 2
Hi @nkipg,
Please try the following solutions/workarounds -
Check the Steam Overlay in-game browser for tabs playing audio:
If no browser tabs can be located, then next please try deleting your Steam browser data by:
Alternatively, if the two solutions above do not help, you can use the following workaround:
Hm, I’d suggest fully resetting your mod environment.
Unsubscribe to all mods, clear the workshop folder and then remove your AppData settings for Vermintide 2 and try starting over.
To remove your AppData directory:
Hi @Revy,
As you can launch in Modded realm, this would suggest that the issue is Easy Anti-Cheat related, as EAC only applies to Official realm. Are any specific error messages displayed on-screen when the game crashes?
I recommend to try the following -
Install/Repair Easy Anti-Cheat:
Ensure that you have appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions in place for both Vermintide 2 and Easy Anti-Cheat. You’ll need to add exceptions for the following:
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\b...
Hi @MrLouxed9,
I can see you ran into an Access Violation type crash. The cause as to why isn’t clear though, it may have been an unlucky one-off but if the crashes persist then please try running through our general crash solutions here:
Read moreHi @treeclimber1367,
Sorry to hear this.
The logs do show an EAC-related issue, though no clear cause as to why. You’ve already tried several solutions that I’d suggest in this scenario. Though there are a couple of other things to try:
Please ensure you have appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions in place for both Vermintide 2 and Easy Anti-Cheat. You’ll need to add the following exceptions:
\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\binaries
\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat
Failing this, it may be worth trying a clean re-installation of Vermintide 2:
Read moreHi @KanuckStreams,
I wonder if this may have been due to a temporary backend hiccup. Can you please check again now and let me know if the illusion can be applied?