I recommend you continue to press your ISP about this, especially as this is only an issue at a set time. I had similar problems at home, with BT, but only with our WiFi. Changing WiFi channels ultimately solved it.
I recommend you continue to press your ISP about this, especially as this is only an issue at a set time. I had similar problems at home, with BT, but only with our WiFi. Changing WiFi channels ultimately solved it.
Please upload the associated console log. Thank you!
We are still working on it
It presented a bunch of interesting challenges though, so we (as I’ve said before I’m sure) probably opened the window on the mode a bit too soon.
Hi @lpz226
It seems that the application ‘MyColor2’ for customising keyboard settings/lighting is being detected by Easy Anti-Cheat.
Can you please try disabling ‘MyColor2’ via the Task Manager prior to launching?
Are you going off the in game ping? Cause that takes a lot of other things into account, CPU, ram, etc. A lot is dependent on the host. Which is why my wife and I went from around a 10 ms ping to 30-40 while sitting right next to each other after they changed how it records ping.
Have you tried doing a speed test during this time? It could be latency, strain on the connection, packet loss, all kinds of things. Also make sure you have the mod "player list plus " turned off as it can cause all kinds of latency issues.
Is Vermintide 2 running as expected for you now after having switched to DirectX 12 @PestControl?
My CPU died and my back up one can’t run the game in high quality. Otherwise I’d enter.
Btw, Attention everyone, I’m authorising Fatshark to give a frame to whoever Photoshops Genevieve into a Vermintide screenshot. (Disclaimer: I have no authority to actually do this)
Dw, it’s open to all!
As mentioned above, this is most likely network related. We see this issue most with players that have an upload speed of less than 1Mbps, but historically the “Player List Plus” mod has been known to result in similar issues.
Other than exploring what could be causing this recent instability in your connection, you may benefit from enabling the ‘Small Network Packets’ option within the ‘Network’ panel. Although, please keep in mind that this option cannot be used in combination with the ‘Player List Plus’ mod.
No UI does mean no UI, including GK benison sidequests! If you know the available quest-types, it’s not impossible to figure them out and would be a part of the no-UI challenge the event presents.
Could you please provide me with the console log associated with this session? Your console logs can be located using the instructions below, and timestamps in the log names should help in identifying the corresponding log. Thank you!
I’ve responded to your submission via the Support Portal, we’ll continue the conversation there!
Thank you for letting us know. This is a known issue, and our Console Developers are working on a solution.
I can’t seem to replicate this on my end! I’ll assume it’s a one time occurrence…?
I can appreciate how annoying this issue is. I’m hoping we can solve this in our next patch.
Welcome @FatsharkLev! I hope you enjoy your time in the shark tank with Julia! Can’t wait to see you around the forums!
Well met @Jaffawer, I think that Dwarfs are a mighty folk and never to be underestimated!