Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

09 Jan


Hm, as you got disconnected in the same way using a mobile data connection I’m wondering if it’s a local system issue. Perhaps a running background application is interfering and causing a connectivity issue. Bit of a shot in the dark, but if you try a Selective Startup and disable your background applications is there any improvement?

  1. Press the Windows key
  2. Type ‘msconfig’ and select ‘System Configuration’
  3. On the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Selective Startup’
  4. Deselect ‘Load startup Items’
  5. Reboot your PC

If the issue no longer occurs after having performed the Selective Startup, try re-introducing your programs one-by-one to determine which is causing your issue.


I’ve raised this issue in our database, thank you for the report!


Sorry to hear this. This error usually indicates a hardware issue.

I recommend running through our potential BSOD solutions here:

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This is likely happening due to too many requests being made in a short period of time while salvaging.

Could you please provide your console log from a session this happens so we can take a look?

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We’re aware of and investigating an issue causing the Daily Reward to sometimes be unable to claim and endlessly load.

We’ve identified that the issue occurs when the calendar changes from Day 8 back to Day 1, and we believe that only the Day 1 reward should be affected.

Please skip Day 1 (wait 24 hours) for now whilst we iron this out.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

06 Jan

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Should release early this year. We’re in cert with them right now.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s not a bad idea. If I recall correctly there might have been some limitation on our end there, but I can check in next week.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, I don’t think we have plans to turn on dismemberment for next-gen consoles as even on next gen, the cpu demands are very high, and dismemberment might affect your performance. But we’ve been considering a remaster for the console version, so when the team’s back, I’ll find out if that will reintroduce dismemberment should we activate on something like that.

05 Jan


You’ve mentioned trying our solutions from the Connectivity Errors FAQ already. Did you try connecting to a mobile data connection and if so, did the issue persist?

If you haven’t tried this yet, and you’re able to, that can help in isolating the issue.

04 Jan


A fix was implemented, but it wasn’t robust enough. We’re looking into it again, and will hopefully have this resolved in one of our next console updates.

This one has been a little tricky, and has unfortunately taken longer than we would have liked.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your continued patience!


From the logs, the error code produced indicates this may be due to Anti-Virus/Firewall software.

Please ensure you have appropriate exceptions in place for both Vermintide 2 and Easy Anti-Cheat.

You’ll want to add exceptions for -
vermintide2.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer Vermintide 2\binaries
EasyAntiCheat.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat

A Selective Startup can also help identify whether a background application is the cause:

  1. Press the Windows key
  2. Type ‘msconfig’ and select ‘System Configuration’
  3. On the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Selective Startup’
  4. Deselect ‘Load startup Items’
  5. Reboot your PC

If the issue no longer occurs after having performed the Selective Startup, try re-introducing your programs one-by-one to determine which is the culprit.


Thank you for letting us know - I’ve raised this for investigation.


The thread in question had multiple issues with it with multiple people. Posts were hidden and authors urged to edit them to meet the guidelines, which we prefer to do over outright banning or suspending people for initial infractions.

I’d like to point out that we do not remove threads that derail, we just close them – they mostly remain visible (with exceptions where in OPs are grossly in violation of forum guidelines).

@Rieven - @RATSHARK , please cease stalking each other through the forums and antagonising each other. It’s just messy and not fair to others who are trying to p...

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03 Jan


Was there a need for this? It just serves to get folks riled up.


This is exceptionally unfortunate and it’s easy to pin Darktide as the culprit but there would’ve been an underlying issue with your GPU. This is something that ultimately needs to be taken up with the vendor or NVIDIA.


Out of the logs provided it seems to be a mixed bag. You’ve ran into some code-related crashes that we’re already aware of and looking into. You’ve also encountered a GPU hang - which we’re also working on.

Apologies for the inconvenience whilst we iron these out.


I’ve responded to your Support Ticket :slight_smile:


I’ve added this crash to our database for investigation - we’re on it!

Apologies for the inconvenience.