Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

26 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Uh…I sense this post will go nowhere good, so, I’m just locking this one for good measure, but thanks for the support, I guess?

Edit: “nowhere” not “no where”. This post sponsored by cold and flu meds. :sneezing_face:

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, I think I fished it out of our potential spam queue. Can you check now? :slight_smile:


Please don’t. Everytime this prompt goes up, an automatic crash report is sent to our systems along with all logs and dumps. This helps us keep track of what crashes are most critical to prioritise. If a large enough player base does this, our systems will say that everything looks good.

On that note, it’s entirely useless to post dumps and logs here, we already get all that informtaion in our system. All you need to post, if you want special assistance with ...

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    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll leave this up as this has spread pretty far now, but in the future don’t post leaks to official channels.

Edit for clarification:
Don’t post, discuss, or redirect to alleged leaks on official channels. You have other platforms for this. Further posts will be locked and deleted.

24 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re 270 replies in and I can see this discussion has played out and mostly served the purpose it was intended to quite a while ago. Time to move on.

Thread locked.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bring this discussion back on track to the game instead of attacking each other, else it gets locked.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right now, the outline color cannot be changed, but I can bring this back to the UX team as color changing would be a good accessibility option in the future.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can report a player via our support portal here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/requests/new

We’re also working on beefing up some of our systems in place for inappropriate behavior.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, is this item in your inventory? If not, please drop me your ID in DMs please :slight_smile:

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Question unrelated to Darktide. Thread locked.

23 Dec



I have another thing you are welcome to try, and get back to me with wether it does any difference or not. It is to disable the mesh streamer, this will cause the game to require much more VRAM than usual, so if you have low VRAM (6Gb or so) this might not work for you.

Anyway, to disable the mesh streamer, browse to the games steam files.
Locate the file settings_common.ini in the folder bundle\application_settings
In that file, locate the section that says: mesh_streamer_settings = { … }
and change the “disable = false” to “disable = true” and save the file.

while you’re at it, or rather, if the mesh streamer hack doesn’t do anything for you, you can also try to disable the multi threaded texture streamer by changing the value
threaded_streamer = true to threaded_streamer = false in the section called feedback_streamer_settings = { … }

Disabling the threaded texture streamer will most likely degrade your performance slightly. Jus...

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Thank you, I’ve passed this on to the team and we’ll investigate.

Due to the time of year, many sharks are now out of office, and this may not get looked at immediately.

I’ll update you when I hear anything :slight_smile:

Apologies for the inconvenience in the mean time.


Thank you for letting us know - we’re working on it!



Have you tried to turn off DLSS, change to FSR1 or FSR2, or switched around with those settings? Just trying to see if anything in particular other than the “low”, “medium” and “high” presets could affect this.

This is very weird, but as a matter of fact, there is something you could do in order to help troubleshoot this issue. It is a bit involved, I wont lie. You would need to download pix for windows (Download - PIX on Windows). Then enable Pix to be attached to the running instance of the game by editing a settings file in the game. To do this, browse to the “Local Files” for the game, there’s a short ...

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    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The triage hasn’t changed in performance and stability as noted in our last community update fwiw

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As I’ve told others, I can’t make you believe anything I say. Usually community updates are attached to other parts of larger communication going out to other outlets, and since it’s the holiday, we need to wait for the holidays to be over before we can push out this update. I know that sucks, but that’s the long and short of it.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Had one ready to go, but due to some internal things happening and most off for Xmas, I had to push the next community update to later.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s not that I don’t want you to know what we’re doing, it’s that a daily document is not going to give you the answers you seek. It’s more likely you want to hear your concerns are being listened to and there’s solves on the way, and some of those things don’t have solves yet other than “it’s being considered” and that only creates good will but for so long. Again, happy to give weekly updates on what I can, but daily likely won’t do much good here. A daily document just isn’t useful in this way.

Ergo, if something shifts or moves daily, it’s very easy to get fixed into that, even though that’s the nature of gamedev. Also contrary to popular belief, CMs DO have more on their plate than responding to people on forums.

I wish I knew how to play minesweeper


Hi @hawkoflight_g,

Sorry to hear that. Usually enabling the Steam Overlay should resolve this. :thinking:
I’ve let our team know, and we’ll have to look into it.

Could you please provide me with your Steam profile URL (e.g. https://steamcommunity.com/id/FatsharkLev/), a...

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