Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

14 Feb


That’s great to hear!

Though we haven’t had any confirmation back from our Backend Service Provider yet, we have now had 2 player reports of this issue being resolved for them.

@all, when you get a chance, could you please check to see if the issue is resolved and please let me know?



Hi @FelixMann,

It would be very helpful if you could please provide examples of both the wrong translations, as well as the correct translation suggestions.

Thank you in advance!


Hi @KadirtheJanitor,

Sorry to hear that.

Looking at historic posts for this issue it appears to have usually been a temporary connectivity issue (possible PS Network disruption even) or it was resolved after a reinstall. As you’ve tried reinstalling without success, then I suspect it may be a connectivity issue.

If you try to load into the Keep again now, is the issue still occurring?

If so, you may find a potential solution here:

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Hi @Federalsphinx,

What platform are you playing on? Can you please provide me with either your Steam profile URL, Gamertag or PSN ID so I can take a look at this for you. Thanks!


Sadly not yet. We’re still waiting to hear back from our Backend Service Provider. We’ve provided all of the data we have to them, so we’re hoping that the current silence is due to them investigating on their end. As soon as I have any news I’ll update here :slight_smile:

13 Feb


Hi @Jreedable,

What are your upload and download speeds? You can check this here: https://www.speedtest.net/

A couple of things to check/try off the bat -

  • You can enable ‘Small Network Packets’ within Vermintide 2’s ‘Network’ panel. Please be aware this option cannot be used in combination with the Player List Plus mod.

  • Ensure your ‘Download Region’ in the Steam client is set appropriately to a nearby loc...

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Hi @KolyaManushka,

Unfortunately it appears that you are running into a current known Server Error issue, which appears to be affecting players (at least primarily) in Russia, Latvia and Sweden.

What ISP do you use?

We’ve reached out to our Backend Service Provider who are now investigating into the issue, and we’re waiting for an update from them.

Unfortunately, I don’t have an immediate solution for you, but rest assured we are on the case.

You can view other threads on this issue, where we’ll be posting any updates, here:

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09 Feb


Based on the information we’ve gathered, this Server Error issue only seems to be affecting players based in Russia, Sweden or Latvia. It’s genuinely a very peculiar issue and we’re hoping our Service Provider will be able to shine a bit of light on what is happening.


Hi both,

Sorry about that - our recent patch introduced a matchmaking crash for PlayStation players that own the Back to Ubsersreik DLC.

We’ve released a hotfix this morning to address this issue. Please download the latest update which should resolve this :slight_smile:

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you for your patience with some of the recent issues with the console patch. This patch was originally meant to help prepare our backend systems for the anniversary event in March, but caused some conflicts with certain DLCs, resulting in crashes for players.

Today we are releasing a hotfix for these conflicts on both console platforms. This patch solves conflicts with these DLCs on the following systems:


  • Acolyte of Sea & Storm
  • Absent Friends Collection


  • Acolyte of Sea & Storm
  • Back to Ubersreik

These hotfixes for Xbox and Playstation are 3.1GB and 1.5GB in size respectively.

Thank you again for your patience ...

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We’ve collected data of all connectivity errors (timeouts etc.) and provided this to our Backend Service Provider. They are currently reviewing this, and we’re waiting to hear back from them.

Hopefully we’ll get some good news soon :crossed_fingers: I’ll share any further updates as soon as I hear anything.

08 Feb

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aiming for submission of the hotfix today, and from there, it should be a fast cert turnaround. I’ll keep you all updated on where we are in this process.

07 Feb

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

yup, let us know what it is!

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Playstation players will notice an update that is approximately 3.2 GB. This patch contains a handful of localization fixes for Russian players, but the bulk of it is preparing our backend systems for the upcoming anniversary event. More information on what this contains when we launch the anniversary March 8.


We are aware of an issue that is causing console players to crash with the latest patch. Please note that owning the following will result in a crash:

Acolyte of Sea & Storm
Absent Friends Collection

Acolyte of Sea & Storm
Back to Ubersreik

This issue has been resolved internally and a hotfix will be rolling out sh...

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06 Feb

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Captain_Series_Steam_Cover800×450 51.5 KB


Make sure to join us for Fight the Tide’s shoutcast and coverage of the Onslaught Captains Series hosted by the community-run Onslaught Series!

The Captains Series is an event designed to help people try out modded and higher difficulties, help them grow by being paired with a coach from their region, welcome them to the modded community, and introduce them to the various Onslaught Series events and formats.


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Hi @errant

Sorry to hear this.

Based on the information within your logs it appears that your GPU is crashing.

Please try running through our potential solutions for this, here:

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@all, sorry for the delayed update - I’ve been waiting on news to share.

This Server Error issue remains a top priority for us for Vermintide 2.

Our Backend Developers have been able to dig into this, and we’ve identified that the issue isn’t something we can fix solely on our end, and that it runs further up the chain with our Backend Service Provider. We’ve reached out to them and will be working with them to hopefully resolve this as soon as possible.

I can completely understand frustrations as this is taking some time to resolve - we genuinely share the same frustrations :frowning:

Please bear with us whilst we get to the bottom of this - thank you for your continued patience.

02 Feb

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct


Xbox players will notice an update that is approximately 4.6 GB. This patch contains a handful of localization fixes for Russian players, but the bulk of it is preparing our backend systems for the upcoming anniversary event. More information on what this contains when we launch the anniversary March 8.

31 Jan


Noted, thanks so far all. I’ve passed this on and the investigation continues…

I’ll check back here regularly and keep feeding information to the clever people looking into this :slight_smile:


Unfortunately nothing to update with currently :frowning:

We’re trying to determine any common factors or trends -


  • Which region are you playing from?
  • What ISP do you use?
