Try this:
- Remove the
in the ‘launcher’ directory:
Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher
- Proceed to launch Darktide as normal, via Steam
Try this:
in the ‘launcher’ directory:Steam\steamapps\common\Warhammer 40,000 DARKTIDE\launcher
Hoping to patch before the end of the week.
This is a kernel-mode driver error. Please see here: How to Fix win32kfull.sys BSOD SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION on my Windows PC? - Microsoft Q&A
Weird. I’ve shared this with our developers. Thank you for reporting!
We’re looking in to similar issues so I’ve included your report in our database, apologies.
Could you try the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option please?:
This is a tough one. Is there anything in your Windows Event Viewer (under ‘Windows Logs’ > ‘System’) that corresponds with when this has occurred?
Queue fixed once again
This is getting hostile. Anyone who wants to appeal a ban should DM either @Fatshark_Hedge or myself via the forum’s message feature.
The Access Violation crashes all seem to differ. I’ve added them to our database. Apologies for the inconvenience.
I’ve added this crash to our database - thank you for the report!
I’ve notified a backend developer - this should hopefully be resolved shortly.
Just to update - we’ve made progress on a permanent fix which should be coming real soon. I can appreciate how frustrating this issue is - apologies again to anyone affected.
This will be resolved in our next patch. Thank you for your continued patience
Please do let us know how it goes with the texture setting after the update
In answer to your questions -
The only reason would be a bug in the upscaling implementation, as FSR2 hasn’t been in our code base for as long as the native rendering. Though, the main reason to try it, is because it’s one of the changes we have made since the betas (to default to FSR upscaling, and updates to our FSR implementation) and we wanted to make sure it was not the culprit.
We have for a duration had additional debugging enabled in builds to find stability issues. This has meant a slight reduct...
@Dougieboi You DMed someone to call them the r-slur after mods broke up an argument. You were not banned without reason.
I’ve asked if we can do more experimental builds actually, but we’ve been pretty heads down working on fixing crashes and other technical issues in the live build as more people are there. Usually we try to keep the variables in experimental builds quite low so we can more easily pinpoint issues we’re looking for there. Once we get the game in a stable spot, I’m happy to push for more experimental builds for a variety of uses.
No, this isn’t NDA, we’re just waiting on further talks on what’s happening there before going out with it. We’re also generally trying to address the larger issues in larger venues rather than 1:1 in various platforms where things are easier to get taken out of context or misconstrued by accident because it’s not in some official announcement that can be easily referenced.
But to your point, this is an issue Hedge and I are chasing up, we just don’t have info to share right now.
Edit: Grammar. “More easy” > “easier”
Yeah, I get the frustration, and maybe this will get me in hot water, and I know people won’t like this answer, but a lot of the times when Hedge and I don’t reply to threads, it’s not because we don’t want to, it’s because we have our own NDAs to attend to, and sometimes we can’t give information until given the go ahead. Every CM runs across this at some point in their career. Part of the job. For now, larger topics we’re generally trying to address when Hedge and I have 100% solid answers on them (see: me sticking my foot in my mouth when the date on console news was supposed to arrive).
So ofc, we’re happy to address this one as we can! We’re still chasing up larger issues this forum has spoken about regarding how things are intended to work, what is changing, etc; we’re just making sure our ducks are in a row before going out with that else, well, this is how we get roasted with accusations of “false promises” when things change. :S