[edited on 14 Dec 21:57 CET to correct an incorrect weapon tweak where previously it was noted the Tweaks to the Heavy Eciscerator instead of Turtolsky Mk VI, Mk VII & Mk IX Heavy Swords.]
[edited on 14 Dec 21:57 CET to correct an incorrect weapon tweak where previously it was noted the Tweaks to the Heavy Eciscerator instead of Turtolsky Mk VI, Mk VII & Mk IX Heavy Swords.]
No problem - our humblest apologies again that we can’t restore your old character as it was, but we’ll ensure another Psyker is levelled up to 30 again for you so you can jump back in!
If you can please create a new Psyker, choose your backstory, appearance etc. and reach the hub. After that, please give me a shout and we’ll sort the rest from there for you.
I bet there are some people who are high-octane who would like that, but considering the feedback on that particular condition, I don’t see it going over well
I wish I had the TIME to play this game. I’m actually in the studio right now (whereas I normally work remotely and have the PC with me), and I am not playing there rather than working.
But yes, this is an oversight on my end, apologies. The post has been edited to alleviate some ??? moments.
I’ve mentioned elsewhere Hedge and I read every thread, even if we don’t comment on it. This is still true. We’ll be addressing other community issues in a weekly cadence, else us CMs would never be able to eat, sleep, or do other duties we need to attend to (such as writing the patch notes, attending meetings, working on future content campaigns, etc.).
As I mentioned further up-thread:
So as mentioned in the post, each week we’ll be focusing on areas the community has feedbacked on. We wanted to focus on stability first for this one as that’s our priority.
So if it hasn’t been addressed yet, it’s likely in our pipeline to address in these updates.
Yes, it’s in our list of issues, but we’re still poking around to see what is causing it and how to fix.
I should have clarified. So I 100% understand the 70+ weapons issue. It was def a miscommunication on our part. Where it gets dicey for me is when there’s a miscomm 1:1 (not as a greater whole), I get branded as a liar. And honestly, I need a bit of a breather from that sometimes. So that’s more what I mean, not from a global comms perspective.
Apologies if that was unclear.
So as mentioned in the post, each week we’ll be focusing on areas the community has feedbacked on. We wanted to focus on stability first for this one as that’s our priority.
@Bankrotas The patch notes are up, my friend. Community Update #6: Signal Update
Hey, I can check in on the high intensity engagement zone when I’m back in the office in the morning.
Edit: This does indeed seem to be the same thing and it didn’t get caught in the draft before it went up. I’ve removed this to avoid confusion.
In today’s community update, we’ll discuss our first significant content drop for Darktide. Due to a technical issue we found when testing one of our weapons, we’re targeting this update to arrive tomorrow, December 15th. We’ve been reading your comments ...
Read moreHi @Angelos001,
Apologies for the delayed reply!
We’ve taken a look at your account in the backend and can see that several characters were deleted in a very short period of time. The level 30 Psyker character was deleted inbetween deletion of two level 1 characters. Could this have happened by accident when deleting the lower levels?
I am very sorry to say that due to limitations in our backend we aren’t able to restore a deleted character at this time. I can understand that this is very disappointing, however, I can boost a newly created character to level 30 for you. The character will be without the equipment and currency you previously had, but some currency can be added to the character to get you equipped and started off again.
Is this something you’d...
Read moreI think it was announced that a Community Update was due today - I can see how that would be interpreted as a patch.
Edit: Please correct me if I’m wrong!
Have you tried the potential solutions in the article linked above?
That’s what I’m aiming for!
So this is one of our critical, top issues that has a lot of variables involved in it. We’re working with multiple teams to get this ironed out and are working to push solves each patch.
I see them readying the patch (we ran into some technical issues and had to push the date slightly, and we’d rather have as stable a build as possible), so it shouldn’t be far behind once working hours start again tomorrow. If this changes, I’ll let you all know.
Hey there, I have the post written up, just waiting on the go-ahead for it. Poking my nose about to get that to happen as quick as possible!