Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

06 Dec


Not hearing any beeps in those clips, can you gimme some time stamps so I can double check better?


Glad to hear this resolved :slight_smile:


Hi @TrousersPatrol,

Is this issue still occurring for you?


We’re looking into this - apologies for the inconvenience.


I’ve added this crash to our database for investigation. Thank you for the report!


Hi @LuckyGorgon,

The Steam Overlay is required to make in-game purchases. Please ensure you have this enabled.


I’ve added this crash to our database - we’ll investigate! Thank you for the report.


We’re looking into this. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Hi @Vinaka,

If you’re running into consistent BSOD there’s likely a deeper system level issue.

Unfortunately, we’re unable to advise on Windows-related errors, but please check out solutions that may help in this article:

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We’re looking into this - apologies for the inconvenience.


I believe the graphic hasn’t updated due to a caching issue with Steam. I believe if you clear your Steam cache this should update. The crash appears to be a GPU-related crash - which are the most common crashes players are encountering, which we’re working with our hardware partners to resolve.

Will merge this post with our Known Issued thread.


Please rest assured we do not include Trojans or any sort of malicious software in our products. The Trojan was likely injected from another source, in to our installation directory.


I’ve added this to our database - we’ll look into it. Thank you for the report!


Are there any Steam client updates available?

This is ultimately an issue with the Steam client, so Steam Support may be able to provide better advice here.


I’m admittedly a little stumped as to why this would be happening.

I’ve done a little digging, and a player in the past suggested to try running Steam and Vermintide 2 as Administrator (right-click ‘Run as Administrator’). I can’t guarantee if this will resolve the issue, but it may be worth a shot!


Every crash fix is important, but we are having to prioritise and deal with them systematically.

I’ve added this crash to our Known Issues FAQ list here:

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Still due to be looked at. I’ll make some noise internally about this and see if I can get this bumped up the priority ladder!

Thank you all for your continued patience - I can appreciate that this one is a very frustrating issue.


Hi @HanziRaven, sorry to hear that.

If you’ve tried our usual suggestions without success, I would recommend contacting your ISP and explaining the situation as they would be better suited to assist - you can quote our Backend Endpoint URL: https://5107.playfabapi.com/


Thanks @H4ckvick, unfortunately the crash is unclear in this log, as data within the log is cut off.

If you experience any other crashes, could you please provide additional crash reports or console logs for comparison? Hopefully one won’t be cut off and will contain information of more use :crossed_fingers:

Thank you in advance!