We’re working on these. Apologies for the hassle.
We’re working on these. Apologies for the hassle.
We’re looking in to similar issues. Thank you for your report.
I’ve added this crash to our database - we’re on it!
Apologies for the inconvenience.
We’re looking into this - apologies for the inconvenience.
Sorry to hear this. What happens if you revert the language change?
This patch affects Microsoft Store and Gamepass players. This patch is rolling out now. If it has not rolled out for you yet, it will shortly.
EDIT 12/5: This patch is approximately 35GB. Yes, CHUNKY as an Ogryn, I know. However, this is necessary to help us future proof the other hotfixes we have in the wings for you, so future hotfixes should be small...
Read moreHi @Zoli,
It appears that your installation is either incomplete, or has become corrupted. With that bundle file likely being the culprit!
In cases where the errors continue after using the Verify Integrity of Game Files option, we consider it to be persistent data corruption - which can, unfortunately, occur for a number of reasons.
We have a list of potential solutions in the article linked below, which we’ve created based on what’s worked for players in the past:
GPU hangs are among our key priorities right now, and we work on a solution to them around the clock. While they are becoming less and less common, and we know our efforts so far have worked, we understand we are not yet where we want to be: eradicating the issue entirely so that all of our players get to enjoy the game without interruptions.
What we have seen from our crash-data is that they are more common on Win11, and more common on high-end GPUs (30 series). They do occur across the board as well, but in a much much less frequency.
Most repeat-crashers seem to have the previous in common, but there are exceptions.
The experimental build is where we do rapid updates when we find something that could possibly be the source of the problem.
PC development is very tricky as there are so many different configurations, drivers, hardware, software, and a plethora of other influencing factors. Rest assured the work on eradicating GPU hangs won’t stop...
Read moreHi @Vichi,
Darktide has an entirely seperate backend and network infastructure. Neither game should affect the other.
As your friends are able to play, and this tends to be occurring at a consistent time of day (peak hours), this indicates a localised network issue to me.
When you next run into this error, if you can temporarily hook your PC up to a mobile data connection this can help in isolating the issue. If the error no longer persists, then this would suggest an issue with your network.
If this is the case, I would recommend contacting your ISP and explaining the situation as they will be better suited to assist. You can quote our Backend Endpoint URL (for Vermintide 2): ...
Read moreWe’re looking at putting out comms on a variety of subjects some time this week.
This will be a Gamepass patch.
We’re aiming for a patch today.
Just saw the green lights, aiming for today.
Please restart Darktide. Have any of your items appeared?
You should be able to locate the soundtrack using the instructions below:
If it is not visible here, please:
But you already have the experimental build there. It’s even selected in your screenshot? You ARE on the experimental build. If you want to go back to the normal one, select “None” in the dropdown.
Hi. The build will become available in the dropdown above.
Please try the experimental branch, beta password: cTYPtKTsfMDsLHAV
Could you also supply a screenshot of the process tree when this occurs? Like this, sorted on memory usage.
Yes, we’re working on them. More news forthcoming.