Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

07 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So I looked into this, and you were banned for deliberate misgendering and being misogynistic. and then when pulled into the timeout channel to cool off, you were rude to the mods. Previous messages to others were also pretty baiting/inflammatory. Appeal denied.

Edit: A word for clarity

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

On Steam it should be, but not yet on MS Store.

06 Dec


Okay I thought I was going crazy, then I borrowed some better headphones and upped my volume and could finally hear it. That is so weird, never heard that before.


I’ve raised this to our database. Thank you!


Thank you for letting us know - I’ve raised this to our database.


I’ll make note of this. We’re aware of similar issues. Thank you!


Thank you for reporting - we’ll look in to this.


For all players that are currently stuck, this should be resolved again now and you’re good to go!

We’ll be taking another pass at this soon, as it seems the fix we implemented hasn’t fully resolved this happening.

In the mean time, if anyone gets stuck in the queue again, please shout here and tag me and we’ll get it resolved as soon as we can.


I’ve flagged this internally again - we’re on it! Apologies all for the inconvenience in the mean time.


@DelphanGruss, it’s definitely a caching issue, as we have updated these images.

That said, my initial suggestion of clearing the Steam cache may not work as it’s only posssible to clear the download cache. It may be worth a shot still though!

Otherwise, does restarting Steam or your PC make any difference?


I’ve sent this over to our developers. Thank you for letting us know.


We’re looking in to this. Thank you!


I’ve moved your post back here. We can refund the purchase, if you’d like? But it might take a couple of weeks to be processed.


Is there an error displayed?


I’ve pinged this over to our developers. Thank you for your report.


I’ll add this to our database. It would be helpful if you could include your darktide_launcher.log. Thank you!

Read more
  1. In The Mourningstar, press ESC to open the menu
  2. Select ‘Operative’
  3. Select the ‘Loadout’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Primary Weapon’ or ‘Secondary Weapon’ slots
  5. Choose a weapon
  6. Select ‘Appearance’ [C]
  7. Select the ‘Trinkets’ tab
  • mceclip3.png

We’re investigating - apologies for the inconvenience.