Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

11 Aug


We’re in talks with our Anti-Cheat provider, sorry we have no workarounds at current. We appreciate this sucks.

10 Aug


If you are able to grab any footage of this it would be super useful (same for anyone else who experiences this and might be reading!)


Smoker is largely right, but I too am not sure if Kruber’s behaviour is expected, so this is both being raised to design and not a bug at the same time. A true paradox of tags.

09 Aug


We are still tracking down, if you have this problem can you post your graphics card, would help us find and fix


You talking about bashing with the shotgun? It’s not supposed to give any ammo back on melee now. Most likely a bug that Krubers is still doing it.


Wait… you’re 1 shotting hook rats with S&D? What power VS are you using? I haven’t been able to do this. Can’t even 1 shot SV with head shots.


We haven’t done a lot of focus testing in the past, or at least that is my impression (I haven’t been at Fatshark for that long mind you). Not sure we would commit to having the exact same group of people in a small focus group. What we have talked about is doing more beta or alpha tests for our larger content drops, which with this release we have started doing.

I have not but will try a...

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Yes, we are aiming to have this out around the same timeframe

Try it and let us know :slight_smile:

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Locking post as I’m not comfortable with where this is headed. Much love.


This is a great idea. As even with 1.5k+ hours in the base game, I don’t have all the hats… Although, I assume the cosmetic shop will be the quicker route when it comes along.


This is unrelated to the OP’s crash and has been addressed in which was released some minutes ago.


So we want to rework deeds before creating new ones in the current deed system.

As for Cataclysm rewards, there is a strange rumour going around that it drops no boxes at all. This is false. They offer legend boxes, so can drop reds just like legend.

Right now we wanted to provide Cataclysm as a challenge that falls outside of the traditional progression. That said, it’s right there in the UI along with Legend and all the other difficulties, so we appreciate that whilst we don’t forsee it as a goal for everyone, it’s presentation doesn’t indicate that or lend itself to it being anything but the next difficulty to get used to and beat.

What should cataclysm offer, in your minds, as a suitable end of match reward? (genuine question, not trying to goad anyone)


Unfortunately, the crashes you’re experiencing - which are called Access Violations - can occur for a variety of reasons. They’re usually a result of something local, but to start with I’d recommend that you try lowering your ‘Worker Thread’ count within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu down to 6.

If unsuccessful, I’d recommend that you run through our solutions listed here . You can skip any you’ve already attempted of course.


You can always use the QP deed trick to get recruit - legend deeds into Cata. But yea, hopefully Cata deeds are on the way. Although I’d honestly just want a deed rework instead of a bandaid.

And I remember there was Cata chests in the patch notes during the closed beta. But they never actually appeared in game. So it’s hard to say. A lot of people didn’t want increased rewards in Cata. As it would get people Queuing into Cata for the wrong reasons. But I can see both sides of the argument. Perhaps it should give 2 legend chests. Or just flat out give an Emperors chest for clearing.