Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

20 Apr

    [Fatshark] Aqshy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This game is much more CPU taxing than GPU taxing.

If you hover over the video settings, it should tell you the load on CPU vs GPU. Anything that has anything creating a large amount of CPU load, I turn to low or off. Also, turning off your Steam overlay will also help bring up your FPS.
    [Fatshark] Aqshy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yes, we just released a map last month and have more content to come! :)

19 Apr


Should have been:

  • Fixed an area where enemies would try to path to players in a manner that didn’t make sense.

That’s my bad!

18 Apr

    [Fatshark] Aqshy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, if you check the Tower of Treachery announcement, we post all hotfix announcements there: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/552500/view/3685673374386817020?l=english


I’ll fix ty for flagging


18 April

Hotfix 4.9.5

Liar Ahead’ Challenge should now trigger more consistently.

Tower Dasher’ Challenge has seen some changes:

  • Hot-joining players are no longer eligible for challenge.

  • Timer now starts when intro-cinematic ends.

Tower of Treachery fixes:

  • Fixed a closed gate and a snow pile which had no collision.

  • Fixed some lights, textures and materials which could disappear when viewed from certain angles.

  • Fixed some textures and materials which could display a lower quality variant (LOD).

  • Fixed a jumping route which looked possible but wasn’t in the room with the wards.

  • Fixed some spots where players (and some where bots) could get stuck.

  • Fixed some spots with invisible walls which didn’t make sense.

  • Fixed an area where players wou...

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17 Apr

    [Fatshark] Aqshy on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Blur: why didnt they release it before then? its been like a year or so without updates

We just released an update last month! :) I pop in every now and then in the pinned Sienna FAQ thread to give updates on what I can while still respecting my NDA. All I can say is just stay tuned; we've more updates ahead!

Hi @Dxb343,

I recommend running through our console connectivity solutions here:

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If possible, could you please provide your console log from the session that this issue occurred?

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs
  4. Locate the console log that corresponds with the session in which the issue occurred, by looking at the timestamps in the log names
  5. Upload the appropriate console log to us

Thank you in advance!



Sorry to hear this.

I’ve passed this information on to our Console Developers. We are continuously monitoring and working to improve the stability of Vermintide 2. Our next console update should address many critical and commonly encountered crashes.

As for disconnections, this may be local network, or ISP related. I recommend running through potential solutions, here:

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Thanks for the update and the added information. I’ve passed this on to the developer who is investigating this crash. Much appreciated!

16 Apr

14 Apr


I have also raised this crash in our database. We’re on it!

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Sorry about that, I’ve raised this in our database and we’ll investigate. Thank you for the report!


Hi @mangeorge,

The logs show you’re running into a Deadlock type crash. There’s some reference to a Windows Update - it’s more of a shot in the dark, but do you have the latest Windows updates installed?

The only other thing that comes to mind, is a known issue introduced with the 4.9 update causing periodic game freezing.

Currently, we can only suggest to try disabling all mods, as this has had success in improving the issue for some players. However, we are working to release a fix to this as soon as possible.


Hi @Haiken,

I’ve raised these crashes in our database and we’ll investigate.

It’s difficult to determine from the logs if this is purely code-related, or another factor.

I’d recommend for your friend to run through our general crash solutions, just in case something helps:

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