War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

09 Dec

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will gather feedback from Dev Server section, as usual.

Thread related to dev server in general discussion would only create confusion.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

When we publish the announcement


The EJ Kai is moving to Rank 8 as a result and if necessary, it's BR can change. The UK and Germany will receive their own new top fighters in a future update.


It's been mentioned multiple times Italy will get 1 of 2 rank 8s this patch. Including the pinned comment at the top of the thread.


Until 07:00 GMT on the 12th of December again on sale for Golden Eagles, the Soviet premium Mi-24D helicopter. And also a sticker for all Mi-24D wonders.

This is the “Crocodile” you all imagine it to be when you hear the name “Mi-24”. A development of the Mi-24A modification with glazed c*ckpit and the noticeably more powerful cannon armament in the nose turret.

Four-barreled 12.7 mm machine gun in the nose turret, increased survivability of the crew and 14 presets of external armament for every taste: bombs, rockets, anti-tank weapons, 23mm cannons in various combinations. And it all flies.

Mi-24D was taken off the market in 2019 but today the moderately chubby Crocodile will return to your hangars for Golden Eagles. And will bring with it a named decal.
... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

It's not planned for this patch to do so. Right now both aircraft suit their current BR without changes. New top aircraft are also planned in the next updates for both nations as top tier fighters.

The Devs will follow the situation and make any adjustments as required.


If you believe something is wrong, please submit a report when the testing starts. I'm afraid I don't have that info at the moment.


I don't believe there are any planned changes in that area this update.

It's a possibility. But nothing is certain.



One of two candidates will come. Whatever is finished first.

They are getting the F-16 at least this patch.


The countermeasure pods are being worked on and we're not ready to show during the stream.


Yes. ADV will be a later patch.


The German one isn't ready to show yet, but that's most likely where it will be.


It's not. It's Jordanian Chieftain.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Preliminary changelog for "Apex Predators" Major Update

The Dev Server will be opening today featuring the new War Thunder "Apex Predators" Major Update!

You can download the Dev Client


> From 16:00 GMT, December 9th
> To 07:00 GMT, December 14th

For technical reasons, the dev server may close immediately at any time before the indicated time!

For Ground Forces only map in rotation is Golden Quarry. Please test it and leave feedback here

Known Bugs:

New vehicles may have inaccuracies in characteristics, armour and weaponry settings.

The armour model for new ground vehicles is “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.

Some new aircraft lack c*ckpits.

Some ground vehicles lack a visible crew.

There may be a lack of localization for some equipment.


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Loadouts are not final at the moment.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry if I created a confusion.