War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

18 Oct


No. Not on Monday at all. Its very rare we do news of any kind on Mondays.


By this logic, we should just never have anything then. Almost all trees start out small because its not possible to launch everything at once. If you go back to the start of the USSR and German Navy trees for example, they looked much the same as Italy did on release.

Thats not how it works. As someone already explained, if you go back to how the USA or USSR started out, they both had 5 to begin with. They only have more now as more models are added over time. The Italian tree has not been in development as long as the USA and USSR ones have, so please dont expect a tree of their size right away for Italy. It was the same case for all nations ground forces. They didn't join the game looking 1:1 like existing trees that had been worked on for years. We wont start any tree with all of its vehicles possible right away. Not only is it not possible from a resource perspective, it also means nothing can be worked on and added...

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Really didnt want to have to post on Sunday, but given how this thread jumped about 5 pages since yesterday and the bulk of it was missile debates, can I please ask once again you take these off topic discussions to the correct place: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/29-aircraft-discussion/

Its the same people every time and the time of verbal warnings are starting to run out now since they are just being ignored.

17 Oct


Yes they are. If you think you found some errors, its best to pass it on to NoTarget, the German Community Co-Ordinator.


Quite a lot longer than people imagine. Its not just a case of writing all the historical text, but also consulting with experts for confirmation on the weaponry / features as well as then having to translate that into all of the national localized languages we support.


I have a better idea, lets wait for the dev blogs next week.


Both of the aircraft currently in game from these family's are still relatively new to the game and both are performing very well in the top bracket (even without things like countermeasures).

France also just got the Jaguar that also has Magics and as we said recently, will also get countermeasures in the future.


Lots of really good and interesting things this patch. That you will start finding out about soon™

But leaks, afraid not ))

I was going to say I was surprised after a quick peek in here today, but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Seems you already know the answer )))

Yes, its down for maintenance and work now.

16 Oct


Just for clarification, you posted 1 topic, not 3. It also contained no historical facts at all.

All it contained was lots of profanity and political statements, both of which are against forum rules:

Please take the time to read them in full, as you agreed to follow them when creating your account.


Surprisingly, during the Anniversary ))


Once again, I already said no.


No models of it are coming now. I already said no F-14, 15 or 16 at all anytime soon.