War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Jokes on you, I turn my phone on silent when I sleep )))


Whislisting goes here:

Not in this topic.


Today we would like to celebrate The US Navy’s birthday!
Today we would like to celebrate The US Navy’s birthday, recognized on the anniversary of the historic formation of the Continental Navy during the American Revolution, comes 2 weeks prior to Navy Day.

Navy Day was the original date for celebration of the U.S. Navy after research in the 1970’s revealed the ‘true’ birthday of the US Navy to be October 13th, and though this celebration officially was replaced by Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday in May for the U.S.) in 1949 and the Navy Day moved to the 27th of October. The celebrations for Navy Day continued, especially within the Navy itself and the date was officially changed back despite Navy day still being widely celebrated later in the month.

Until 11:00 GMT on the 19th of October
The premium US... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2891832587123172239]here[/url].
    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Today we would like to celebrate The US Navy’s birthday, recognized on the anniversary of the historic formation of the Continental Navy during the American Revolution, comes 2 weeks prior to Navy Day.

Navy Day was the original date for celebration of the U.S. Navy after research in the 1970’s revealed the ‘true’ birthday of the US Navy to be October 13th, and though this celebration officially was replaced by Armed Forces Day (Third Saturday in May for the U.S.) in 1949 and the Navy Day moved to the 27th of October. The celebrations for Navy Day continued, especially within the Navy itself and the date was officially changed back despite Navy day still being widely celebrated later in the month.

More on the website!

The War Thunder Team

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When we will have something to reveal, we will show it in Development Blog.

We do not share future development in this section, sorry.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you want to suggest new vehicles, please check Suggestion Section on our forum.


    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

PV-2D: "Olathe" camouflage

Matilda MK-2 F-96 Summer camouflage (I think it was here)

12 Oct


Because probably 1-2/3rds of this thread were bombarded with it purely as a wishlist and no actual rumor or fundamental basis to talk about it on other than the very loose aspect of the fact we said more BVR missiles are coming in future (not even in the next update, simply that we were working on them).

We know for certain it wont be within the update, so their is no point in allowing the majority of discussion in a topic carry on so other people get mislead into thinking its coming when there are relevant topics you yourself created where it can be discussed.

If you and others had not have discussed it so many times here when we asked for it to be done in the correct place, we wouldn't have needed to burst that bubble so early.


We never claimed the Maus was a paper tank and thats why it was removed from research. We also made it clear it would make a return for special events.

The Flakpanzer 341, Kingtiger 105mm and Panther II in the configurations we had them in, never existed.

These tanks were also removed because they have replacements, whereas other examples still in game do not.


Just because there are no rumors to discuss at any given millisecond, does not mean this topic just becomes wishlisting or whatever you want to talk about.

If you want to Wishlist, we have that here:

If there are no rumors, then its quite simple. Dont post in this thread and use the thousands of actually dedicated topics.

We are not here to provide rumors to keep this thread alive.


We shared out outlined plans for the year all the way back, they were not guaranteed as things to come and this is exactly why we dont like doing it, because when we try to provide a broad plan thats still very loose, naturally things change and when they do, people take it badly and treat it as broken promises. We still have 2 major updates to go indeed, thats certain.

We dont have a usual schedule. Its something people are inventing it by simply comparing to previous years. But as other updates have shown, it doesn't work that way.


Thats exactly the point. Who said they need "more" time? Who said the blogs are late?

They are not. They come every year when they are ready to come. Nobody said they must come by X date or things are late.


Your missing the point. We are not going to say anything, until we know for sure. We are not going to make blanket statements about a week/month etc when things can change.


Thanks for the feedback guys. Points up until this have been passed along.