War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

16 Oct


Stay strong. Whilst its quite this week, some things are worth the wait.


Can confirm ))

Not that many )))


Perhaps I didn't explain that properly.

You are more than welcome to express your personal opinions, feedback and constructive ideas. What im asking is that you please dont ping me week in week out if its just going to be spam and not an actual new suggestion, idea or new factor. Im a Community Manager, not a developer, so pinging me over and over again with the exact same point you have already made and ive already responded too is going to achieve nothing except eventually, should it persist end with this topic getting a temporary lock and cooldown period to remind everyone of the forum rules, which nobody wants to do. Several other members have already pointed out to you that tagging me every week with the same line is pointless and achieves nothing (if anything actually hurts the matter as im more likely to start ignoring spam notifications and not take them seriously). There is nothing I can do with it at all.


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    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks! You are watching Thunder Show - redesigned and redefined!

We will no longer limit you and ourselves to strict categories, yeah, we got rid of them! Now we’ll feature only the best videos of the week. You can find our new and simplified terms of participation at the end of this episode.

Oh and by the way - we’re expanding Thunder Show to FIVE videos per episode! As for the rest - it’s business as usual! You are watching Thunder Show, a weekly project of which you can be a part of! New episode every Friday!

More about the Thunder Show

Do you have a War Thunder video you would like to share with the world? An epic scene of heroism, a hilarious mistake or just random awesomeness? Then...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

1939-1941, read on it a little.

MM in RB is not there to make realistic alliances (especially, that many nations change their allies even during one war), but to provide shortest queues. If there are many players playing, for example USA and JAPAN, you will have US vs JP battle (with other, less populated nations as their allies).


It's because everything so far posted within has already been forwarded. We have already passed on all the points within and also answered the major points with responses from the developers.

Pinging me every week is not going to achieve anything as nothing new is actually being presented or drastically changed for me to resubmit anything.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct


Ale na miłość Ślimaka, przestańcie podsyłać talony na zapiekankę. Już nawet okoliczni kloszardzi mnie unikają, bo wiedzą, że będę im próbował to wciskać zamiast "grosza na bilet do domu".


Small reminder that this is the major update rumor topic and not a BR feedback topic.

There are appropriate places to leave feedback and this isn't one of them.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

From this two, Asus.

Intel HD 3000 is very weak and nothing to compare to GTX 930 (which is also weak, but much better than integrated GPU from intel).

15 Oct


WW mode released over a year ago. We have had 3 full seasons already.


For the 50,000th time.





Comparing to previous years does not mean "something is wrong" or "it must be delayed". Patches are pre planned well in advance and whilst indeed, there can be minor delays close to the final date, this myth that the next update is somehow delayed, set back or behind is not at all accurate.

Its perfectly on schedule for when its intended to be.


Nooope. Nor the weekend before someone asks.


Just a general reminder guys. This is not a wishlisting topic.

Please use this topic if you want to do that: