War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

08 Oct


Q & As are not ever intended to be for discussing bugs and issues. The point of them is to get developer responses on a range of questions from all over and not just the same subjects over and over. Not just "When is X coming" or "When will you fix X".

Lots of the requests asking "why dont you talk about X subject" is 99% of the time because the developers have already answered it in a previous Q and A and don't wish to keep repeating themselves.

At this point not surprised at all that the same people cant keep on topic.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

Info that we do not plan Ground Only mode has been said here many times through the years.

And still, I do not see a reason why this topic should be locked.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct



Q. With the introduction of medium range missiles as well as increasingly fast top tier aircraft now and in the future, maps in top tier air realistic battles are becoming increasingly cramped. Are there any plans to mitigate this going forward?

Yes, we have already increased the battle area in the high ranks and if necessary we will do it again in the future.

Q. Both the Jaguar GR.1 and the Jaguar A were capable of mounting flares. In game, currently neither variant has them, yet they are ranked with the high end jets that have them. Do you have plans to introduce them for these aircraft to better assist them?

We are working on the adding of flares for aircraft that had them, including the Jaguar A and the Jaguar GR.1 and additional suspended containers with flares. We always try to realize the maximum potential of the...

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    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear players,

We have another round of questions and answers for you, with War Thunder producer Vyacheslav Bulannikov!


Q. With the introduction of medium range missiles as well as increasingly fast top tier aircraft now and in the future, maps in top tier air realistic battles are becoming increasingly cramped. Are there any plans to mitigate this going forward?

Yes, we have already increased the battle area in the high ranks and if necessary we will do it again in the future.

Q. Both the Jaguar GR.1 and the Jaguar A were capable of mounting flares. In game, currently neither variant has them, yet they are ranked with the high end jets that have them. Do you have plans to introduce them for these aircraft to better assist them?

We are working on the adding of...

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07 Oct


You are confusing and misusing statements made to do with artificially changing characteristics or changing key performance / features that were advertised post launch, which we are always hazardous to do, but do sometimes have to be done (M60 Ariete, IS-6) when a compromise cannot be found (PG.02)

No such statement has ever been made with regards to repair costs, because premiums, like all vehicles are part of the live economy.

This was with regards to actual game balance, which is handled by BRs. Repair costs are speisifcally for the economy of the game, which is balanced and tuned in its own way. Game balance and economical balance are two separate things entirely.

The repair cost increase does not change the main feature of them and the fact Premiums earn much higher rewards and have additional bonuses that tech tree vehi...

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    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

We did not have withdraw decals you unlocked. We have added requirements to decals that previously had non - which means you now need to unlock them same as any other decal.

If you unlocked decal - you got it.

If decal previously had no requirements (was "free"), you used it and now we have added requirements for it - you need to unlock it.


All vehicles within the game are subject to repair cost changes as that is part of our in game economy. This has always been the case since the game began and has always been the case for all vehicles including premium ones. We are not "altering the deal" because there was no deal ever promised that premium vehicles cant get their repair costs raised and lowered.

Nowhere has it ever been claimed, stated, advertised or ruled that premium vehicles have a fixed repair cost or are purposefully low in repair cost. They are subject to the same economics as all vehicles are.


We have recently been reworking requirements for lots of unlocks in game over the last few updates. In the last major, quite a few skins got their requirements reworked too and became more accessible.

As already mentioned, some of the decals in game that did not have requirements were today given them:

Unfortunately, as was the case when we reworked the medal system, it isn't possible to retrospectively track progress.


The concept of a premium vehicle is to earn more bonuses and have increased rewards that help you progress through the tree.

Repair cost has always been changed for premium vehicles and a "low repair cost" has never been a stated feature of any premium vehicle. Typically their costs are lower because more people play them and there is a range of skillsets using them, however in the case of the G.55S, it a very effective and efficient machine.


There is no rule on people not following your commands. Generally communication is always key, but its not punishable if someone decides to ignore chat or doesn't pay attention and just attacks targets.

Best thing to do is keep your own situational awareness and see where you team is going. If after you ping'ed a base, you see someone still making a direct B-line for it, probably means they intend to bomb it.

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

The British certainly know a thing or two about making tanks. The Brits were the first to employ tanks in battle… they are also the makers of the legendary Centurion MBT… and also the people who designed its 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 cannon — somewhat of a gold standard for tank guns. Today we’re going to talk about one very special type of vehicles made by the British — their heavy armour. The Conqueror... the Churchill... and their other armour-clad brethren.

We invite youtubers and streamers to cooperate and offer support depending on the quantity and popularity of your content. More information: https://warthunder.com/en/media/partnership/

The War Thunder Team

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's not like that. You did not unlocked them. They were free, without conditions to unlock. We have added conditions for them now. We did not locked anything you unlocked.

Same answer as above.


  • Research, purchase, crew training costs and other related parameters for vehicles have been changed. View the tablesheet[docs.google.com] with the main parameters in a new tab. All economy indicators for vehicles will be changed according to rank.
  • Repair costs and award multipliers have been changed (view in a new...
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