War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

01 Sep

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

2 września od 9:30 serwery gry będą niedostępne z powodu implementacji aktualizacji "Ognisty Deszcz".

Poinformujemy Was o zakończeniu prac.

Dziękujemy za wyrozumiałość!

Zespół War Thunder


On the 2nd of September from 07:30 GMT the server will not be available as we will be implementing Update "Raining Fire" in War Thunder.

We will inform you when maintenance is over.

Thank you for your patience!
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2851296383047617933]here[/url].
    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

On the 2nd of September from 07:30 GMT the server will not be available as we will be implementing Update "Raining Fire" in War Thunder.

We will inform you when maintenance is over.

Thank you for your patience!

The War Thunder Team


Im not discussing it.

You are misleading people and im correcting it with the facts and asking you to take the discussion elsewhere as its my job to do.

Please do not ignore the warnings.


Indeed and they are being fixed on a daily basis. Its totaly incorrect to claim "bug reports dont work" and "nothing gets fixed". Every major has pages and pages of fixes and the changelogs published weekly for all the issues resolved on a near daily basis. There are more fixed than not.

Now please stop derailing the topic.


Ah yes, because you can find 2 examples of ones that have not been resolved, that instantly invalidates the thousands fixed every major and the many hundreds in all the minors too: https://warthunder.com/en/game/changelog/

Please do not mislead people.


They work when you report issues properly with evidence: https://warthunder.com/en/game/changelog/

Bug reports are not to report something being "bad" however.


Its impossible that it will be in this patch. I will indeed forward the idea, but never said it was possible for this patch.


There have been vehciles requested for 5 years, or 8 years like the P-51C. Why is the Marder an exception?

Please stop spamming the topic over and over again and going off topic deliberately. Just a page ago I responded this to a similar question.

The Marder, Puma or any other German vehicle is no exception to that. They will come when they come and we are not just going to start handing out details because you keep asking.

When we have news to share on a vehicle, we do so properly. Right now, there is nothing on those and they are not coming this patch, so its of no relivance here.


Its not actually.

If you would like to see fixes, please make a bug report. Posting it in a discussion topic is not a proper bug report, especially when they are totally unbacked up claims without any supporting evidence.

As you can see from the title, the topic is actually about discusing rumors and news on the update. Not wishlisting the things you want in it. We have plenty of topics for that.


Not with this patch. If/when there are, we will share it.


We can indeed forward it along, but Germany is hardly lacking either Bf 110s or Schräge Musik equipped aircraft right now and already have an extreamly large air tree. Its not going to hurt them for Italy to have a minor axis exclusive for now.


We dont have any news to share on it for the moment. We also dont announce vehicles 2-3 patches in advance.


Its not a copy paste. Bf 110 G-4 is a new model and variant of the aircraft.

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s hard to imagine a modern battlefield without helicopters — lightning-quick vehicles capable of blotting out the sun with a hail of rockets… or of destroying the most well-protected tanks with a single powerful ATGM.

Today we’re going to speak about one of the most iconic helicopter series of all time. “Flying Tank”. “Crocodile”. “Drinking Glass”. All of that is the extremely versatile Soviet Mi-24 attack helicopter.


The Centurion family

The Panther Family

The KV Family

The Panzerkampfwagen Family

The Abrams Family

The Patton Familly


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