War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

31 Aug

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2851296383043732642]here[/url].
    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Osiągnąłeś III Erę? W takim razie masz dostęp do Zadań Bitewnych! Wypełniaj je, zdobywaj Obligacje i odbieraj nagrody!

Zadania Bitewne dostępne są dla wszystkich Graczy, którzy odblokowali co najmniej jedną maszynę III Ery jakąkolwiek nacją w grze.

Asortyment dostępny będzie do 30 września!

Dokładna lista nagród dostępnych za Obligacje w tym miesiącu:

Maszyny premium


Jak-3 (Francja)

Ta 154 A-1


Chi-Nu II


Pr. 1204

Oznaczenie "Daisy Mae", No. 420 Squadron, RCAF, 1945. Oznaczenie odtworzył Colin 'Fenris' Muir.

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    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

You’ve reached Rank III? Then you have access to the Battle Tasks. Fulfil Battle Tasks, earn Warbonds, and grab your rewards!

Battle Tasks will be available to you after reaching and purchasing a 3rd rank vehicle in any nation in-game. You can read more about battle tasks and war bonds in our devblog and on War Thunder wiki.

These items will be available until the 30th of September!

The detailed list of the Warbond items in the shop this month:

Premium vehicles


Yak-3 (France)

Ta 154 A-1


Chi-Nu II


Pr. 1204


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Suggestion forwarded to the develo....



It means there is another something that luckily the dataminers have not located yet


Like I said, there will always be those disappointing no matter what we do.

Doesn't change the fact a lot of people wanted this aircraft for a very, very long time.


Because its nice to have some surprises and we also dont know for 100% if they will make it.

Some people are disappointed regardless. Nothing we can do to please some, but that doesn't mean everyone else cant enjoy a little cool thing.

Yes, let must just ruin the SURPRISE and make it no longer a SURPRISE

Yes, and we are one of them



Doesn't mean we still cant have some nice little treats, should they make it in time.


Very minor, but I think they will be much appreciated. But of course, I dont doubt there will still be the standard "but its not a T-90/InsertGermanwunderweponor2A6/Vulcan/etc etc" responses.

Just some very cool and long requested things. But small.


Nothing this update. If we have something to announce in that area, we will make a proper announcement.


Its not possible to find equal popularity and discussion on every nations suggestions every month. Lots of nations have a break now and then.


No aircraft in game has a modeled HUD in the form you are asking. Its not just Jaguar.

In the future, its possible will add it for as many aircraft that had it as far as can be done. But not for now.


We couldn't quite show it in time for the dovlog, but the Thunderbolt Mk I will also have a second historical purchasable skin for those interested in their Far East RAF colours

And there is still that surprise or two to come

30 Aug


We do have the T-2K. But it did not have all the same weapons from the F-1.

It will have all the weapons the T-2K had and that are backed up by sources. If it was not on T-2K but on the F-1 and not shown on T-2K, it wont come.

Please stop derailing the topic after I asked you to move the discussion to the appropriate place: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/460846-mitsubishi-t-2/

It wont be warned again.


This isnt "back on topic".

I already said the T-2K was reported to have 4 AMMs. Also the F-1 =/= T-2K.

If you want to discuss it more or other issues, please take it to the Japanese air section.

Its not relevant here.

Guys, if you want to discuss load outs, this isn't the place.

If you want to discss F-4, F-100 or any other US loadout, please go here: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/418-general-upcoming/

If you want to discuss T-2K, please go here:

Just because its something you "want" to see this major does not make it relevant to this topic. Thats wishlisting.


Thats now how things work. You can make as many topics and posts as you like about it, but its not going to speed it up.

I have explained to you already, it was forwarded and known to the developers. It then must go into a queue for when the consultants and researchers can then confirm its correct and backed up and then to the artists to add the pylons and weapons to the aircraft.

Both of those groups of people were very busy due to the major content and generally always are.

Ive already confirmed its planned to come. When it can be done, it will be.