League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

04 Nov


Originally posted by gheycub

Since it resets at the beginning of every week, it seems like just a gatekeeping function from having to play multiple games in a row with the same problematic players. It doesn’t function as a tool keep you from ever having to play with someone ever again unless you have the energy to re-add someone every week.

Correct, for most of us plebs outside of very high MMR we will rarely really see the same player again on our team outside of happening to re-queue at the same time after a game. So we build the avoid list to maximize impact in this case (I can guarantee I won't see someone problematic in the near future, especially the next game) and the weekly reset reduces the possibility of edge cases causing serious matchmaking problems. The abuse possibilities and queue time impacts are unfortunately why we can't enable this at higher ranks.


We're gonna look at adjusting fortitude. We were conservative out of the gate because we were afraid of abuse cases, but the system seems like it's not causing problems with that so we're looking at what we can do to dial up compensation.


Originally posted by SaltyBaoBaos

Automatic Remakes is all I see.

The answer to AFK’s leaving matches?

We'll have more stuff for you in the detailed patch notes, not going to solve all problems, but we hope it will make some meaningful differences for players.


Originally posted by bluetuzo


For those who need to know :)

Edit: Here is the Wild Rift page: https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/wildrift

please take my updoots for the useful post.

01 Nov


Originally posted by Aquaburnz

queue times would easily get quadrupled for popular roles and yes people care more than they think

Yes, in fact, much worse than quadrupled. If you do a quick simulation on paper you'll see that if, for example, there's only 1 JG for every 10 players, wait time lengths go like this:

2x 3x 4x 5x 6x ... 100000000x infinite

Basically, without autofill, or at least some similar way of players choosing to not play their preferred role, getting games at all grinds to a complete halt and no one gets to play.

It's an unfortunate part of having pre-chosen preferences that aren't equal.


Originally posted by Niante

I mean, someone doing either on your team is almost always going to result in a loss, so I've never understood not just throwing that game out, rank-wise. Like, we already got punished by having our time wasted on what is almost guaranteed to be a really lame experience, as well as the frustration that comes with it. How could a small fraction of the points required for one loss shield ever be appropriate compensation?

The unfortunate problem is the potential for gaming the system if we did that. Losing a game? Make someone AFK or intentional feed so the rest of the team doesn't pay. So we need to penalize that player enough to disincentivize gaming the system and not make compensation too big. Example: the obvious bad idea is if someone intentionally feeds all the other players in the game get a win on both teams. That's pretty ripe for abuse. We could give a loss shield as suggested, and we'd need to penalize the offending player more to compensate which might be too overboard. So we've been conservative on the compensation we provide out of the gate. It's something we can look at changing in the future now that the system has been active and not causing problems.

31 Oct


Originally posted by RedditRevenant

Makes sense. Didn’t mean to come off as if you guys prefer one over the other. Just feels that way when I got compensation for an afk it was 60 points. When I got compensation for another guy who went malphite and went down mid 20 times I got 40. So the system recognized the 2 cases and gave compensation.

Hmmmm if you're at the same rank, it should give you the same compensation... Although it is a good point to consider that we could penalize intentional losing more seriously and give y'all more points.


Originally posted by selogoribabaseceslja

I am truly a dummy. I thought that you buy the skin for 240 blue stars, lmao. Thank you, kind sir!

Naw, I was confused by this too and I work on the game


Originally posted by RedditRevenant

Yeah i agree with punishing Afkers but why are they worse than someone who is actively ruining the game. At least with an AFK isn’t giving the enemy gold and taking your gold. Again hate both.

They're not worse, AFKs were just the quickest one to add loss compensation to because they are evaluated in real-time. Intentional feeding takes longer to determine so we have do build different delayed messaging and can't tell you right as the game ends as we do with AFK. We're actively working on it.

25 Oct


Originally posted by Onlineonlysocialist

It might be Fiddlesticks rather than Swain since Swain is more associated with Ravens than crows.

Could be crows, could be ravens. I didn't really get a good look, I was generally afraid to get close, but when I was drawn in they would fly away.

I'm getting mixed emotions seeing "story" in quotes...

24 Oct


Originally posted by oozingdonut

I’ve heard rumors that there’s plague rats feasting on those who stray from the pack, comrades falling asleep before vanishing by the hands of a starry eyed trickster.

Twitch and Zoe.

~~>we found ourselves surrounded by a little devil, a half-dragon, and the cunning nine-tailed fox…all ghosts from our pasts, but with the shine of something new. The encounter was a reminder to us that as our Rift grows older we’ll sometimes have to re-explore and re-visit our past adventures.

Aurelion Sol and Ahri reworks. Not sure who the “little devil” is referring to, makes me think of Teemo, but he didn’t get a full on rework, just some changes here and there. ~~

I’m dumb, I forgot we already got the Ahri rework lol so that’s just a look back at past changes they already implemented, not upcoming ones. Although I think the last bit suggests they will continue to bring reworks and updates to champs in the future.


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Oh is that who I met on my journey? I need to be better at asking for names.

21 Oct


Originally posted by ApprehensiveWin1230

See i just get the trolls that intentionally die first then go afk so that it voids any chance of remake

If that's the case they should be getting a double loss and your team would get a chunk of ranked fortitude as compensation. I know it's not as good as a remake, but we also penalize the AFK player much harder.


Originally posted by nbojk

It works even if somebody dies, happened to me planty of times, it was just a bug that we couldn’t remake

Not sure why downvotes, it is supposed to work even if someone dies. The exception is if the death happens before (or very soon after) someone starts to AFK. If a death happens well after someone AFKs it should not prevent a remake.


Originally posted by Ooh_look_a_butterfly

Are you able to provide any info on why the system was set up with as many conditions as it was and why there is a vote required?

Definitely, the system was setup this way to guard against people trying to game the system if they had a bad invade, surprise bad matchup, etc. Similarly at high skill levels we give your premade a loss as well, because coordinated abuse is more likely at that level. The vote requirement is really to give people a choice if they know the person is coming back, especially if you're in a premade and talking to the person who disconnected. I think one area we could improve is to just make the vote come up automatically, right now we think a lot of times people could just be missing the message saying that remake is available. So far all the games people have sent us show that a remake was available, but a vote did not succeed (or was not invoked).


Originally posted by firetothegreenrain

I find if someone dies early the remake doesn’t pop up, is it that?

Possibly, but the system should be setup so that only a death very close to when someone starts going AFK prevents a remake. This is so that you can't just AFK after a bad first blood to trigger a remake.


We're looking to make the gold gain for ADCs from Relic Shield more obvious in a future patch, which will hopefully help make this clearer.

20 Oct


We are actively trying to find out what's going on here. This happened to me the other day. Not sure what's going on, it could be that we're missing the remake notification.

Can you dm me information about your game? Your playername#tag, region, time of game, what champ were you playing, what player/champ was AFK.

19 Oct


Originally posted by Ramonis5645

I think there's a solution for this JG matter


I have learn JG and I have never seen so many people flaming me when they're losing a 1v1 lane and they want a gank when I'm literally on the other side of the map they even refuse to help on objectives because you didn't gank the solution for this is a better punishment system many people have been asking for s real punishment system and riot keep ignoring it

2: Make the JG a fun rol this year they have released a lot of top champs even supp champs and they ignore the JG we need more champs on the role so people get interesting on it and stop nerfing champs that are flexed to JG like Gwen, Jax, Irelia people like those champs and they crippled them on the JG it would have sense for me if they add more champs to the JG but they didn't

3: Give auto fill some protection for JG only if they have it on the 5th position

4: Push people to learn every 5 roles one thing that I have always heard is...

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Did you know when you get your 5th position, you already get protection on the next game?

18 Oct


Originally posted by Gr8WallofChinatown

There should be a block players option that blocks them from every queuing up with you. Riot would never allow it because it will f**k up their matchmaking system but it will solve so many issues (unless you're a troll who spam blocks everyone when you're the issue)

Other games have done this (Overwatch) and it created serious issues a higher skill levels and was too abusable. We've also considered it, but it would need to be a time limited block that didn't apply at higher skill tiers. Something like that might work and solves the most common case of seeing someone you just played with in your next game because you both queue up at the same time. Past the same day it's much less likely you'll ever see the same person again unless you're highly ranked because so many people are playing.

14 Oct


Originally posted by oxob3333

This is also not an accident, the game designers working on the support items also did a lot of math (and playtesting) to balance the two items against each other. It's really awesome when players check our work and come to similar conclusions!