Oh, interesting thought. I'll bring this up, no promises about what'll happen. There could be some funkyness on certain champions we would want to be aware of.
Oh, interesting thought. I'll bring this up, no promises about what'll happen. There could be some funkyness on certain champions we would want to be aware of.
You can whisper it no one will hear
I just whispered it, I don't think anyone heard.
I actually think this item is super fun, but a little harder to realize the magic with sometimes. There are some truly hype plays in our internal playtests with this item, and I'm curious to see if it picks up some interesting play in pro.
That being said, we are looking to make its affect more appreciable and easier to use.
I have some great clips of EndStep shattering my world with his Seedjar plays...that I can't share, right now, because I was playing an unannounced champion.
Is there any plan to update the default and pre made builds at all to reflect the changes over time please?
We would love to be able to do this, it is a very large undertaking to build out but I hope we can have down the road. It still has some problems though. A system like this can easily reflect popular builds over powerful ones. And making the popular builds the default would feedback into itself.
Then you need to release a skin for Annie :) Then we talk
Oh, you don't want to see me make a skin.
I see, do you guys think that the new annul item hurts her greatly ? She now need to waste 1 of her skill to pop it and her burst potential is greatly reduced where she is only good at it particularly 😭
They are definitely good items against her. But they work well against many initiation focused champions.
A really good trick here is to use the Protobelt enchant. It gives Annie a powerful dash (getting into range being a major weakness) that also pops spell shields. This means that if you go to start a fight you should still be able to stun multiple champions even if a few of them got spell shields.
You guys planning to buff Annie ? She is even rarer to see than asol
So do you think she is weak or not popular? Those two are far less connected than people think.
We don't expect all champions to have the same pick rate, some fantasies are more popular than others. And even popular champions are popular when they are weak.
In Asol's case his low popularity isn't a reflection on his power, more so his gameplay is unappealing to most, particularly for the popular fantasy of the space dragon.
I don't understand Smite changes. How the change made AP jungler more viable?
Junglers who relied a lot on basic attacks are now clearing the jungle slower. So AP and ability focused junglers got stronger relative to them.
Is there a reason why Garen was nerfed...again.
He is strong...still.
Really he dealt too much damage for how tanky he got, and was VERY good at quickly clearing waves and getting lane priority...to the point where he was picked as a support because of this priority. This is not the best place for him to be.
He also just got some fun new items to play with, Garen will be fine.
Look at any pro’s tier list, Ashe is nowhere to be found. I’m one of the best ashes in North America and got to GM with her, but she’s not top tier at all or needed a nerf.
To win games you basically have to position perfectly and abuse utility and arrows.
Any team fights you’re useless and die in one second. Nobody played Ashe in high play and this just makes it worse.
Oh well, I’m sure I’ll live, but you nerfed her on win rate which doesn’t come from her W A/D ratios it’s from her utility. She will still have an extremely high win rate at lower plays and nobody plays her in high elo so whatever.
Thanks for the patch tho. Appreciate all the hard work on Wild Rift. Cheers.
Her winrate has been high at all levels of play. Tier lists are great for evaluating a players perception, but they are a bit of an echo chamber, and don't do a good job evaluating data. And that is fine, none expects tier list creators to have a perfect understanding of every champion at any level of play.
You are right that she is a utility marksmen, and that does tend to favor more coordination/higher levels of play. Pickrate and winrate are VERY different things and people tend to be good about picking what they like them justifying its power, not so much the other way around. Many of the strongest champions have a low pick rate (and no they are not one tricks) because they are not as flashy as more popular champions.
Many people only thought Asol was viable when he was the strongest champion we have ever had in the game, and now he is just merely one of the strongest and he is said to be sh*t. This comes from a problem of feeling/appreciating his power, not h...
Read moreBut why ashe? Dont remember seeing her in game and you nerfed her
She has been a top-tier marksmen, for several patches. We should have actually nerfed her a few patches ago but we decided to let her stay strong because of the perception around her being weak. Even with these changes we fully expect her to still be strong. I highly recommend not sleeping on her if you are a marksmen player.
overall excellent patch u really outdone urself guys only concerned about hullbreaker on graves
Thanks! Hullbreaker is something we are keeping an eye on, and you're right it could end up being a bit much on some champions. But the team is confident and are excited to open up some new strategies and Baron Lane agency a bit.
I’m not, as someone who prefers melee champs I’m certain I’ll hate all of karma’s cc, but I’m glad you’re excited
I really like this mindset. I don't really have much to add here, but I really like this level of positivity in the world!
i'm excited for my new green donut!
Kai'sa Mid Ap 3 skills evolved is a thing now with the buff to Stormrazor.
Stormrazor + Hextech Gunblade + Luden's Echo + Na'Shor's Tooth + Rabadon gives you enough to evolve every single skill.
A large motivator for the Stormrazor change (aside from it badly needed it) was to help Kai'sa's evolve paths.
u/R0guefool please help with this
To be clear the patch has not gone live, and we have no made any changes to Smite otherwise. What I assume happened here is that the player has Smite and Flash already then accidentally chose to swap places rather than replace a Smite, or tried changing too late. Though obviously I can't be certain and there is always a chance of a bug, though if this was the case I think it would have shown up much sooner, and more often.
As for the upcoming Smite changes, I didn't work on this system, and don't have all the details, but I believe it just sets your starting loadout to Smite. As the player assigned the Jungle role you could still change your loadout. Like the situation above, where two people swap positions, you would just need to manually do it yourself.
thank you for the quick response, the chinese patch notes just dropped and no mention of the current fizz bug, are you guys working on a system that allows you to disable champions, if bugs like this arise again?
I'm not sure what bug fix you are talking about, but I believe we have the ability to disable a champion should a game-breaking bug occur.
May I ask if the scale is from 15% - 20% based on level? Cause i think 15% + 1% per level would be a little too overpowered in late game, I'm a little confused.
I don't have the notes in front of me right now, but if I remember correctly it is 15%+1% per level up to X level.
do you know when the next endstep stream is/ will you be joining him for it again?
I don't know when, I assume shortly after the patch/patch notes go live. It might be the next day depending on when that is.
As for if I'll be on, I think that is the plan. I'm the past, when I've been in the chat, it has been a bit impromptu when I get bored and happen to see on Twitter he is streaming. But we did talk about me coming on to talk a bit about Elemental Rift.
For some context, these changes have been planned for a few months, after a few people that pointed out that Jhin's passive didn't scale.
The reason it took so long is that anything that requires localization can take a bit of extra time and often can't be done in a typical balance patch.