League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

02 May


Originally posted by robotbeatrally

yeah hopefully they will! I was just curious if it's something that happens to other people or if it was just a complete fluke.

Not a complete fluke, but hopefully very, very rare.


Originally posted by robotbeatrally

No I was playing blitzcrank.

Can you DM me your playername, region (NA, EU, SEA, etc.), rough time/timezone for that game? We spent a lot of time tuning to reduce false positives, but we knew some were going to slip through the cracks when we turned it on for tons of players. Help us improve the system!


Originally posted by SugaryPlumbs

They're working on it as of 2 months ago. It seems like currently they are tuning a system to more accurately detect afk and troll activity before they start to implement more severe punishments. It's a fine line to walk though. If someone has a baby that wakes up in the other room and they need to leave the game, should they be banned for the rest of the day? If it happens again the next day, should they be banned for a whole week? It's a mobile game, and sometimes life happens.

Conversely, I was playing Yuumi yesterday and my ADC scored an ace. Because I didn't need to actively poke or switch to other players, the most effective thing to do was stick to my ADC and heal for the attack speed bonus. 30 seconds later I got a warning about being afk, so I started spamming my q while the ADC shot at turrets. 60 seconds later I was informed that I would receive punishment for being afk...

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Yoooooo can you DM me your info (playername#NA1 or similar)? Also roughly what time/timezone you played that game. We are concerned about false positives on Yuumi and are going to hotfix some adjustments.


Originally posted by FanboiDefenseForce

Thanks for the well thought out response.
If fortification, or at least a reduced amount for afk, is not the answer then the offending player needs a heavier toll for leaving. A cumulative effect of validated reports, more in game prompts outlining the offense as it happens etc.

I’m not going to pretend to know why or how riot manipulates game matchmaking but it’s obvious it’s at play. Some effort needs to be made to address this flaw. At a minimum there needs to be some relief for those that understand you cannot win every match and don’t become a anchor 1 minute or 10 minutes into a match.

Yes, we agree that our penalties are not meaningful enough for AFKs. Especially in ranked. No specific timeline, but this is something we are looking to improve.


We tell you in the chat box when we detect that someone has genuinely disconnected (i.e. game has lost connection to them). However depending on what has happened we may not always know that for sure and there is a delay before we notify you so we don't spam you when someone is intermittently disconnecting.

In most games we actually do a silent bot takeover so you don't have to ask for it. Generally we've seen it's better for your winrate to have a bot vs being 4v5. This only happens after you've gotten that disconnect message above. It's possible there are cases where there is a disconnect here and a bot should have taken over and is not? Lemme raise some visibility on that internally.

However, we have a separate system that looks for "non-participation". Unfortunately in these cases we can't let a bot take over. Think someone running around the fountain doing nothing or being connected and just sitting idle. The player is still "there" so we it doesn't make sense...

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30 Apr


Originally posted by Seifty

on second thoughts, there's just 1 thing that is hard to differentiate for me, but I don't know if it has something to do with my red-green colour blindness. There are some champion abilities like Darius's 2nd and Morgana's ult and Riven's 3rd that don't have distinct colour to them, so it's easy to see them as greyed out i.e on cooldown when they're not. They look too similar to greyed out when they are ready. Since peripheral vision is often used to tell which abilities are ready, it can be easy to miss those abilities.

Let me make sure I'm understanding, you mean the actual ability button when you're playing the champion?

29 Apr


Originally posted by Electrical_Growth_71

I’m not sure how I feel about this now, my kamikaze steels are no longer worth as much

That's fair, but your team still gets the buff, and the other team is denied it. This is how the previous Elemental Rift Elder dragon behaved too.


Originally posted by Electrical_Growth_71

Oh so it’s no longer perm?

No it is a respawning temporary buff. Similar to Baron in that respect.


Originally posted by Electrical_Growth_71

I’ll check playback but my bar was empty, could be because I died immediately after stealing, but I’d expect it to per-long like the original buff

That death would be why you didn't see it. Just like the Baron buff, the Elder Dragon buff has a duration and is removed on death.

27 Apr


Originally posted by ThatGuyOnTheReddits

No self-loving 80's child calls themselves a millennial. You keep that kind of language off of these boards. #notmygen

Did... people forget Gen X exists? Trust me, you ain't a boomer even if you don't think of yourself as a millenial. You might identify with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials though!

23 Apr


Originally posted by Reasonable_Bug_5943

Suggestive items are that magic resistance 70 ap item and then that defence from ad and ap. Any reason those are suggested? My fault for being so vague

The default I'm seeing does have BVeil but that is still a mage item not a tank item.

As for suggested builds those are general builds for the champion, in general they are fine. But they are not always going to be the most optimal, and even any recommendations can't account for your in game situation.


Originally posted by Reasonable_Bug_5943

Awesome! I’ve never been sure about orb or gun blade. I’ll typically pick orb into tankier matches and gun blades into squishies. Statistically is it smart to build gun blade into squishy matches or orb all the way?

I haven't looked at her data in a while, but Mpen (Morello and IOrb) are always going to be your best items. She is an assassin with good AP ratios, I wouldn't be going tank Kat to get the most out of her.


Originally posted by Reasonable_Bug_5943

I’m a kat main who peaked bronze 1 when I played league on pc. Fast forward years came back cause I love the moba genre and made it to D1 playing katarina mid, Annie mid, and rengar jg on wild rift. But I’d like insider knowledge to what I should look out for playing katarina and what I can expect.

I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for, but off hand I know Iorb is a strong first item for her, and Gunblade is overrated.


Originally posted by Reasonable_Bug_5943

Is katarina frustrating?

She can be for sure. Do you find her frustrating?

22 Apr


Originally posted by MonoAsMe

IIRC the game was developed with colour blindness in mind so besides you wanting a yellow health bar, its already made in a way that it shouldn't be a problem.

I remember a dev responded to this question a long time ago in one of the threads.

Correct, we tried to make things red-green colorblind friendly from the start so we didn't need a setting. If anyone who is colorblind is running into visibility problems, I would love to hear what specific areas we could improve.

20 Apr


Low win rates can be deceiving because the system can find your MMR very quickly and it uses MMR in matchmaking. Some players get lucky and the system can't find opponents good enough early on and they end up with a positive win rate until they hit Master. The win rate is positive because their team MMR gap (their team - other team) has averaged positive for most of their matches.

Other players end up unlucky and the system is able to find similar and sometimes harder opponents to them and they end up with much harder matches and a negative team MMR gap on average.

You can have two equally good players with a pretty wide range of win rate (e.g. 45-55%). Because MMR is shown to be more accurate at predicting match outcomes, if you have 2 players with the same MMR and different win rates, it means they just had harder / easier match histories.

We can tell this in the data by:

  1. Find two players with the same MMR but one with a lower win rate and on...
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Originally posted by gheycub

Thanks for sharing, I found this info very useful. I’m concerned what it might come down to is whether players (like myself) prefer longer matches versus players who prefer shorter matches. If this is the case, it will be very difficult to satisfy everyone unless you can find a happy compromised length.

I'm sure that is a factor, we are not trying to increase or reduce game time with these changes. There might be slight adjustments, if we feel we are getting something great for the increase/decrease. I personally think we could have slightly shorter games, but that is not a goal of these changes.


Originally posted by myraclejb

Have you tried the “bo5” model with accelerated spawns? Two drakes seems a little to easy to obtain and pushes for really fast games with a potential elder third drake. Maybe a minute earlier for first drake spawn and thirty seconds off current respawn timers. (As compared to live)

It depends on what exactly you mean by "accelerated spawn"? We have tried many different versions internally.

The nature of Bo5 means we would need a short respawn time, we don't want to go shorter than 4m. Even 4m doesn't really give us a good shape, and it really only means Dragon Soul comes online at a reasonable time if one team gets all 1 dragons. That is very realistic, or ideal for anyone so its more realistic to see 3/1 or 3/2 spreads. But then Dragon Soul comes on line FAR to late, and its even worse for the Elder Dragon.

5m initial spawn +~X || take time = 5m + x

4m respawn +~X || take time = 9m + x*2

4m respawn +~X || take time = 13m + x*3 (3/0 Dragon Soul)

4m respawn +~X || take time = 17m + x*4 (3/1 Dragon Soul)

4m respawn +~X || take time = 21m + x*5 (3/2 Dragon Soul)

4m respawn +~X || take time = 25m + x*6 (Elder)

In reality even these numbers aren't realistic. From looking at the average dragon take ti...

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Originally posted by gheycub

Are bans going to be allowed in this version?

I believe it is still blind pick. But on the upside it doesn't have an OP Master Yi.


Originally posted by Overbunded

The elemental rift changes are stupif af, After first dragon is way too early, champs like rengar could take a huge advantage way way at the beginning.After 3rd was right maybe after 2nd.

What they meant about after killing 2 dragons u get a piece of a soul? Like half the benefits of a fully completed soul?

I feel like this will encourage people to go FF after the 2nd dragon lost.

That is a risk for sure, this will add more pressure to the second dragon, and we don't want to add too much, but we felt it was helpful to try out this version.

We saw a lot of feedback saying that the "Best of 5" model was too slow, so we wanted to test a "Best of 3" version to see how that shakes out. The Best of 3 Dragon Soul is weaker than you saw in the Best of 5, but we are also testing some versions internally with different models.